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10197100 - Permit (2)
Elder Ave
2430 W Elder Ave
10197100 - Permit (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/10/2022 2:43:20 PM
Creation date
11/10/2022 2:43:19 PM
Permit Number
Full Address
2430 W Elder Ave
Permit ID
Master ID Number
Project Name
Gonzalez Res Add-Garage and ADU
Street Number
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Building Use Code
Resid-1 unit
Job Types
Permit Type
Applied Date
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Finalized Date
Flood Zone
Description of Work
Add laundry room, bathroom, & closet. Convert attached garage (223 sf) to bedroom. SAUSD #3803.
Nature of Work
Addn & Convert Garage
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COMMENTSSITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG. <br />Set Backs <br />dlxh,t 1t W\*radl 'D)Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads I <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubfloorA/enUl nsulation )h lt4 lq,ttxt <br />Roof Sheathina itglLtrtrtl^ <br />,, -)Shear Wall ;tlvilll rP-a <br />Framing 4ltlrot W <br />+)rll^ qw \1__.,lnsulation/Energy e,47ilt4 ',t 4 7r)Drywall <br />t/Ext./lnt. Lath d.zulla n <br />Brown Coat $\ <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />lvY(K tlle;li\ululr4 'it /^ <br />pq44.sltln fi 'rr,EuaHJ <br />FINAL ,/"a-^>I <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />OlVNIJR I}UII,DI'T DI:I,(' RA'I]ON <br />I hercb amid undd p$alry oa rEiury rhal I a. c\eD to rhc ('ontaclor' l-ic.nse l as fin rh. rdl vins <br />Busings a d ,lofsion Codc): Any Ciry oi Cotr rt shrh rcquts a p6mn ro consrtu.l, alld. inptpvc. denolGh .r <br />srrudu,e. prior ro irs isudc.. also r€rtun6 lhc applic l lor sucn p.mir ro tild . siSncd {aldft tha lt ot <br />ro rfie prcvisions ofrht Contrartor s Licensed Lr* (chsrler 9. Comm.ncins rvirh s.ction 70m of Division 3 o <br />Prcf*ions Codc) o. rhar h. or 3hc t B.mpl thgcfroE od lhc bs6 fot lh. alL8.n smplion Any violdion oasllidn <br />.pplicer aor a pdnir subjars rhc agplicanr ro , civil p@lry o f iot morc Ibtr nv. hun&cd dolles ($5001 <br />l. 6 o$n6 ofrhc ptup.ny, or .ry oployG wilh wa-!6 6 thcn eb conpcNlion. sill & lh. so* and $c sME G nol <br />iNdd.d or oilded aor slc (SE.?0,14. Busin6s od Prol6sions Cod€ Th. Conlr'clor s t-i.cB. tlw do6 nol apply to d oM.r oa <br />lhc Fopdry rho bilds tu impmrs tlso6. rnd \vh. do6 sucfi Nlt hioself or h.*lf or lnNusn tis ot hq os'. mploy.6. <br />plovided thar such ioprovoNnrs e. nor intdddl oi oild.d aor sl.. Ii hoNdq. lhc ttrildins or inpr.\mdr is $ld Nittin on€ ,Er <br />oacolnpl€lion. lhc Oqn6 BujB6 Nill ha* rhc hrdd orpmvi.! ihd lE ot sfi€ did rcl build or improe. th. lmFy for lhc plrFE or <br />-1. <br />ar ownd olrhc rropsly. dn controcl irs rvilh lic€ccd contadoN ro cotrnrud lhc prciel (Sd ?044. au5i.6 <br />and Potusion Co&: rhc cotrrtdol s Lic.m. tjr doB .ot apply io an o\rn6 orprorfiy who bu ilds or imptovG rhden, <br />and rvho conraft lor su.h pmjEls wnh a Co nclo(s) lt€.s.d ttruuMl lo rlE aontracrors l.icd* La{). <br />-l <br />ancr rpt under Sation-. R & P c aor ibis r€aotr <br />lloRxl,lLs' col\tPENsaTtoN <br />DEC!.4!{IIA! <br />I hcr.5t amnn unJd pd.hyofpquryoneoIlhe aolkNir! ddhralions: <br />I ha\. dd $ ill mainlain a C.nifical€ orcotudl ro self-lBurc aor cdfrr&s,(ion, 6 pmid.d foi by S6rion :1700 o lthc <br />bLlr cod., for rh. pdlomancc olln€ *o,k lor whi.h rh. p.nnil is ia{ed. <br />I haveand willdaimain workerr co'np€malion insurflnce, d requircd[yS(rion ]?00 otlh€ lnb1rr(odc aor lhc psfonldce or <br />r h€ sork lor lvhich rhb is issu€d My *orkrt compa@l io. iBurmc€ caEis ud Fli.y numbs tr : <br />I'dicy Nurh.r:-FrPnes: <br />I ccniay lnar in rh€ psronnanc. ofrh. work ior \rhich rhis p.m't is itru.( I shall not dnploy any p.6on in tn, mannd <br />e a r. b..on. subjd lo thc qorl6 enp.nsatiod latrs ol Califomi{ dd asr thll ia l sh.uld beom. subj..l lo thc <br />$ork6 .ompeffariofl proisions ofS.dion 3700ollh. Lat r cod..I shnll. forlhwith .ompl, wnh lhos provisios. <br />WARNINC: rzifurc lo ecu. \ork6 co,npos.tion covmsc is unlaNiul. dd sha]l subjd mtloycr ro cimiMl l)<oalti6 ed <br />civit lina up to one hundEd rhousdd dolls ($100,0010). in addilion lo rh. con olconDmsalion. ddag6 6 p.ovided lor thc <br />sorion 1076ofrfi.IiborCod.,inrd6rmd.norn y sfG <br /> ppliont_ <br />ITCEISED.(]ANIIAqIAB <br />IIECI,AAAIIO! <br />I hmbv amm unda pc.alryoapdilrylhal I an [.dsl undd proision olChaPra 9 (commcins with Sdion 7000) olDivision ] <br />of lhc au!i.6 6d PrcfsiomCodc. and nylicse isin tull forc. md ctfsl. <br />q)NiIAUCIIQII.IIDIIIICENCI <br />I hs€by alimr undg !.nahy ofp€rjury lhol lt6c is a conntuclion le in8 aSmcy lor lh€ priomanc. of th. ro* lor *nich rni! pdmt is <br />issu.d {Se 1097. Civ. C.). <br />Affu(ANr.llcLAaauor <br />I lElby afim undo pdairy of perjory o.. ol lhc follorviar decldaiio.s <br />Demolirion P6ins asbGros Norificrlior r€d6alRcsuldiotu Gnl.40, Pd6) <br />Rqlun.i L.lrd of Nolificalion <br />-l <br />c6r ily lhar the Ld6al r.tularios cgedinS sbeslos rmoval de nol eplictblc lo thu Drcj{l <br />-r.cnilyrhat <br />I har.rqdrhisrpplicationd slatr that lhc aU,\c inlomaion itcotrd I asre to.o,npl, Nilh aU Cily dd Cou.ry <br />ordind.6 dd sratc Laws r€lalins lo buildins coNrtudio., tnd lHcbyotrlhodzc ler.*nrarivd oflhis Cily and upon lhc <br />au,ve froriondl pmpdly lor insp€.lion pu,F66. <br />ApDli.r r or,{genr Sig rltrre <br />P€rmilft nin'e(pnn(): <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />T-Bar <br />Lic.ns. Clds:-l-icdse Nu,nbd: <br />- <br />Dele ('onlr.clo.: <br />L.n,l.r ! Add6:-
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