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0 <br />0 <br />ALLOWABLE DOWNWARD PILE CAPACITY in Kips <br />40 80 120 160 200 240 <br />/-- Pile Diameter in Inches <br />0 <br />(18 267*2 <br />\\ 1-00 <br />1·U - - <br />0 20 40 60 80 100 120 <br />ALLOWABLE UPWARD PILE CAPACITY in Kips <br />NOTES: <br />(1) The indicated Mlues refer to the total of dead plus INe loads; a one-third increase may be <br />used when considering wind or seismic loads. <br />(2) Piles in groups should be spaced a minimum of 2-1/2 diameters on centers, and should be <br />drilled and filled alternately with the concrete permitted to set at least 8 hours before drilling <br />an adjacent hole. <br />(3) The indicated Malues are based on the strength of the soils; the actual pile capacities may <br />be limited to lesser yalues by the strength of the piles. <br />DRILLED PILE CAPACITIES <br />LAW/CRANDALL n <br />FIGURE 2 <br />JOB 70131.70261.0001 DATE : 6/26/97 <br />OE. <br />mwh <br />CHKD:PENETRATION BELOW PILE CAP in Feet