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104102531 - Permit (2)
Halladay St
3201 S Halladay St
104102531 - Permit (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/10/2022 12:11:08 PM
Creation date
11/10/2022 12:11:07 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
3201 S Halladay St
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Demo - Bathroom walls
Street Number
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Street Suffix
Building Use Code
Job Types
Permit Type
Applied Date
Issued Date
Finalized Date
Flood Zone
Description of Work
Demo unpermitted walls and return back to shell condition.
Nature of Work
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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARA'IION <br />I hereby aflirin unds pcnalty of perjury that I m .xempt from the ContractoE Licmse Larv for the follorving ree)n (Ss.7031.5 <br />Businss md Prof*ion Code): Any City or County which requires a po'mit lo construct. alta. improvc. dmolish or repair my <br />struclure, prior to lts issuance, also requirs the applicmt for such pennit to filc a signed statemot that he or she is licmsed pursuMt <br />to the provisions of the Contractor's Licensed law (Chapltr 9, Cornrnencing with Sstion 7000 of Division 3 of the Uusins md <br />Prol-cssiotrs Code) or that he or shc is exempt lhsefrom od the bsis for the alleged eranption. Any violation of Seclion 703 | .5 by any <br />applicant for a pcnnit subjsts the applicant to a civil penalty of not rnore thm five hundred dollus ($500). <br />__1. m orvnq ol the pro[Efly. or my ernployee with wags s their sole conpssation. will do the work md the slrudue is not <br />intoded or offqcd for sle (Sa.7044, Busines md Profasions Code: The Contractor's Licsse law do€ not apply 1o m owner of <br />theprepefry whobuildsorimprovelhqon.edwhodo6suchworkhitnselforhmelforlhroughhisorheownemployee, <br />provided thal such impnrvmols ue not inlmdql or offqed for sle. lf. howwq. the building or irnprovernent is sld within one ,@ <br />ofcomplction. the Orvncr Buildq rvill hare the budo ofpoving thal hc or shc did nol build or improve the prepery for the purposof <br />sle). <br />l. as owns of thc property, an exclusively contractin8 with licenscd conlractoB to coNlruct the preject (Sec. 7044. Uusins <br />ild hofcssionCode:TheContractor'sLicenseLawdo6notapplylomosnsofpropmyrvhobuildsorimprovcslhssn. <br />and who conlEcts lor such prcjects with a Contmcto(s) licmsed pureumt to the Conlraclor's [-iceNe La\v). <br />I m exernpt unds Setion---, B. & P.C. for this rmon. <br />l)ale: <br />WORKERS' CO[IPENSATION <br />DECLARATTON <br />I hoeby allirm undcr penalty ofpajury onc ofthe following delruatiore: <br />_l havc md will mainlain a Cenificate of Coreflt to Self-lnsure for work6s' compssation. c provided for by S6tion -1700 of the <br />Labor Code. for the perfommce of the rvork for which the pfinil is isued. <br />__l haveanduillmaintainworkm compcmationinsurance,a rquiredbySetion-1700oftheLaborCode,forthepsfomaceof <br />the work for which this pemit is issued. My works compssation insurmce cmier md policy numts ue: <br />(.aricr:. <br />Policy Numbtr:- <br />---Expires: <br />I cefrify lhat iI the performance ofthe work which this perrnit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any mmner <br />$ 6 to b€come subjst lo the workds'compeNalion laws and agre thal if I should bccorne subj{l lo the <br />work6' lompmsation provisions of S6tion 3700 of lhe Labor conrply rvith lho* provisions. <br />WARNINC: !-ailure to s(ure rvorkm' compensation shall subjet m mplcyct to siminal Fnalti6 and <br />civil fincs up to one hundred ($l of rJmages o provided t)r the <br />Sstion 3076 oflhc Labor <br />D<<- lLlhtc: <br />DECI-TRATION <br />I hoeby aflinn undr pmalty of pejury that I m licosed undo provision ofchapts I (commocing with Section 7000) of Division 3 <br />of the Buins od Profcsiof,s Code. md my licmse is in full force ud effel. l <br />oLicensc <br />CONS'TRUCTION LENDING AGENCY <br />I hereby affrrm undo ;uralty o f pqjury that thqc is a construoion lmding agmcy for thc pafomance of the work for which this pernit is <br />issued (Sa. 3097. Civ. C.). <br />Lendq's Nme: <br />Lmds s Addrm: <br />APPLICANT DECLARA'TION <br />I hoetry aflinn undo pmalty ofpojury one oflhe following deldalions: <br />Dcmolition Pqmits-Asb6los Notification [redqal Rc8ulations (Tille 40, Parl6) <br />Rcquired lf,tt6 of Notifi cation <br />-l <br />cdtify that the fedsal regulalioN rqnoval are not applicable k) this projst. <br />_,1 ccflify that I have read this above infonnation is conect. I agr* to cotnply with all City and County <br />ordinances and State [,aws aulhorize reprBcntativ6 ofthis City and County to fltq upon the <br />above motioned prcpsty for <br />,\pplicant or Agenr <br />tPemrile trsmr (pri[t): <br />\rz lLl'd <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Su bfloorA/enVl nsu lation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL fzlrLlra '-/r*V) <br />Certificate of Occu <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />l)alc:
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