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SITE-WORK DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS <br />L as osncr .r rhr r(,ltny, or ,ny o 'tl,,yr.s wirh w0scs 0r rhcn bh compcnslrion. will do rhc *ort ud thc ntu1m is tor <br />inrcndcd o! ottcrcd lor elc lse.?04-1. Ilusincss nnd Pmr.s\n,n\ C,xlc: l-hc Contrckr's Liccnsc l-aw docs.orapplt o dn onn$of <br />rhc r'op.ny who huills or impn,vcs rhcmn. .frl who des suh soll hnnrll or hoscll or rl$u8h his or hcr own cDrp()yccs, <br />trolidcd rhlt \uch impnrvcrmnrs arc *n idlnLd or oftrc{l fir slc lI howckr. rl[ ti,ildirg or i'nprncmd h dd Nirhi', .trc ]ur <br />oicon{'lction, rlt Oqkr auikcr *ill hr{ rtr burdchofpmvin! rhsr hc o. shc did nor 6Dill or i'ryro\ rhc lrepcny tn rhc puqD* ol <br />l- a\.sncrofrhc prop.ny. aarcxclNivclyconr.dirs wirh li..nscd .rtrrNIors to construd d. pmlc.l (S( 704,1. BNinc\\ <br />ond Boto$btr Codc: Thc C.nkactr'r Litcn\e l-!w doc\ nol lpfly ro on ownq olnropcny wno build\ or inpolcs rhc.con. <br />ond who conlmch ior such,mirrr snh . Coda.rtrG) li..i\cd pu^xnr hrhcCoftr.rtr * t-iccn* Ijw) <br />-l <br />a crcnrplundcr Scclio <br />,IIOAtrEAT:IjOMIENSAIIONIl[rtrt&r]p! <br />I hcrbyrltu ru d.rp.lrlryof p.rjuryoncof rtutull,rwirgdc.lndion\: <br />I hdvc uid willnlinuin u Ccniicnrc olConscnr ro Sclf lnsurc lor wolksi ompcneriur. as rmlidcd lor t y Sccrn,n lT0Oolrh. <br />l-,hor Co!c. i.. rhc I).rfonMmc ollnc wo* ,or *hi.h rhc pcrnil is i$rcd. <br />_lhrlcind{illmoinrrinqorkcrscom|cm.tnrir1sufurf,c.a\rcqrnddhtSc.ti.rlT(Dofrhcl-b.rC(d..forrh.l).rfonr!rccof <br />rhc *1trk lhr $hi.h this |)cmrn is nsucl M y sort.s cu rFn\arn,n insurrn.c .micr drd Fni.t nnrnb.r &cl <br />PolicyNun$cr Expncs <br />I ccnily rhtrr in rhc pcriorroncc ofrhc work aor Nhich rhn lrilnir is ksucd. I rhill nor cnlloy ony pcnon in lny manmr <br />s $ ro b.comc subjer r. rl'. *orkcr{ ion h*s of Cllitumil and 4rc rhtrr il I \h,uld hcc.m \ubjcd b rri <br />wortcn.ontcnsrtmnpn,visionrofSdtbn.lTmoflhcLitnrCodc.lshrll.f{rjh{ithconplywirhrto{pmlisbns <br />IVARNINC Failurc lo ccurc workc6' con{'€trsoli,,n covcEr. is unl.stul. .trd shrll sDbj..r an c"lPlorr Io ciDirrl rMlrics ind <br />n' orc hunnrcd thousrrd dollnrs ($loo.r[D), ir dddiri(,n lo rhc co{ ofco i.n. drnr8cs rs Ircvirlsl lor rhc <br />:::,T,YTi <br />DECI.AMIDN <br />I hcEhy lfirn rndcr p.Mllyofpcrjuryrhal I m l,mtred undcr r{,vi\ion orCh,fl$ 9 (enrmnciig eilh sc.rion 7000) oiDivision 3 <br />ol rh. BusiR$ dd Pbrcssiona C..L. arxl m, liccosc is in tirll folcc md eficcl <br />t8 t <br />C(}NSTRUCTI(}N I FNNINC A(iT'N(:Y <br />I h.tuby rrfiln undcr Itnllry ol Frju.y nnr rhcrc isaconsrruclio lcDdi.!qcncy r'or rhc r.rinruncc ofrhc,ork lor {hi.b rhis Frnril is <br />nrkd (Scc.109r. Civ C ). <br />AEEUIANLDEII.AAAIION <br />ln E$y afiim undcr pen0lry ol!.rjury orc of rhc rollowin8 <br />Dcmolilion Pcirnirs.Asb.sos Nol,fi.dio, rcdfirl Rcgxlnrions lTirlc 40. Pd6) <br />-Rcquie'd <br />trllcr ol Noilf,,rn,r <br />I ccnilirhd rhc ltdcrrl rcBUld i,rN agnllnE (sh.{osr.trFvrldc tror.p|lic$lc k, rhh protrcr <br />-lccnilyrhdIlNcrc. <br />rhirapplic.hotr ndsrr.rhdrrhc hrc i'irornEr n i\.odc.r.I a8rLrro.o fly *irfi nll Ciry aM Counry <br />o inamc\ and sr0rc liws rclariq lo huildins c.Nrucri,rn. iftlhcrcbyaurhorizc rcrcsctrhrilcs olrnt Cil, and Counly ro cnlcr upon rhc <br />ati)vc nEnti,,ncd pn,D.n, 6r iNlncrion <br />Arpli(rnl or ,\|rnl si,rnakrn <br />Pem rftmne(pdnr): ,/+J rc^)&t/\z< <br />af ,'f ,' <br />Sel Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />Sublloor/VenVl nsulation <br />Ro of Sheathing 4l?,61d1;,N",et//2 ,) <br />Shear Wall l UI <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Ener gv <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lt4aso n ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Beq <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />I <br />FINAL ,/2/azh ".-M-,;) <br />Certif icate of Occu pancy <br />Notes Remarks Etc <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Drywall <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />OWNER I}UILDEN DELCARATION <br />I hcrchy,ttum undn,cn.hy r'r pcrjury rhir I un cichpr aro rhc Conrrrrnc Li.cnsc lj* lor rhc toll,,siiE rd.s,r (sc.70.rl5 <br />Bu\inc$ rnd Prnfcssion Codc) Any Cny or Connry which rcquncu Fnhn b .on(ncr. dlrd, im {,vd. d.trDli\h or q),L any <br />dtucrur., prt,r. n\ nsusncc- olso requnesrhe aplicr lbr such trilnirto lilca statcnrtrl thor h.or shc is liccnscd punua <br />b lhe provnions nfll* Contr0clor'i Liccn$d bw (Chnplcr 9. ct,m FminS sirh Sccrn{ 7{Xx) of Divisb. ] .f rhc Busincs and <br />Pml.\\t,n\C{xlc)o.ihlr hcorrhc is€xcmrlrhcEliomaDd rh. b.sis lor lhcallc8 ncx.mDlion. AnyviohlionofS.dionT0ll.5l,yrny <br />rpllic0trl for l,rnnir iubjcch lhc b a.i!ilpcnslrrornor morc rnrn fivc hundrcddolh ($5001 <br />B &PC turrhis'crn . <br />I