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1901 E Dyer Rd - Soils Report
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1901 E Dyer Rd
1901 E Dyer Rd - Soils Report
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6/23/2022 1:32:37 PM
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6/23/2022 1:31:29 PM
Soils Report
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Alliance Residence October 18,2016 <br />J.N.: 2530.00 <br />Page 14 <br />a greater slab thickness and reinforcement based on proposed use and loading conditions and such <br />recommendations should govern i f greater than the recommendations presented herein. <br />Concrete floor slabs in areas to receive moisture sensitive coverings should be underlain with a <br />minimum of 10-mil moisture vapor retarder con forming to ASTM E 1745, Class A. The membrane <br />should be properly lapped, sealed, and underlain with at least 4 inches of sand having a sand <br />equivalent (SE) no less than 30. One inch of this sand may be placed over the vapor barrier to aid in <br />the curing of the concrete. This vapor retarder system is anticipated to be suitable for most flooring <br />finishes that can accommodate some vapor emissions. However, this system may emit more than 4 <br />pounds of water per 1000 sq. ft. and therefore, may not be suitable for all flooring finishes. <br />Additional steps should be taken if such vapor emission levels are too high for anticipated flooring <br />finishes. <br />Special consideration should be given to slabs in areas to receive ceramic tile or other rigid, crack- <br />sensitive floor coverings. Design and construction should mitigate hairline cracking through the use <br />of additional reinforcing and careful control of concrete slump. <br />Block-outs should be provided around interior columns to permit relative movement and mitigate <br />distress to the floor slabs due to differential settlement that will occur between column footings and <br />adjacent floor subgrade soils as loads are applied. <br />A 12-inch-wide grade beam, founded at the same depth as adjacent footings, should be provided <br />across garage entrances or other large door openings. The grade beam should be reinforced with a <br />minimum of four No. 4 bars, two top and two bottom. <br />Prior to placing concrete, subgrade soils below slab-on-grade areas should be thoroughly moistened <br />to provide moisture contents that are at least 120 percent of optimum to a depth of 12 inches. <br />Design of the proposed slabs in accordance with "Design of Slab-on-Ground Foundations" by Wire <br />Rein forcement Institute (1981 and updated 1996) may be based on an Effective Plasticity Index of <br />32 (includes factors for sloping ground and overconsolidation). <br />6.3.8 Post-Tension Slab-on-Grade <br />The thickness of the floor slabs should be determined by the project structural engineer. However, <br />we recommend a minimum slab thickness of4.5 inches. <br />Perimeter edge beams should be founded at a minimum depth of 15 inches below the lowest adjacent <br />final ground surface. Interior beams may be founded at a minimum depth of 12 inches below the <br />tops of the finish floor slabs. <br />Concrete floor slabs in areas to receive moisture sensitive coverings should be underlain with a <br />minimum o f 10-mil moisture vapor retarder conforming to ASTM E 1745, Class A. The membrane <br />should be properly lapped, sealed, and underlain with at least 4 inches of sand having a sand <br />equivalent (SE) no less than 30. One inch of this sand may be placed over the vapor barrier to aid in <br />the curing of the concrete. Where a mat slab is used and is at least 8 inches in thickness, the sand <br />may be reduced to one inch in thickness. This vapor retarder system is anticipated to be suitable for <br />ALBUS-KEEFE & ASSOCIATES, INC.
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