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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG COMMENTS Own.FBuild.r D.cla.i'on <br />I affim undd po.liy of p..jury $at I 6 .xmpr aom th. Cont.croE Li.nsc Llw lor $c fouowins r.60. (@ 70l l 5 Budne <br />ed P@f4sioi Cod.): Any City or County which rcquirq ! plmil ro consdcl. sh.r, imprcv., dcnolish o, Eprirey strudurc. poor ro irs <br />issud.., ako r.qltq rh..ppli.alftr iucn p€mn lo fil. a si8r.d stlt m.nt <br />'har <br />fic or sh. i5lic.6.d puduut to th. prcvisioB of dr <br />Conrebls Lica*d L5v (Chaptcr 9, Comft.ncinS with Sccrior T00O ofDivision 3 olthc Businqs dd Prof6siois Codc) or rlal hc d <br />shc is .r.mF lll@arom dd ln. bstu ld lh. allqcd crcmplio, Any violalion oa Sation 701 I 5 by e, agpliBl tor . pcmn rubjccB rh. <br />applicdt !o acivilp.nalty ofnot morc lhq fiv. hundrcd dollq (1500). <br />_1,6 o*n.r of rt. prcp.dy, or my.mrloyc6 wffi w.g6 6 th.t 5ol. cohp.darion, *illdo th. wort Md lhc sttuctu. is nor inrcnd.d <br />or oiIftd id sal. ( S.c 70a4, BBind Md PDf6sions Codc Thc Conb-actor'5 Liccns. Law dM nd apply ro & own.r of th. prop.ny <br />who builds or improv.s lh.r.o", adqhodB such wotk hiru.lf o. h6.lf * lhroqh his or ha @h cdploycd, Drovid.d thal ruch <br />improv.m.nr5 e nor int nd.d or ofacEd fd sal.. ll ho*.vd, ih. buildine or imrroy.mat is sold withi, on! y@ of compl.rro, rh. <br />O,n.FBuild.r will burdd oaprovir8 (ha hc or sh. no( build or inpror. for thc purros. ofsal.). <br />_1, {owndof th? pbp.ny, m a!tra.tin8 {nh li..ns.d @trrcros ro consltucl lh. rrojccl ( Scc 70.44, Buind dd <br />ProaBsion Codc Th. Co.tacro!'r Lic..e L.w dG nor .pply to d o*nq ofprop.rq who builds d implove ficls ,6d who <br />conra.B for such prcj.6wirh a conr&to(r liEnsd puuudr ro th. conr&ro.r Liccn* La* ) <br />_l m .x.mpr und.r Slcdor _,8. A P C id this raon <br />WORKERS COM}ENSATION DE'LARATION <br />I .ftim und.r pcnalry of p..jury oi. of rh. followiie ddldado.r: <br />I hav. Md will n.in6jn a Cldifisr. ofCo.s.nt ro S.lflnsur. for wo*6' conp.n$lion, 6 pbvid.d for by Sccrion r?oo of$c <br />Labo! Codc, ior th. p.rfffidcc ollhc woik lor which th. pcmil is isu.d <br />_l hav. dd will mairsin vtrt6 cmt nrstio i6ude, 6 rcqliEd by S.ction 3700 ol th. L!b.. Codc. fd $c pdfomMc! ot rtc <br />work ao! which this p@n is i$!.d. My wdt?6 compcnsato. iBom@ 6id dd policy numb.. ar.l <br />Policy Nudba Erpir6 <br />(This sarion nor b. complct.d itrh. pmn ir for On. hundr.d doua {1100) or I <br />1*^^ ,n^ n ,r.F"*. -L.o o rr. <br />psfom&c. oa!h. work adwhich fiis pmn <br />wor*.6 compasdion l.s of Califofri4 od <br />@dp.ruario. provisio.r oi S.clioo l?00 of rhc Labor Codc, I rhall, ionhwi <br />-2-4.61 <br />WA&N!NG] Failur. ro s.cur. @mFnsarion <br />nn6 op to onc hundrcd lhowud dolla (t 100,000).io .ddn,on <br />lhc kbm Codc, inrcrBt Md attomryk i.s. <br />LICENSf, D CONTRACTORS DECLARA ION <br />I h.rlby afim und.rp.Dalty ofp6ju.y rhat I m liccns.d lidcr prolhion ofChapt.r 9i <br />$. BusiDss od ProfBios Codc, &d my lic.nrc is in fullio'.c Md.,Iar <br />l <br />-o/ <br />I amm undd p.nalry of p..jura th.t $ac L a comlruciion ldding .olrhcwtrt for which rhis is <br />islcd (s( 3097, civ. c.). <br />APPLICANT'S NECLARATION <br />Dcmohioo Pmlts-Asbsrd Nodficatid F.d.6l R.sulsrions Gnk a0. Pm 6) <br />_ Rcquircd Lclld of Notifiqrion <br />comply *nh allCfuy and Counry <br />is City ud Counry to cntcr upon thc <br />6bovc m.nlion.d prop.dy fd i.,p.dion pu.p6a <br />_74 -o/. <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)EXPIRED <br />Meter Release <br />FEB ; I ?nE <br />Rough <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL <br />Site-Work <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />L.rds s Addrq! <br />F- <br />F-