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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Omd Bnildd D..lmrid <br />I amm undd palhy oapajlry inar I m cxcmp lom thc ContractoB Li@nlc Law for lhc followins Eson (sd.70ll5 Burinss <br />atrd Profdsioi Codc) Any City or Couly which Equic . !.mi io c@sdct, rlr.r, inprovc, dcmolish or Epair ey stru.rur.. prior to ni <br />i3sumcc. also r.quir6 $. .ppli@r lor rucn Fmt to filc a sign.d slaln nl fiar hc or sh. is licor.d puBudt to thc Fovisions of $c <br />CmE&tols Licas.d kw (Cn.Fd 9. C@..cing *i$ Selio 7000 ol Divnio 3 of lh. Buin6 ed ProfqrioN Cod.) or dlt h. * <br />sh. t .xmpt lho.froo ad lhc b6t l* thc allcBcd .xcmprion Any viohdon of Scction 70:r I 5 by ey arpl'@r ld a pcmn subjeB rtc <br />appli@l lo aoril Fnalr, ofnotmorc $e fiv. hun&€d dolla (1500). <br />_1, a ow.d ol th. lropa9, or m) .oploy6 wirh wag6 s thct sol. @hp.nsarion, *ill do $. ,orl dd $c srrucruc G nor intadcd <br />or oft@d fd sal. ( Sa 70,14, B6ins md Prol*ions Cod€ Thc Co.lrrctors Li@* Lrw d6 nd.pply ro M owncr oflh. proFn, <br />*ho builds or iftprcvcs tt6rd, edyho do6 such wo.k hi6.lf or h6clf or drcuBn his orh.r Nn cmploy.6, Drcvid.d 0Br luch <br />improvcmcnts e noi int <br />"d.d <br />or otfd.d for srl. Il, hoqcvd, thc bu,lding or is sold within on.y.rofcompl.non, th. <br />Own.rBlild.r will haec dr. burdo of proving rlat t. or sh€ not build tr improv. aor th. plrps. of sal.) <br />L 6 ownd ofttc prop.r.y, codr&ring *it[ licds.d cdlrctom to cdsrrud ln. proj.d ( Sr 7044, BGiDcs Md <br />Prof6sion Codq Thc Conlreld's Lic.n* llw 1106 nol apply to a ow.r of p.op69 who blilds tr imFov6 th6.on , sd who <br />condds lor slch! *ilh a Contr&lo(r lim.n purner ro rh. Co.r&tor! Li@ns€ L.w ) <br />_l m .xmpl lndd S4iioh _,8 &PC aor tnis 160. <br />vaaxE8leo!4lExsarloN-DEclaBAloN <br />I amm !nd.r p.nahy of p.rjury on. oa ihc lollowins dccluations: <br />I hlvc ud *ill mjntlin a C.nifiol. of CNor to S.lf-ltue for sorLdt cdpasatio, 6 prcvidcd for by Scdion 1700 offi. <br />tibor Codc, for thc p.rfm .. of in. wort for which $r Dcmit is hsucd <br />_l hav. md will mai.lain *di6 @nFnsadon insume, s rcquir.d by S.ciioh 1700 ol d& t bor Co<tc, lor thc pcrfmdc. oflhc <br />work ftr which rhis pqnir is issu.<l My wot6' €mF,s.rim iBum.. 6ir md policy nunbd dc <br />Poli.yNumbd: Expi6: <br />(I'i. s.cdon n+d not b. .onplct d il thc pnn is ad Or. hund.d don@ {l I 00, d t6, <br />rh. pdaomdc. of th. woik l* yhich dlis is issu.d, I <br />las of C,lifomiA md rer.. <br />Bdd dollm (ll0O,O00),in on, d2mas6 d prcvidcd for lh. Sftion 3076 of <br />ln. Labor Codc, inrcrd &d anomcy s f.a <br />Ltcf Nsf D coN-IRicTotrs DitcLAR t IoN <br />t ailm undd p.nalty <br />fic Busi..$ md Prof6sions <br />ofpqjury r'ar I m liccnscd und.r plovkim ofChlpld 9 Gom <br />Codc, &d ny liccnsc is in full forc. Md .ffd <br />P.rlury thal $6. t a construcrion I ol lh. wol ftr Yhich Ihis p.nn it <br />1097,Civ C) <br />APPLICANT'S Df, CLARATION <br />D.mohion Pffiirs-Asbdrc Ndi6.ati@ F.d.ral R.gulalions (Tnl. ,ro, P.n 6) <br />_ RcquiEd t t6 of Nolii@tid <br />I .are ro comply *i$ all City md <br />v6 ofthis Ciry dd Counly to.nrct <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release E^rl RED <br />Rough fEt1 -Service Meter I T,UIJ <br />FINAL SAMC &3.2 90,5s6 a", <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />L.n&.'r Ne.: _ <br /> AddB _ <br />abov. m.nrioncd pio!.ny foi inspcction