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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOH RECOHD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILDAR DELCARAIION <br />I hcrcby drltn tr.df rcirty of !trjury thAt I fln cxcmtl riom rhc C.nrtucro* Li.cnsc trw rd rhc rbllowins .cu$n ( Slr ?01 1 5 <br />Businc$ otu Proicssion Codc): Any Cir, or Co! y which !equi6$ r r ni h Nnstruct. rltcr. inrrn,v.. d.'mlish or rcPait sny <br />srrucxrc. prior to irs n\uancc, als. r.qnncsrhc !mli..d nr ru.htrir r k) lilc u siBocd srar.ftnr rhir h.or shc is liccned pur$lnr <br />b lhc F)visionl orlhc aontrtrck s Licctrscd Lr* (Chlprcr 9. CoFftmine wnh Scdion TlIb of Divi\in.I orrh. Busincs and <br />Polt$ionsCodc)o,th$hcorshciscrcnllrhcr.rr.,ndihttflsisrorlhc.llc8cicrcmPlion. nyliohriodolsccrhnT0ll5tyaiy <br />arplicrnrrorancmirsuhj*$5u0. <br />-l.aro*ncroalhcpmpcny-orny.npk)ytcswirhw{scsasrhcnsobconrPcnsrion.willd.rhcwoik0Mlhcsltrrurci\ftnimcnd.n or offcrd for el. (s(.x!4. Busircss ond Pmfcssbns Codc Thc Onrrcttr s Li.ctrt tjw docs nor lpplyio m owftr or <br />rh. F,pcny sho boilds or improvrs rhcFn, and wno dcs \uch M,l him\.lror h.r$lfor rhrough his or hcr own cnfl.yccs. <br />nrcvidci rhd such impovcrnh rc norinr.dlnl or.ltcdJ fiY eL.ll h}ctr. llE huilding or in{ is $kl qirhin,{r Frr <br />of.onlptrhn- lhc Ol ncr Buildcr will hnh rhe lturden of Imvi'rg rhd h. or \hu dil n.r ttrild or impr*t $c ,mFny for rhc farFc of <br />-1.!sosrcrolrhcpropcny.r'n.r.lusilcly.ontr.iingwirhli.c.scdcoftld{slocois.rrhcfmj.cllSa7{}44-Businr$nd Phtu\bnCodc:ThcConl!0crolsl,icctrscl,!sdo.snorrpplyk,a.sncr.lptoFnywhohuild\orinpn'rcsrhcrcotr. <br />lnd *ho coniEch ftr \nch tmje* wilh r Conhctorls) liccnscd pursu0nr ro rhc C. rlctr's Li.cnsc tjw) <br />Dsrcr <br />- <br />Own.r: <br />worKER$c(ttrjrPEN!^Ioii <br />DEILAM.IION <br />I tceh, al0rmLilcr pcdx, of tcjury om ol lh. followin8 dalaBrnrns <br /> md will nEn rir a Ccnitudrc .f (i)tr{.r t, s.lf ltr\ur. ntr $orkc6 compcn\rri{in. r\ pn,ridrd fi, byScclior.lT(x)ol rhc <br />Latff Cc{t, frrhctl.fonruh-^c o,lhc *ork fitr *hkh rhcFnnir is i\\urd <br />I halc and $illnrainruin $d d^ compctrs.rion ir\um.c., as rcquiicd hySccrion lTmorrhc lihor codc. lor rhc Frrornrtuc ol <br />A,J Frmir n i$u.d. Myworkcn o rtef{ri(lr iNurrNc.rnnr Nli.ynnmhcrmw4tcasL.TraJ <br />{-l .f. <br />l.cnil, thar in rhc lcrlormncc olrhc sort n, *hich rhk Frnn is isu.d.I shrll nor cmnloy lny r.rn,n in rny ntmmr <br />$ si.lE@m sbjcd ro rhc wotr.r $mpcnerion h*s ofcolifomio. mi 4rcd rhd irl should, subjd h rtE <br />workcn comFn\srion fiovici.nsofsc.rion ]70o o! thc L.nn Codc.I sh{ll. fonhsirhconltlly wilh lht pmvnionr <br />WARNIN(;] F,ilur. ro *urc sorkcr' con{i.nsal ion covcrus. is rnh*rul, d nrli subrccr trtr ct{k,rtr n, ridmllcnrllics otrd <br />.iv'l fincs ut lo oN hutrdrcd rhousand dolla^ ($, in addirn,n ro (hc..$ ol con[cn\.lion. dtrmgcs as Pruvidcd r'or rht <br /> 10?6ol rhc Lnh.r Codc- inrcrcdond nnomc, s fcc\ <br />,, <br />I hcrb, altfln und( Fnrhyolpcrjury lhll I r lietr\cd tr pr)risi.n olChnBd 9(comnrncing $irh Sccrioi TIXU ofDivi\lotr.l <br />ol rh. Busi'r.\sr PmL\\nnh Coilc. n|d nrv liccra is n tullli)i* rRl.f,icr <br />(?t .d2'tt$1 <br />61.c .l %Lr r4*r,r.. <br />COXSIBIJ(:II()NIINDINC.&CEN!:I <br />I hdruby rfllrnundcr pcnrllt ofr.rjury rhut ihcrc is a con{rudioi hnding,Scrcy lnr <br />'nc Pcdom'mc orrh. $Itrk ror shi.h lhi\ rrmi n <br />ilsu.d iS.. 1097, Civ. C ) <br />AIPI.IIANIIIEII,AAAfION <br />Ih. yrlfii,nund$ pcnrlly ollcrjury onc ollhc lollowin8 dcchrariois: <br />Dcnrririn Pernirs sb.ior Nori6cilio ftdcBl Rc8ula! tnN 1l irl. .l0. Pan6) <br />Rcquncd h crol Notilicnlion <br />-l.clif) <br />thrr rhc icdcral rcgdh,'nh rc8r'l'ng J.b.snr rnn!rl rrc n.r Jl.llEohk ro thtr F!..r <br />!C(n,b rha, I h.a Eod <br />'hN <br />rrrl{arion dJxl srtrrc rh.rlh. ah)vc ini,,rorion h.orer. I r8t& ro comtly wirh all cn, lod counry <br />or(lirrtrcc! tr{tSrrrclr'\srlxritrgt)hu l,lir!.onnru.rn .rtrdhcrcht n'cscnrdilc\ofrhiscirynndcoutrryrocnrcruE rhc <br />.hr\r rmtrrnmd n0!.ny lor in\F{r <br /> or Sian.lor€ <br />/L <br />4.G.1bo <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Founlains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lite Satety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundino / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh 1/Al,t ,r\ 5x <br />Service lVleter <br />Ir)/L{! t t >agf{ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Site-Work <br />FINAL <br />-l <br />cxempt undcr Scdi.r-. B &PC forlhhElson <br />nr,.r"*,*, 6{rr,;u (-t3lo} <br />-r:rprc\ <br />I