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Grading Guide Specifications Page 2 <br />• Major vegetation should be stripped and disposed of off-site. This includes trees, brush, <br />heavy grasses and any materials considered unsuitable by the Geotechnical Engineer. <br />• Underground structures such as basements, cesspools or septic disposal systems, mining <br />shafts, tunnels, wells and pipelines should be removed under the inspection of the <br />Geotechnical Engineer and recommendations provided by the Geotechnical Engineer and/or <br />city, county or state agencies. If such strudures are known or found, the Geotechnical <br />Engineer should be notified as soon as possible so that recommendations can be <br />formulated. <br />• Any topsoil, slopewash, colluvium, alluvium and rock materials which are considered <br />unsuitable by the Geotechnical Engineer should be removed prior to fill placement. <br />• Remaining voids created during site clearing caused by removal of trees, foundations <br />basements, irrigation facilities, etc., should be excavated and filled with compaded fill. <br />• Subsequent to clearing and removals, areas to receive fill should be scarified to a depth of <br />10 to 12 inches, moisture conditioned and compaded <br />• The moisture condition of the processed ground should be at or slightly above the optimum <br />moisture content as determined by the Geotechnical Engineer. Depending upon field <br />conditions, this may require air drying or watering together with mixing and/or discing. <br />Compacted Fills <br />• Soil materials imported to or excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill, provided <br />each material has been determined to be suitable in the opinion of the Geotechnical <br />Engineer. Unless otherwise approved by the Geotechnical Engineer, all fill materials shall be <br />free of deleterious, organic, or frozen matter, shall contain no chemicals that may result in <br />the material being classified as "contaminated," and shall be very low to non-expansive with <br />a maximum expansion index (EI) of 50. The top 12 inches of the compacted fill should <br />have a maximum particle size of 3 inches, and all underlying compacted fill material a <br />maximum 6-inch particle size, except as noted below. <br />• All soils should be evaluated and tested by the Geotechnical Engineer. Materials with high <br />expansion potential, low strength, poor gradation or containing organic materials may <br />require removal from the site or selective placement and/or mixing to the satisfadion of the <br />Geotechnical Engineer. <br />• Rock fragments or rocks less than 6 inches in their largest dimensions, or as otherwise <br />determined by the Geotechnical Engineer, may be used in compacted fill, provided the <br />distribution and placement is satisfactory in the opinion of the Geotechnical Engineer. <br />• Rock fragments or rocks greater than 12 inches should be taken off-site or placed in <br />accordance with recommendations and in areas designated as suitable by the Geotechnical <br />Engineer. These materials should be placed in accordance with Plate D-8 of these Grading <br />Guide Specifications and in accordance with the following recommendations: <br />• Rocks 12 inches or more in diameter should be placed in rows at least 15 feet apart, 15 <br />feet from the edge of the fill, and 10 feet or more below subgrade. Spaces should be <br />left between each rock fragment to provide for placement and compaction of soil <br />around the fragments. <br />• Fill materials consisting of soil meeting the minimum moisture content requirement:s and <br />free of oversize material should be placed between and over the rows of rock or