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LAW/CRANDALL, INC.June 26,1997 <br />MJS&A #97192 Page 4 <br />Copper Tube <br />No special precautions are necessary for bare copper tubing for cold water. Hot water tubing may <br />be subject to a higher corrosion rate. The best corrosion control measure would be to place the hot <br />copper tubing above ground. If buried, encase in plastic pipe to prevent soil contact or apply <br />cathodic protection. <br />Plastic and Vitrified Clay Pipe <br />No special precautions are required for plastic and vitrified clay piping placed underground from a <br />corrosion viewpoint. Protect any iron valves and fittings with a double polyethylene wrap per <br />AWWA C105 or as described below for bare steel appurtenances. Where concrete thrust blocks are <br />to be placed against iron, use a single polyethylene wrap to prevent concrete/iron contact and to <br />eliminate the slipperiness of a double wrap. <br />All Pipe <br />On all pipe, coat bare steel appurtenances such as bolts, joint harnesses, or Dexible couplings with a <br />coal tar or elastomer based marnie, coal tar epoxy, moldable sealant wax tape, or equivalent after <br />assembly. <br />Where metallic pipelines penetrate concrete structures such as building floors or walls, use plastic <br />sleeves, rubber seals, or other dielectric material to prevent pipe contact with the concrete and <br />reinforcing steel. <br />Concrete <br />Any type of cement and standard concrete cover over reinforcing steel may be used for concrete <br />structures and pipe in contact with these soils. <br />Please call if you have any questions. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />M.J. SCHIFF & ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />«/t«*1) U./utw *&3V <br />James T. Keegan <br />Enc:Table 1 <br />z:\docs-97\971 92.doc <br />Reviewed by: <br />- Pall<R.64 <br />Paul R. Smith, P.E. <br />1,52 -oR,,5*,A C *BACR1043 2 It*C Expg-:30.094} <br />i \00,-A/ 11V>:,\4:n?os\.1..,»,4