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Expansive Soils <br />The near-surface soils at this site are medium expansive. Therefore, care should be given to <br />proper moisture conditioning of all building pad subgrade soils to a moisture content of 2 to 4 <br />percent above the Modified Proctor optimum during site grading. All imported fill soils should <br />have very low expansive characteristics. In addition to adequately moisture conditioning the <br />subgrade soils and fill soils during grading, special care must be taken to maintain moisture <br />content of these soils at 2 to 4 percent above the Modified Proctor optimum. This will require the <br />contractor to frequently moisture condition these soils throughout the grading process, unless <br />grading occurs during a period of relatively wet weather. <br />Due to the presence of expansive soils at this site, provisions should be made to limit the <br />potential for surface water to penetrate the soils immediately adjacent to the structures. These <br />provisions should include directing surface runoff into rain gutters and area drains, reducing the <br />extent of landscaped areas around the structure, and sloping the ground surface away from the <br />building.Where possible, it is recommended that landscaped planters not be located <br />immediately adjacent to the building. If landscaped planters around the buildings are necessary, <br />it is recommended that drought tolerant plants or a drip irrigation system be utilized, to minimize <br />the potential for deep moisture penetration around the structures. Presented below is a list of <br />additional soil moisture control recommendations that should be considered by the owner, <br />developer, and civil engineer: <br />• Ponding and areas of low flow gradients in unpaved walkways, grass and planter areas should be <br />avoided. In general, minimum drainage gradients of 2 percent should be maintained in unpaved <br />areas. <br />• Bare soil within five feet of proposed structures should be sloped at a minimum five percent <br />gradient away from the structure (about three inches of fall in five feet), or the same area could <br />be paved with a minimum surface gradient of one percent. Pavement is preferable. <br />• Decorative gravel ground cover tends to provide a reservoir for surface water and may hide areas <br />of ponding or poor drainage. Decorative gravel is, therefore, not recommended and should not be <br />utilized for landscaping unless equipped with a subsurface drainage system designed by a <br />licensed landscape architect. <br />• Positive drainage devices, such as graded swales, paved ditches, and catch basins should be <br />installed at appropriate locations within the area of proposed development. <br />• Concrete walks and flatwork should not obstruct the free flow of surface water to the appropriate <br />drainage devices. <br />• Area drains should be recessed below grade to allow free flow of water into the drain. Concrete <br />or brick flatwork joints should be sealed with mortar or flexible mastic. <br />• Gutter and downspout systems should be installed to capture all discharge from roof areas. <br />Downspouts should discharge directly into a pipe or paved surface system to be conveyed offsite. <br />• Enclosed planters adjoining, or in close proximity to proposed structures, should be sealed at the <br />bottom and provided with subsurface collection systems and outlet pipes. <br />• Depressed planters should be raised with soil to promote runoff (minimum drainage gradient two <br />percent or five percent, see above), and/or equipped with area drains to eliminate ponding. <br />• Drainage outfall locations should be selected to avoid erosion of slopes and/or properly armored <br />to prevent erosion of graded surfaces. No drainage should be directed over or towards adjoining <br />slopes. <br />• All drainage devices should be maintained on a regular basis, including frequent observations <br />during the rainy season to keep the drains free of leaves, soil and other debris. <br />' CALIFORNIASOUTHERN <br />1* GEOTECHNICAL <br />G&M Convenience Store # 72 - Santa Ana, CA <br />PrOJect No. 16G123-1R <br />Page 20