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10198408 - Permit (2)
Bush St
309 N Bush St
10198408 - Permit (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/10/2022 2:42:34 PM
Creation date
11/10/2022 2:42:33 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
309 N Bush St
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
City of Santa Ana - EV Charging Station
Street Number
Street Direction
Street Name
Street Suffix
Building Use Code
Parking Lot
Job Types
Parking Lots
Permit Type
Applied Date
Issued Date
Finalized Date
Flood Zone
Description of Work
Install (1) EV charging station. FEE EXEMPT PER CITY MEMO
Nature of Work
EV Charging Station
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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OIINIiR BUILDDR DEL(]ARATION <br />I heeby amnn under pcnally of perjury Oat I d erenpt Fom rh. (onlraclo* l-i.erse t-aw foi rfu aollowinS reMn (S€c.7011.5 <br />B6in6s and PloGssion Code): Any Cny or County \rhich rcqut6 a p'nir ro consrucr. alid, irnprov€. dmolish or r{rt any <br />srrucrut, r"1orb its tsumce, als r equirs the applicMt lorsuchp€nnilto file a sign€d ealendl thal hcor stu is licdEd pusuani <br />lo rh€ ltrovisions ofrhe Contractois Lic.nsd Law (Chaplcr 9. Commencins *ilh s.ction ?000 ol Llivision I of0. Butin.s ed <br />P'lf6siois Codc) or llt.r nc o! she is exempl lhEelion od the bais lor rh. allcgcd exdnption. Any violalion olsdion 7011.5 by any <br />.pplicaN for a pflnit subjecls lhc applica $acivilp..alryolnornoreih five hundrcd doll-s ($500). <br />-1, <br />ar oM.r oarhc prop.dy. o ny employG wilh \as6 6 thetr $le co,npdtsation. silldr lh€ \o* rd rhe srtudue is .ot <br />Ltrmded oroilcred lor sale(5(.?044, ausi.s dd Proassio.s Cod€ Ile ( ontacrof s l-ic6$ Ijw doe nol apply !o an owns oa <br />rh. psl).iy $,ho b{ilds or imprcue tnqon. and vho do6 such *ork hituell or hmlf or lhrough his or her own cnrploye6. <br />pror ided that suc h ibprovnenrs m .ot i.letcd or oitq.d ro. elc. lr. hov6 d. the b0ildins o! imptor€m€.n i5 eld vhhin on€ ,m <br />of conpleriotr thc Ot!rcr tslildE vill nat lhe hrdor olroling rhrd ne or she did nol build or inProv. d. lmpdly tor lh€ purlt* ol <br />-1. <br />downdoarh.rnolsry. a. exclusivel, connad'!s *(h liccnsdl .ontacro6 ro connnd Ihc [r)jcd (se 7041. abins <br />d Ptolsion Code: lhcConta.tor'sl-i.ens.Lawdocsnorrypl,1oanoNn€roaproptdyvhobdildsotimprcvesthqeon. <br />and sh..onlnclslorsu.hprejedswilhaConlEcto(rlreB.dpuuu.dronE(ontador'sl-icos.La\Y) <br />I s ex.mDr unde S(non , B & P (' lor,his reen <br />rvots[E8ll:aufEtt4l&Ntr[clr&lrlgr <br />I hscb, allinn undd penallyof pqjryon€ orlh€ roll$vins deld,rions <br />-l <br />hrlc dd willmainlair a Cenificaleofconsdt lo S.lflosuc aor Mrkem conrp.ns.rion.6 psvidcdlorbySelion1700oflhe <br />Llbor Code, for rhe pdfonnec. oflne wort for which lhc is isued <br />A and wiu mainrain workes' conpeBario. isoec.. s rcquted by Seclion lToO o I Ihe LaMr Cod.. for lh€ pafomd.e ol <br />lhe trork lor*hEh thispdn 6 issd.d M, wotkgt comptralion coier dd Nlicr nunrbd a€ <br />.rV\i c &^.l.{- <br />**.A\Cw \l)*\c\lLl <br />-l <br />cenifyrhar in lhc ll<form,nce olrhe Nork lo. \'hich this psnil is issucd. I sh.ll nol employ ary p€6on in ant manda <br />$ stotE(onE bjsl lolhe \ork6' clmpdsd io. oacalilornia, aDd alreclhal ir! should bdo'n.subj{l lo the <br />workdJ comp€nsalion prolisFns oiSeclion 1700 ollhc ljbor Conc t shall. fonhwnh.onplr wirh tlrsprcvisions. <br />WARNING: FailuE lo sddc \vorls' com!ftsation co!€rase is unlawrul. and strnl subjecr snploler lo mfrintl psatis and <br />ciril fines trp to onc hundred rno6a <br />L<; <br />DECI,ABAII)N <br />I heeby anim unds pmalt, olpajury lh,r I u lic.ns.d undd p.oyision .f ChtFd 9 lonDd.ins vith Sdion 7000) oa Division 3 <br />of lh. Bsi!6 dd P6l6ioB Code. md ny lic.N ii itr aull lor.e dd cltet <br />Oto -gru %2\ s38 <br />,rt", \I rt \LA ".oVrOr"! D"l Co" ^^u,..- {" : <br />COIflAUqIIoNIENDINC.AGENI:I <br />I hc[by afir,n undd p6ahy of p€rjury rh6r th6e G n <on$tucrnrn hdin8 08€ncy for lhe pErofrecc ol dE work io. which lhis p6nit s <br />issued(scc 1097, Civ C) <br />AIIIIIAII.IIDCIdEAIII)N <br />I lE try alrdn und.r p.nalry oap€rjury on€ of lh€ follo$in8 decl-at io.s <br />Demohtun Ptrits-Asb.$os Notificd ion F.ddal Rqulations (Tnb 40- Pan6) <br />-Requrcd <br />k(d oaNolifi .atio6 <br />I ce.riiy thar rhe r.rlsal r+uldions rc8adinA 6Lrslos renrovalare nol apph.ablc ro rhis pmjsi <br />IcdiilvlhitIhavereadlhisapplicalionddslar.lhdlhcah.!.inlonnalioniscoFeclIasr*to.olllrwnhallCil]a.dCoumy <br />odinancB ed sl.le kqs !€lnlins ldin! consrndion. ard hdeb, authorizc repr*enrariv6 o a lhis Cily tud County to 6ld ulon th. <br />ADpli$nt or Agol SiS .lurc <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s u lation/Energ y <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />ltrlasonry <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL Z/t q/zO -t^&--r, I <br />Certificate of Occupancy/ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Le er r ad&6s <br />- <br /> renrion.d J)iopdy for <br />-,* trl"ro[r s _ <br />=aN -TgAt{ <br />Pool Fence
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