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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE rD/stc.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Eva Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Com pressor <br />Misc. E quipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Ro h Ductwork <br />Vents <br />To ilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Iype I Hood <br />T ype ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Dam per <br />Openings <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />f,ough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release a) <br />FINAL 9)t'1r?UfunW lrt <br />OWNER BUTLDER I'ET,GARATION <br />I h6.ry rmm uidd Foaty ofpajurr rhll I @ qcmpi 6.n rh. Co,ra.Ion Li.@ L.w lor th. tollowing lletr (Sd.?011.5 <br />B6ins od Proldion Codc): ry Cny or Courny which r.qute a pdrn ro consd.l, dhq. ihprovq <tarolbfi or Eir6 y <br />nddue Fior lo iti isueq aho rcquiG rhc .pplicol aor such Fnil ro 61. , !i8@d $a.,Mt thd lE o, thc b li.o3.d pGu&n <br />ro thc prolisions ofth. Co r*rois Lic.ns.d L5w (Chrprd 9, ConD.6ci!8 {irt Sfttio. ?000 of Dilhioi I offic Blsir.s dd <br />Prcf*iod Cod.) o, $ lE o!lhc i! d.mpr rhdcfrohed rh.bBub for rh. rllcg.d cxmption Ary rioldion oasnrion 701L5 tyany <br /> lor a p.mir subjda rh. lpplicet lo a civil p.@lry of oor mr. rh!. fiv. tundr.d dolles (1500). <br />l. a o\\c olrhc ptoFnn o, toy mdorB wirh wagB B fi.n $L @mpcr5.rion, will & th. wort ard th. sfld@ b Nl <br />inld*!.d or ofi.rcd for el€ 1Se.7044. aNiIs ed Pi$l6ioB Codq Tte Conlraclor's Lic@ L3w do6 not .p?ly ro !n osns of <br />0r.FlFry who hilds or imFov6 $@r ed wlD do6 sch srt tin*lf or hd.llor rh.oush his or hd oM mplorB. <br />Fovidcd lhal sucn imFoffiB emt nlaidcd o.otu forsL.l( ho\86, fi. hrildi,E or imF!6ar is $ld wnhin oE t@ <br />ofcoopl.lion, ln. O*re auiklc willh^r tlE hrdd olpreving lhd lE or sh. did rcr hild 6r inFow d. p'DFty 6rlh Fnpoeof <br />_ l. a osre ofrh. pmpdr. @ .r.llsivcly .o radins Nith lictr.d conrrddoR lo mdrucl tlE projd (Se. 1044. B6ms <br />trd P,b&ssioo Code: Thc Contraclois Lic.ns. Law do6 .ol applt lo 0n osnd olpro!.ny $ ho blild. or improvB rhd6n. <br />a.d sl$ mrmds nx .h *irh r licqs.d pu6@ lorh.Contr.ctois Licd. L.N). <br />-l M crmpl unddselion . B. & P.C. for this rlen <br />!A86E8g.I:qMTENIATON <br />DECI,ASAIION <br />I h@by altm !!dd pouly ofFjury oic ofth. lollowiig ddlratioN: <br />I havc drd will ,nainlain , Cdiiical. of CotMr ro S.lflrou!. for s.rl6 comp.Nariotr s Fovid.d for hy Setion l?00 oathc <br />Labor Cod., for th. ,6fotuc of rh. rvorl aor which th. Fmit is isu.d. <br />I h!!. and sill mai.lai. &rk6 coop.Balio. i6udnc.. a rcqut.d by S6rion l70O oflh. tnbor aodq for rh. p6follMc. oa <br />lh. wo for which thii pdmir ir isu.d. My wo.k6 compsssrion iflsurocc cffii.r sd p.!ic, nunbd s: <br />-l ccailylhal in lh.pdlormanc.oalh. wort for whi.h this poni h issu€d. I shall nol flploys.y p6on in sny muns$ a ro b..orc subjd ro rhc wo.I6 onFnerion l.N orcrlir6miL ud asB rh.r ia l lhould be.oft sobjd ro th. <br />wod{6' compderionpDvi.iosofs*rion 3700 ofrhc L.bor Code I {Dll. fonlNirt conply \ith rh6epovi,ioN.. <br />IVARNINC: I:ailurc lo surc \ro.k6s' compBsarion .0\.6r. is unh*f!l. and 3hall sub.j<l o @plor!. h onnin.l Fuhi6 dd <br />hund..d rnoue.d dollm ($100,000), in addirion to 1fi. .o5l of comp.@tioG deag6 s prolid.d lor thc <br />l) 11( 1..\li \l li)\ <br />1A ZO7 3 <br />I amrm undei F.ih! ol pdjury rhar lte. is a coNto.lion lodin+ alcn.y aor thc pofoflMc. ol$. $ orlt lor $hi.n rlris pcni n <br />i.sucd (S(. l\0q7. Civ. C ). <br />lxndo s <br /> PPT ICAN'I DfCLA&\'IlON <br />I lEtt .mmunder Do.lry otrEriury on. of rhc lollo\rinx d(laralions: <br />l)cnnn ion P6hic.Ash.rosNorin$riohFedr.l R.!ulalions(lirl.40. ltafl6) <br />Rel"ncd ldts or Nolifi cation <br />lnstallation <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />I ht by 8mm und6 Fdlyof Fju.y thn I d licosd u.d6 ForGion olchaptd 9 (comdci,rs wirh Sdion ?00o) of Divbion 3 <br />of rh. Bueins ed PolBlioro Codc. &d my ltm* is in tull for. od <br />that rlc f€daalr.SulllioN rc8arding sb.$o! roolalae not Oplicablc lo lhis prejrl. <br />rhis amlicarion ddsrarclhnr rhc abovc inlomarion is con4r. I .g.e ro comrly \ilh all Cityand Coxnr! <br />$ssz:,".,