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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />I h.rby afrmr und.r p.naliy of p.rjury rha( I m ex.mpt from rtu Co mroR LtrM liw for rh. folldring E,sn {Sd.7011.5 <br />Bdsi.css .nl P..Icshn Codc): A.y Cny.r C.unrv which rcqlircs . IE.mir ro c.nnDcl alrs. ifrprdve. .kmlirh or Npat my <br />in'.rur, ,rior ro ih isru! ... aLs Equr.s tlE anplicmr for $ch D.mi ro fih 3 rtEd srarcBni rhd tE or sh. i3 li!!r*d plrsdr <br />ro rhc povxinni ofrh. Conk&ror's l-tcnsd Ij* (Ch8Fer 9. CoBrutuing *irh S(rion TUXI of Divnion I ol rh€ Bsims lnd <br />Pml'.sioN CuL) or lhsr tE or llr h .renpr rhuronon and rhr b.ris for rhr all.B.d .r.mtrDn Anyviolrionofse.rionroll5 by any <br />lptlicrm for, p.mir subjeh rh. itplicrnr io. civilpcMhyofnor mr. rhan nv. doll& {rJlX)). <br />_I. rs owtur ol'rhu lroFny, or ' wirh eig.s ar rhck co'no-nsirion, willdo ih. m* a'rl rh. (M@ is mr <br />inrc sl or ofi.rd ror $lc (Sa 7or,r, Busin.s and Pmf.ssions CoJe Th. conkcrois Li..n* Ii* docs nor rprlr ro.oowEr or <br />rhc pnp&, *FIl b.ild! or inpruks ihctu , xl who do6 snchMd( hinselfor hcNllorrhrculh ht or herow!empl{,yeds, <br />provid.'r fiar sucfi impowtutrK &. n.( inledcd d. nltBl lor sali ll hd*.vcr, rt* lnildin8 or nnprovcmnr i s.ld {irhin onc ra <br />ofconubrbn, E Owrcr Blil&r vill IuE rlE bud.n oI poving rhd lt or sh. did nor buill] .r inpNB rh. pmpd, nr lh. purDo$ of <br />L asowErofrh. pmp.ny, anr.iclurirclycoor.di,,g wiri li.lnEd.dntft.tnb.otr(rucr rL poFr ls{.7olil. Busin.s <br />![] Prnlla\ir Code Ttu C'odBcx, r Li..nrc b$ dc\ not rpply ro an own.r of pn,p€ny sho 6oilds o. ,n mves rh.rcotr. <br />atul wh. c.ntr{( for ntrhFoJc.N *irh a Con'6c'o(s) licoNd pu^utur h rh. o)ntNr.r'r Licctr\c t w). <br />-l <br />mcr.mpr utlder S{rbi-, B &PC for thi{ r.rvn, <br />EAB{E8S:CA!4&NIAIII}N <br />DECIABAIIQX <br />I rltnn und.. l.ndryof p.rury.n olrh. following d.cLr.rioN: <br />Ihov€atolwillmdrrainaCenni.0..ofcon* to Sclil.ruc,or wor(er'!-mp.E ion,a\ pdvid.d for byS.crion lU00 ofrh. <br />Lahor Cod..lor rh. p.rtormec olrhc wo lbr *hi.h rh. pddn is i*!cd <br />and willnrinra'uonl!,forrh.l.rf.rnuNeof <br />rNulrnc.6n'.r nlFn'cy nunrhir rc: <br />e <br />N*"6-,. q L2 <--'t AC-t L-7-Z I <br />I.cnify rhar ,n rh. p.rfornrncc.frlF *ork for whichrha lErmir is $ucd,I shlu nm.mploy oy pc*on in ay lfuRr <br />s .s ro bcmnE slbjlrr ro rh4 s.Ic 'comr.nsion laws of Cllifomia, and agtod rhar if I rhould b.corE ro tlr <br />tuders.orrp.hgrilnptuvieonsolS.crionlTmolrh.I-lh]rCod.,lshaltunhwnhconllrwir[rh.ep61irio . <br />WARNINC: Ftrildr. b $c!rr qo .B !$.,p.d on.ovcBAc a unla*tu|, and slrll subjcd an .nrlloyer ro oi0iml FMI'i6 ud <br />mtr. !s rovidcd r{j: rhcciv,L iD.\ up to on. hundr.d rhousrnd Jolhrs (Sl{xr,(xx)), in di( <br />Secrid 1076 of rlE hhr Code, inr.r.s and a omy\ f..\ <br />,'?--Zo - z-t t <br />DE!!A!AI!O! <br />I hdfthy dlftr trnd.r ptnahyolpcrlurr rhar I rfr lionr.d und.r pmvirion otChmrs 9lcomEn.i.g wirh S.cti,n 7fil))ofDivirion 3 <br />o, rhc Busincs nnd Piolcsioni Code, a. my licenre is in tirll nrE anJ.liicr <br />I lrEby iflim undd IEMlry of F.rjury rhar rh.r. t o conn@ion Lorins ' lo! d. F.folre. of tlE rsk fo. *hi.h rhis pdnir is <br />iisucd (Sc 1(})?, Cir C.) <br />dEE!IE$qDE!LA!{I!1A <br />I rtr$y itrm und.r ,.n!hy oi p..jury om oarhe followirs r!.cld,arioh: <br />Demlnion Pernirs-Asbe(os Norification F.d..d R.Eulatiotrs (Tn1..10, Pd6) <br />R.qun.d lr(er ol Norilf,ario. <br />I fy thd th. f.d.rul Eglbriorls Eguding asbcnos rcmtal Tc ndr +plicrhlc b rhi! poj.3 <br />arion rnJ $nr.ihdrh..6r\. i'rfombriotr ii coa..r I nBlero.-mply*ilhrll Cirland Coumt <br />oili'!tr[.s ]nd Srdc Lrs rcltritrE ro 6uildnu ofrhnCiryr Cou, uponrlE <br />ntrnr R.nrion dIn)F..nv ntr m\E(hn <br />/\Dpli.lnl or , Skru <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.CONi MENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathino 7/z</=a Zlztt <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />ftilaso n ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL .lzv,/z;)/2it5 uzaas A) <br />Certilicate of Occupancy / t <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />-> <br />Rev.0B'07-2015 <br />n*,'Z.n- 2a- 2-,o <br />UFER Ground <br />Sublloor/VenVlnsulation <br />?zG < /L <br />IrnJ.''\ N.{c' <br />kn,lcr's Ad(hrs <br />-