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CPT Soil Classification Legend1!1 <br />Normalized Friction Ratio <br />Zone Q¢N Description Classification Chart <br />1.2 Sensitive, Fine Grained <br />2.1 organic Soils-Peats <br />3.1.5 clays-clay to silty clay <br />2 Silt Mixtures-Clayey Silt to Silty Clay <br />3 Sand Mixtures-Silty Sand to Sandy Silt <br />LL 4.5 Sands-Clean Sand to Silty Sand <br />7.6 Gravelly Sand to Sand <br />1 Very Stiff Sand to Clayey Sand* <br />9 L 2 Very Stiff, Fine Grained* <br />-- <br />1000-1 1.,1 <br />?lg <br />9 <br />100 r <br />6 <br />5 <br />10 <br />0.5 1.0 5.0 1( <br />FRICTION RATIO,t x 1 00% <br />NORMALIZED -'-I.- <br />Clt - OVO <br />(*) Heavily Overconsolidated or Cemented (Ref. Robertson, 1990) <br />1 1