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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.OWNER BtiTI,DI]R DIiLCARA ION <br />I hctcny lmrfl u cr |{.alr} (,t Frjury lhnl I an cxcmfl lnr <br />'hc <br />Comrn'n l-iccn*- Itrw l',,r rhc rolli,wir'g rcaq ' <br />(scc.7oll I <br />Bu\nrs\ rnd Polcsi{in Cdd.): Any Cirt or Cotrmy slrich rdqut.r s p.nrir k, cotr{fl.r. 0lrd. irprovc, dcnFlish or rcFn ,ny <br />(rucrtrrc. rrior to nr nsurmc..ko rcquncs rhc0mli.r lor su.hlxnnirto flc ! sigtrcd slolcflr lhd heorshc i! lic.nscd plrs.anr <br />b rh. pi{,vkn u olrhe Corkrck s Liccn$d l-rw (Chrflcr 9. Co rmcn.i'r8 wirh Sftr ion 70(r oi Divisin I (f th. Bu\in$s nnd <br />P()lcssions Cndc) or rhd lx orshc is cicnrfl rhcrclrormd rhc br(is turlhc rllc8 ncrcmplt,n AnyriolJlbnolSccrioiT0]l.5bydny <br />rlplicrnr loru pcnnir suhjcch rhc aptlicnit t' rcivillcuhyol'nor ftrc rhr fir. h!tulrcd dolhs rS5($). <br />I. rs oun.r orrhc pmtrdy, or nrycmployex wilh wl8cs.s lhcir $lc conr|cDsolion, willdo lhc *o* ud rhe {er@ ir nor <br />inlsncd or for elc (Ss 7014. Au\incss and hotc\sions Codc l hc 6nt6croar l-iccnsc tiw docs nor +tly b nn owncr ol <br />rhc psFiy wh. builds or inpsws ttrrcn. Md who docs su.i M,.t hinscllor hcMlf or $rou8h his or hcr own cnpt'ycc\, <br />proliici rh such inr.llEnrnr\ lrc fl, intcftllt or oficNl ritr eL. Il rhscvcr rh. huildin8 or nrrmwmnr is sld *ilhin .rc )r{ <br />ofcoq,Lrion. llE Owncr Auiu.r will h.rc rhc hudcn ol rro\ ine rlv! h. or thc did mr blild or irymw rhc pmFny for $c nu4rr ot <br />-1. <br />as o*ncr of rhc ,mtcfly. an crcluiiwly conr.cting with li€cnsd .ontracrou lo onnrud rh. Flret (Sc. 7Or4. Busims <br />and hofc$bn Codcr Thr Conhc'ol s Lic.n$ Lsw d@s .or ,pply ro e own r of tmFny who builds or imprcecs thqon,and sho 6.rDcli for ruch pEimh with a Coi!6do(s) li.ensd nurs@r lo rhc Conlrd.rm r hw). <br />-l <br />m crcnfl undc, Scc <br />EoxxEEs_laulENsAr{tN <br />NTCLARATION <br />I ncrc6, .116 und.. Fn y 6fprjury o.c oflhc folowine <br />lhrvrrnd silltrui' rinn(lcdii.!r.ofCutr{trrt,S.llli\u..,itrworkcri.. !..\nri(nr, 11 pn,e cdn{byScdion.lT(x)olrhc <br />llhor (ixlc. nn rhl Iu hflnm( olrh. work ri which rh. plnnir is ir\udn <br />I hrvc rtrd Rill'nrinrain eolk.h comJEN,tun insuan.., !s rcquncd by Sccriotr 3?(XJ ofih. tibor Codc.lbr lhc ncrlortuncc ol <br />ir bspd. Mywortcu ..nvrnsarioo insur cc cmicr md policy numbcr m: <br />r.A,y'\rCOr3 1[]oJY <br />-l <br />ccniiythor inrhe !e olrurcc or rhc so,k for qhich thh rErmir h hsrcd. l tull nor employ uy peNln in 8ny mmkr <br />$ tri ro subrdt to thc m Gc conF.erio. hws of Caliror.i,. and a8ft nd if I should bccom subjcd lo lh. <br />vo*cm' .omFrstion pmvision. of Setion l?00 of lhc L{bor Codc. I $tnll. fonh*ilt cun ly qilh thos ,mvGions.. <br />WAtrNtN(;r FlilxE ro sur workcu' .{m!.nrdion evcE8c n u.hwtul. nnd shall subjet on mploycr lo aininal Fn.hi.r lnd <br />.ivil 0nc! np ro orc hnodrcd rhousad dollus (SlLl0.0O0), in oddiiion ro hc.o of conpcBorion. dlmgcs !s loeidcd n,r rhc <br />Scctron :ltl76.frhc tib.r C.rdc. mreF(n.d omv <br />*,,, 1.b./d-. n0,,,*,. <br />D&SAAAIION <br />I hcrcbylrfirm undcr lr.nolryolp{riury rhd I am lian*d undcr rrovision nlCnaplcr 9 (rootrffinr with sNlion 7O0O) oiDivision 3 <br />ol <br />'hc <br />Busims &d Pofcssions Codc. and my ltcns is nr rull lorcc .nd cfin.-l <br />o (e-7/4? <br />, <br />T <br />toNtfBlc[ url])MirllitNl.Y <br />Ih.r.hyrrftnrunl.rpcn!lr,oin.rjurrrhrrrhcrcnrconrrru.iiotrbndi',arrcnc!,nrrhcpcnairrnccorrhcturkiorqhichrhi\tEnnnir <br />is\ucd (Sc. 1097, Civ. C ) <br />A.TII.ICANTDECLABIIION <br />I lIeby Jtnn utulcr Nndhyol pcrjury onc ofth. fdlosins dcclttririotrs <br />Dc'mUir,n P.rtuiNAsb.n.s Norilicrrion Fcdcnl RcguhrnJns (Tirlc.l0. Piri6) <br />Requn d krr$ ol Noriarcarion <br />l cdriyrhJr rhc hdcmlrcgul0rion' rcsndin8 r.b.!o'Lnxrvilarc nrr ofi. EJhlc tothn Fnicc' <br />ffii^",",""0 rn'.rnrr(u,i.,n dd narc lhr rh. rbvc inro'Brio. is.otrsr rrEBroonrriye hsrt:ryand(runry <br />ordi.ares and Sh'c Lass Bhlins ro buildiflB consrDcrhG an h.rcby rnd Counry o cnr& uB)n rhc <br />rtsv. mnriomd l,bF,ry for inspctn,n Purpo*s. <br />Appli{rnl or Sitnrlum:4,c.11 <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Piping <br />Rool Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing "u/tnx c^kg <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Belease <br />FINAL bl?/rx sN69 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />COMMENTS <br />Miscellaneous <br />D!lc: O*ftr: <br />t'l'[a' <br />f------r----- <br />f------T------