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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS oqd-Builda Dlclddon <br />I afiim und.r Fn.lry ofp.rjury rh6l I d.tdpr am rhc Contr&ro6 Licd.c Ll* for rh. followinga6or (s(.7011.5 Buirct <br />ud Prcf6sioi Cod.): Any City o Co@ty whhi rcquirB a prmit to consnaci. .ltd, improvc, d@olish or rcpd. My srucruc. Fior to ils <br />hsuacc, also Equir€ ll). .ppliqnt for iuch Fon lo 61. . si8n.d 5rar.hat (h.r h. or .h. is liccns.d pucu l lo lh. Fovisiotu of thc <br />Conrr&ror's Licasd Llv (Chad.r 9, Cooo.ncinc Bith Sdtion ,000 of Divilior I ol thc BNii6 &d Prof6ioos Cod.) or rhar hr tr <br />sh. is d.mfl thd.from sd fi. bst fG d. dl.g.d .xcfrplio Any violatior of Scctid 701 I 5 by uy appliol fq a pcmir rubjea thc <br />applic ro . civil pa.lty ol id noE tho fiv. hu.drcd doll6 (1100). <br />_1, s ovn.r of rhc prcpdly, or dy dployc6 *ith *ag6 a lhcn solc cohpcnlatioi, will do rh. work dd rhc rlilcru. is .ot inrad.d <br />or oficrcd for salc { Scc 70,14, B$inas ad Prolosions Cod. Tl. Contdofs Licdrc L.* de nor .pply to a on.r of $c prop.ny <br />who builds or rnp,rv4 rh.r.on, dd *ho do6 such work hirucll or h6dl or rhrcugh his or hc. o*n cmploycB. providcd thlr luct <br />improv.ncirs dc iot iil.nd.d o off.r.d fd sal..ll ho*.v.r, th. buildinso. imFovcBcir is sold within oncy@of cohplctio, rh. <br />Own.r-Buildcr yill hav. lh. buld.n of provin8 thil hc or sh. nol build or ihprov. lor $c purposc of salc) <br />_1, 6 owns of rh. poFny, M cxclusivcly contr&ins virh liccnscd co.rrcro4 lo con.rtucr th. prcJd ( Scc 70a4, Bsin6 od <br />Prol6sion Codc Th. Conr&bas Liccns. Liw dG not apply to e ownd of propdty ,ho builds or inprovB th6.on , &d who <br />contracB for such prcj{E wirh aCotrelo(r liens.d plisudr.o lh. Cofuror's Lic.ns. llw ) <br />_l d cx.mpt und.! S.ction .B & P C fd rhis r.aon <br />IABKEBSIAIIEENSAI&T-UECLASAIIO! <br />I h.rcby atfim undcr pcnalty of p.rjuty on. oflh. followinE dcclestions <br />_l hry: ud will nur@ir a Cdificalc of b S.liJnsur. for workc* cmps$lion,6 providcd ld by S.crim 3700 oflh. <br />Labynodc. tot a. pqrr@Mk or $. work ror which th. m ir h$.d <br />ll havc dd lill mainrain wqkrE' comp.tuation insuEcc! a Equt.d by Sccrion 3 700 of thc L.bor Codc. for th. p.raom&c! of $. <br />volk fd which dis pmil ii t!u.d My *d1.6' cmp.nsation insurdcc .did dd policy nu6bd ec: <br />c".i",Y,)'zzze-,2-arrrzl zoo/"/, h.r,'iz<zdr <br />(Tr'i' *o.n r7ffi oclo,npriai-ir&ffi n tor On. hun&cd dolle lll0o) d lcss) <br />lfc?nrry 'hrt <br />rn thr parome(. olfi. sort ld *hrch rhr pmn <br />b.@. subj4r ro dr wdt6 cmpqEltd h* ofcalfomiL ed <br />i is!.d, I shall nd €mploy ey p.Eon <br />'ry"t bor Codc, I sh.ll. aonhwnh <br />F <br />'lurc <br />to sccurc workca' @mpnsadon covcragc h !i in cfrdoyd to fiftinal pcnal <br />finci trp lo on. hundEd thoEed doUE (1 1 00.000),ih ddition lo $c c6t ol daragG a prcvidcd forth.S.clion 1076oa <br />rhc LaborCod., inr.r6r d aitomq s fc.s <br />UCEdIELCONIIACIABS.DICI.AaAIIOX <br />I rffim unda p.ndry of Fjury fin I u licascd u.d6 troviti@ of Ch.Fc a (@mmo.in8 wnh S@tion 7000) ot Diviiion I of <br />th. Bu5in63 ud Prof6im Cod.. ed hy licorc is in full foM ud.fl@r <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY <br />I h.rcby affim unds Fn.lly of Fjury lh4 th@ is s @on^.do lodins .3ocy ld $. p.rfme.c of thc w6* fa which thi3 pmn i, <br />issu.d (S.c. 3097. Civ C.). <br />AIIUCAXIIPECLA.BAIION <br />Dlmohion$Asb*los Norific.tio Fcdcral Rcsulatids (Titl.40. Pan 6) <br />_ Rcquircd Lcnd of Norific.tid <br />abcsros rcmoral enotaprli@bk lo thi, Drolcct <br />5Er. rh.t t. .bo!. inlomadon i! 6(r I .sr.c ro conply wnh lll Ciry Md Counv <br />sbovc m.nrioncd pror.ny fm <br />ludoda rcprBdlarive ofrhir City sd <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release {XF,R EN <br />Rough .-r;l 2019 <br />,', j iMC 8"4s ,t'^ <br />FINAL "ru, oO/ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Pole Bases <br />Service Meter <br />D& Cotrr&rd <br />f------T------ <br />-------T------ <br />f------T------