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KEY FOR SOIL CLASSIFICATION <br />UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (ASTM D-2487) <br />GROUPPRIMARY DIVISIONS SECONDARY DIVISIONS <br />SYMBOL <br />CLE.Ul GRAVEL GW Well-graded gravel, gravel with sand, little or no fines <br />GRAVEL (Lme-,51*/1 GP Poorly-graded gravel. gravel with sand. little or no fines <br />(% GRAVEL > <br />96 SAND)DIRTY· GRAVEL GM Silty gravel, silty gravel wllh sand, sitty or non-plastic fines <br />GC Clayey gravel. clayey gravel with sand, clayey or plastic fines <br />CLEAN SAND SW WeD-graded sand. sand with gravel. little or no fines <br />SAND Ress 91- 596 -s)SP Poorty-graded sand. sand with gravel, little or no fines <br />(96 SAND z <br />96 GRAVEL)-DIRTY' SAND SM Silty sand, silty Sand with gravel, silly or non-plastic fines <br />SC Clayey sand, dayey sand w,th gravel, clayey or plastic fines <br />ML Inorganic silt. sandy silt, gravelly silt, or dayey silt with low plastiatyiliSILTS AND CLAYS CL Inorganic clay of low to medium plastiaty, sandy day, gravelly day. silty day, Lean Clay(Liquid Umit less than 50) <br />OL Low to medium plasticity Silt or Clay with significant organic content (vegetative matter) <br />CH Inorganic clay of high plasticity. Fat Clay <br />MH Inorganic elastic silt. sandy silt. gravelly silt. or dayey silt of medium to high plasticity <br />SILTS AND CLAYS <br />(Liquid Limit 50 or more) <br />OH Medium to high plasticity Silt or Clay with significant organic content (vegetative matter) <br />HIG-ILY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat or other highly organic soils <br />Note: Dual symbols are used for coarse grained soils with 5 to 12% fines (ex: SP-SM), and for solls with Alterberg Limits falling in the Ct-ML band in the Plasticity <br />Chart. Bordertine classifications between groups may be indicated by two symbols separated by a slash (ex: CUCH, SW/GW). <br />S2 <br />CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION MOISTURE CLASSIFICATION <br />COARSE GRAINED SOILS F NE GRAINED SOILS <br />Undrained DRY - Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch <br />Blowcount BlowcounP <br />Shear MOIST- Damp but no visible water <br />SPT1 Consistency SPT1 Consistency Strenth: Su WET- Visible free water. usually soil is below water table <br />(CAL)2 (CAL)2 (ksf) <br />5-10 <br />(7-15) <br />11-30 <br />(16-45) <br />31-50 <br />(46-75) <br />>50 <br />(>75) <br /><2 Very Soft <0.25 <br />(<3)Very Loose <br />Loose <br />Med. Dense <br />Dense <br />Very Dense <br />(7-12) <br />9-15 <br />(13-22) <br />16-30 <br />(23-45) <br />>31 <br />(>45) <br />Soft 0.25 -0.50 <br />Firm 0.50 - 1.0 <br />SUff 1.0 - 2 <br />Very Stiff 2.0 - 4.0 <br />Hard >4.0 <br />CONSISTENCY NOTES: <br />1. Number of blowl of a 14O4b. hammer falling 30-inches to drive a 2-inch OD <br />(1.375-Inch ID) SPT Sampler [ASTM D-1585] the final 12-inches of driving <br />2. Number of blows of a 1404b. hammer falling 30-inches to drive a 34nch OD (2.42- <br />inch ID) California Ring Simpler the final 12-inches of driving. <br />3. Undralned shear strength of cohesive soils predicted from field blowcounts is <br />generally unreliable. Where possible. consistency should be based on Su data from <br />pocket penetrometer. torvane, or laboratory testing. <br />CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA BASED ON LABORATORY TESTS <br />Grain Size Classification <br />CLAY AND SILT <br />SAND GRAVEL <br />Fine 1 Medium Coarse Fine Coarse <br />COBBLES BOULDERS <br />US Std SI-No. 200 No. 401 No. 11 No. 4 3/4- 3- 12- <br />G- SN (nin,1 0.075 0.4251 ! 4.75 19.1 76.2 304.8 <br />PLASHCITY CHART Classification of earth materials shown on the logs is based on field inspection <br />and should not be construed to imply laboratory analysis unless so stated. <br />60· <br />50 <br />CA -OH <br />-40 - <br />30 <br />-A• L- <br />Granular Soil Gradatlon Parameters <br />Coefficient of Uniformity: Cu = D60 / [)10 <br />Coefficient of Curvature: Cc= ([)3of / (Dto x Deo) <br />Dio= 10% of the soil is finer than this diameter <br />[)30= 30% of the soil is finer than this diameter <br />D30- 60% of the soil is finer than this diameter <br /> 20 - in aL-20 <br />101,-OH <br />CL -OL <br />imMEZ Gradatlon or Plasticitv Reauirement <br />AX[IlE <br />SW10 -CU>6 and Q between 1 and 3 <br />/ ML . OL GW CU>4 and Cc between 1 and 3 <br />0 'GP or SP Clean gravel or sand not meeting requirement for GW or SW <br />0 20 40 60 80 100 GM or SM Plots below -A- Line on Plasticity Chart or PI < 4 <br />L IQUID LIMIT, LL GC or SC Plots above *A" Line on Plasticity Chart and PI > 7 <br />FIGURE A-la