<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS (}vn(-Build.r lL.lar.tion
<br />I a ilrn unddr p.mny of t r.rury rhrt I !n .xenrpr aorn nE conrndoB Lic.nk kw fo! rh. loll.r'.s r@son (rft 701 1 .t BBin6s
<br />&d Prol6sion Cod.) Any City or \rhi.h r.quir6 ! pdmi to co6tn,cl, alto. idp.o\ c, d.mohn or r.p.n my stru.tu.. prior io ns
<br /> r.qri.srhcappli.anr rorsuchpcmirro filcr sisn.dsl'rcmcnt thiinGorsh.isliccN.d pusxmr !o rh. provkior oa rh.
<br />Conta.r6l's L'c.ns.d Lrw (Chrpr.r 9,'ng wnh Serion 7o0o ofDrv6ion I olrh. Bu$ P.o|.smm Cod.) or rhrr h. o,
<br />sn. is.r.npl lh.r.6omsndrh.bsis for rh..ll.s.d.r.mprion<rion70.r,.5by.n"rpli..nrror,p.mitslbjcctsthc
<br />irplic.ntr.rcililp.n.hyolnor rorcthn,iv.hundreddollns(1500).
<br />!.$ornsollh.pep.d)..rmy.nrpkrr..sqirh$.s.s.srh.nnn..ompcnsarion.willdorh.\orkddrlr.nrudur.isn.rt.ndcd
<br /> for$lc( s.c 704.4. aonncsind I'roLsn. sCodc','h.(inndcrorsl.,ccnscl,a*doesnorrmlyroanownerofrhepmn.n]
<br />wl,o builds or i'nD'or.s rhcr.o.. ind sho do.s worl hihs.lfor h6cll'orrhroush his orh.r orn.n,ployes. rrovidcd rhar such
<br />improvcn.nkir.rori.l..dcdoroll.r.dfors.l..lthowcv.r.rh.btrildinsorirnpr.r.m.ntG3.ldsirhi.n.r.fudr.ompldn,n.rh.
<br />ONnlAuit.rwillntrr.thebUd.nofprolin!'r.s.or.aL)
<br />l. a owrc. orrhc prcp.(y. !n .icl$ilcly coDr clins sirh li..n..d conrDcro6 to oNrru.r rh. pmjd ( Se. ?044. Busind.nd
<br />Prof.sion Cod.: The Co ocloi. LEns. ttw dod nol tpply lo !n ownn 6f p.opdly who builds .. rnrprov6 th.r@. . .nd *ho
<br /> fo. luch prcjek wnn . conrmclo(s) I'c.4.d ruDunr to rh. Conr6do, r Liens. t w )
<br />I und.r S.cliona",4,.4.Lt _**,
<br />.r] &PC for rhh rcAon
<br />I aflirm trndo p.n.h! oftr.rjny oi..fthe dlorv'ng d(larstions:
<br />-__l hrv. rnd e ill n.inhin . C.rlifiql. ofco@r ro S.UJsu.€ hr @rt.B coop.nsron. .r p.ovdcd lor $y Secrion 1700 of th.
<br />Ubor Co&. for llE Ffomrrc. olrh. wo.t for which rh. lcmil i3 i.tu.d.
<br />I h.v. ..d w'll mintlin M.ktri @mp.Mr6n inllhncq a rcqlr.d b, S*rDn l70o.alh! bbor cod., for ta. oflhc
<br />wo aor which fii! pnhit is i$o.d My e.ld comp.netoi i8lac. cdin 8d policy nunb6 r.:
<br />Polic, N!nb.r:_, _____Erpnca:
<br />{Thirsliontu.d ml b. conpl.tln iaih.pcrnir k for (h. hondr.d dolls lll00lorks)
<br />I ccnifr lh.t in lh. pdaomlkcollh. work for *hich lhis ir isu.d,I shall ml.mploy ttry p.u.f, in.ny 'r.nnFso s to
<br />b..!n. !ubr..1 ro rt. m,!.6 @nFnerEtr L*s olcrlilo,nn. ind rsre rl'!r ifl should tdom. subjer io rh. *ort.R;ww"i{+ion:r700olrhcLi&trCod..lshnll, It'nh$irlr.omtly$irhrhxcproviions.
<br />W RNING F.ilur. to kur. wort.B conFB.tion ov.r.B. is !nh*tul, .nd sh.ll dn .mpLy.r lo difth.l p. lti6 rnd civil
<br />,in6 up lo o* hundr.d lhoMd dolhB (1100.0m).in idilion lo ln co, oa.omp..srlion. drmsB E provil.rt 6r th. S..lion 1076 ol
<br />lh.lrhor Cod., inlnBl lnd.l'orncy 3lc
<br />ucllsEpt0MaaclqBs.D&c|dBArIo!
<br />! h.r.hy.fiir undd p.mlly o,pdjury tlul I m li.s!.d 9 (sDmcncin8 wilt Sdio. ?000) ofDivlion I of
<br />r lr Bu\i'rs ind I' ^r6$ntu i'.d. rd i\ I'c.n!. i|n h'll .o, (. rn.i coR r .
<br />,,**",,".. 6 rtre..NtrIh" UtO 42,*&-@-
<br />I rmrm und..Fn.lryorFr.jurylhil rhd. i3 i..rsh,crioo Lnd,ns.scncy tor ior qhirn thisp..!nir is
<br />issu.d (S.c.109?. Cir. (.).
<br />I .lnily rh.r rh. acd@l r.sulrlion! r.sordins shBlos .cmov.l .rc nol ippliciblc ro rtis prejdr.
<br />_ I c.nio lh.l I nrv. rc.d rni! rpplicarion.nd sl'r. rh.r lh. rbo!. inlomlrion ir corer. I lgrcc ro cooply trirn rll Cit, and Counry
<br /> ruiorir rctr6cnt'iv6 ol $i! Ciry lnd Counry ro ald llpon thc
<br />^,",q'4.t+
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Underf loor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P{rap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Misc
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler I
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Rough Plumbing
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.J
<br />rlnsp€ction\Plumbin9-lnsp€cior Record doc 03.31 06
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />ar8!(lNr.tuEc! aallar
<br />l)cnnnllilnr PcrNirsAsb.s.sNorili.dioi li.dc'ilRr!ul.r$ns(T lr10. Pan6)
<br />Rcqoircd Lcrrcrof Noriic!rion
<br />-----T----