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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG COMMENTS owNt:R lrutl,Dt]t( l)ut,cARA't'toN <br />I hereby affirn under penalty of perjury that I anr etenrpt fronr the (:ontraclos Licensc tjw for the following rcaen (5(.701 1 .5 <br />llusincss and Prolbssion C()de)r Any Cily or County which rcquircs a lErinil k) conslrucl, allcr. irnprovc. deralish or rcpair any <br />slnrcture, prior k) its issuance. also requircs the applicaill fbr srch fEmit t() fih a sigilad slatemtrl lhat lt or she is licatrrd purjuant <br />to thc nmvisions of the Conlractor's l-iccnsed lrw (Chaptcr 9. Commcncing wilh Scction ?(Xm ol Division 3 ol-thc Busincss and <br />ProlcssiousCode)orlhatheoriheisexempttherehomandlhebasislbrtlrcalleSedexemptbtr. nnyviolatioilofSectionT03l.5byatry <br />rppliclot for l permit subjects lhe npplicailt to a civil pendlty of nol more than llve hundred dollars ($5lx)). <br />_1, as owncr ol thc profrny, or my cmployccs with wagcs ds lhcir solc compcnsation, will do thc wo,* and lhe lMturc is mt <br />interxled oroffcrerlforule(Se.T044,BusincssandPrcfessknisC(xle:TheConlrrcbr'sLicenscL{wdocsnotspplylotnowncrof <br />the pn)pny wk) huilds or inprows thcrm[ axl wlm docs such work hinrself or lErself or tlrough his or lrr owl enrployees. <br />proYid('d rhat such improvcrEnrs dc 8n htcnded orolLrcd ft)r $le. ll, howevcr. rhc building or improvcmnt is sold wilhin one ycar <br />ol conuletitu. the Owrrer Builder will hrve thc burden of provirrg thfll lE or she did ftn build or imprcve the pmtEny for thr puqnsc of <br />sale). <br />_1, as owncr ofthe propef,y, am exclusivcly cootrscling wilh liccnsed conlraclors 10 con\lrucl the p()jed (Sec. 7044, Businass <br />arxl Pn)tl\si(nrCr)dc:TheContractrr'sLicenseLawdoe\notapplyloanownerofpr(!pertywhobuildsorinlprovesthcrcon. <br />and who contracls for such proiccls wilh a Conlraclor(s) liccnNcrl pursuaot h thc Cootrlc(tr's l-iccnsc Law). <br />_l anr exempt under Section-, B. & P.C. lbr this reason. <br />Drle:_ <br />W()RKI,IRS' ( ( )IlI'UNSA'I l( )N <br />t)E('t.,\R,\1 t()N <br />I hcrchy atlirm undcr plnaly of pcrjury onc ot lhe lbllowing dcclarations: <br />_lhoveuxlwillnuinlaina(c(ilicateofConsenlk)SelllDsuref(rrworkers'conrpensation,as pmvidedforhySccti(]n3700ofthe <br />Lnk)r Codc. Ibr thc lcrformtncc ol-lhc work li)r which thc pc,mil is issucd. <br />_lhaveandwillnraintainworke6'comp€Nalionirsurance,as requiredhySection3T00ofthetihorCode,fortheperfomurccof <br />thc work lbr which lhis IErmil is issuql. My workcrs' conrpcNation insurnncc cmicr iuxl lnlicy numhcr trc: <br />Policy /z/tr,/z-,.t <br />j(l ('nily rhd <br />,---7 <br />in lhc lrrli)r nnncc ol thc w(nk ,i)r whirh lhis l)ctrril is issuc(|, I shall not cnrpby uny pcr\,rn in dily nranncr <br />so aslohcco,msuhjccllolheworkcrs'compcnsalioDlaw\ofCxliforniil,andil8rccthntifIshouldtacorrcsubjccttothc <br />workers'coDrpensalionprovisionsofSectionlT00oftheLaborCode,lshilll,f(,nhwithcomplywithtlp*pruvisions. <br />WARNING: Failurc (r securc workcrs' compensili()n covcrdgc unlawful, and shall suhjcct m cmploycr tr oiminal 1rcMLies Md <br />civil llnes up to one hundrcd thousaM to the of conrpcnsalion. darmges fls provided for tha <br />Secli()n 1076 of [jtDr Cqle. intercst fees. <br />I hcrcby allirrn und('r pcnalt], of pcrjury lhat I arn liccns!-d Chaptcr 9 (cornrroncing wilh Scqion 70ff)) ol Division 3 <br />o, rhc Bu\ines\ and Pnrtrssions Codc ml nrv liccnsc is in tull fircc and cllict <br />I 7l,iccnstr Nunbcr: <br />I hercby aflrm undcr Fnalty ofpedury tlrat there is a constnlctiur lcndirg ageilcy for I <br />issu(d (Scc. .11)97, Civ C.). <br />Lcndcr's Nxmc: <br />perfi)matrce of thc work tbr which this pemrii is <br />Ixn(lcr's A(l(lrcss: <br />APPI-ICANT DECLARATION <br />I tmby uffmr under penalty of perjury onc of thc following declardlions: <br />Demolirion Permils-Asb€rtos Notification Fcdcral ReSulations (Tille,l0, Pan6) <br />-Requircd <br />lf,lter of Notificalion <br />_l ocdily lhat tlE federal rcsulatiorE rcgarding asbcslos rcnpval arc Dot applicablc to rhis pmlxl. <br />nnd slrle lhal lhe rh)ve irrfonralion is correct. I tgrcc lo conrply wilh rll City and Counly <br />constnrcti(nr. ilil herchy authorize representntives of thls City and County to entcr uF)n llE <br />Applicf,nt or Agcnt <br />['rrrDiler <br />lo <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsu lation ,.1,, <br />Roof Sheathinq 1 dzt laoTr, <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Enerqv <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />[t/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />I <br />,A <br />FINAL ttll/zo Dfl lt i) <br />Certificate of Occupancy .l <br />Notes Remarks Etc. <br />Rev.0B-07-2015