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Gri#in Really SA. Inc.-Geotechnical Investigation <br />Law/Crandall Project 70131-7-0261.0001 <br />July 7,1997 <br />APPENDIX A <br />EXPLORATIONS AND LABORATORY TESTS <br />EXPLORATIONS <br />The soil conditions beneath the site were recently explored by drilling two borings. In addition, <br />data were available from our prior investigation at the site (our Job No. 58338). The locations of <br />our current and prior borings are shown in Figure 1. The current borings were drilled to depths of <br />68% and 70 feet below the existing grade using 18-inch-diameter bucket-type drilling equipment. <br />Caving and raveling of the boring walls occurred as indicated on the boring logs; however, easing <br />or drilling mud was not used to extend the borings to the depths drilled. <br />The soils encountered were logged by our field technician, and undisturbed and bulk samples were <br />obtained for laboratory inspection and testing. The logs of the current borings are presented in <br />Figures A-1.1 through A-1.2; the logs from prior borings are presented in Figures A-1.3 and A- <br />1.5. The depths at which the undisturbed samples were obtained are indicated to the left of the <br />boring logs. The number of blows required to drive the Crandall sampler 12 inches is indicated on <br />the logs. The soils are classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System <br />described in Figure A-2. <br />LABORATORY TESTS <br />Laboratory tests were performed on selected samples obtained from the borings to aid in the <br />classification of the soils and to determine their engineering properties. <br />The field moisture content and dry density of the soils encountered were determined by <br />performing tests on the undisturbed samples. The results of the tests are shown to the left of the <br />boring logs. <br />A-1