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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS IDiSIG.COMMENTS O*n.rBuildd D.clerrion <br />I hcEby affim undcr p.r.lty oapqiu.y thar I a dcmpt am th. CoIlracbB Licdi. t:w for rhc followi.BEaon Ge 70ll.t Burina <br />ud Proft$ion Codc): Aiy City d Cornty vhich Equir6 . pcmn to coisrud, alrd, imp@vc, d.molish or &y sddur.. Fid ro irt <br />i$uecc, alro r.quire th. lpplic{l tor suc! p.6t to filc ! 5i8!.d ilrt m.nt thlr h. or 5h. is li.dscd puEet lo thc prcvtioi of $c <br />ConrEcrtrt Ltms.d L.w (chaprq 9, comtunci's with s.ctiu 70oo ofDivision 3 of$c Buins &d Prof$i@ cod.) or th hGd <br />rh. ir cxrmpt dd $. blrir i6 rh. illcecd.x@t on Any violalion ofS.crio.703l J by ey +pli6l for a p.oir subjGts lhc <br />applican! lo acilil p.nalty ofnot mor€ the fiv. dolls (1500). <br />_1. a ow..! of lh. prcpdy, or hy cmploycB with wa86 a sol. conpdsdion. qill do tnc wort dd lh. rlruclw is nor inradcd <br />or ofcr.d fr salc ( S.c.?04a, D$inB &d Proiqrio,s Codc: Thc Coitacld! Lic.ns. Law do6 nor .pply lo ,n osncr of thc propdy <br />who buildt o! inprova thd.d, ed who do6 3@h *ork hituclf orh6clf or $rough his or h.r @n cnploy.B, providctl d.r 5!ch <br />inprovo.ib a nor inrod.d or off.r.d fo ral. I( ho*.va, d'c buildinS o improvcmor is rold wirhin dcy@of conpl.riM, rh. <br />Ownd-Build.r willh.v. d1c of provinS drat hc o, lhe nor build or inprolc for th. purpcc ofsal.). <br />_1, d owncrolthc prop.ny, d dcluivcly cont&tinssilh to co8lruci th€ rrojar ( Scc ?o44, Bqins! ud <br />Prof6sion Codq Thc Conltulo/s Lic.nsc Lav dN nor rpply lo e ownd of prop.ny who bqilds tr imprcv.! rh6.on, ud who <br />cont &B for such proj.cb *nh a Corlrrclo(, Iictrcd pusuur to lhc Conr.cror's LiccN. kw ) <br />_l m .xcmF undcr S.clio. _.8 & P.C. iGrhkE6on <br />IOBKEB'COIIEEISAIION.DEELA rcN <br />I h.!.by ainm undcr p.&hy of pcrjury oDc olihc following dcclddions <br />_l h!v. ud will mrintlin r Ccnifiqt. of Conscnt to S6lf-lnsur. for wo*.E' comp.nsalion. s pBvidcd for by S.crion 1700 of lh. <br />L.bor Codr, for thc p.rf@oc. of lnc wnl( for which rhc is irsucd <br />I hatc dd willoainuih *ortcR' comp.nralion ituuree. d r.quircd by Setioi l70o oflhc L!!or Cod.. ad fic p6fmac. of 0tcwo for which 6is ir i$!.d My vo*d conp.r3.tio. iBurda @id dd policy numbc. ac <br />1^o,,*,. <br />nor b. cmpla.d if thc pmn i aor On. h!n&.d doll4 {ll00l or l6d <br />rh. p.rfomuc. of th. work ld which <br />'his hdn <br />ihc wo*.R ' comp.nsition laws oaCaliiomi4 ud <br />o",xl G'"O <br />ofS.dion 3700 ofrh. Lahor Cod.,l rhall. fonhwid-e6 <br />?".. <br />WAiNINGT FliluE to scclrc wdt.6 compcnrari <br />fin.s,p lo o.. hundrcd rhoEmd dolla (l100,000), <br />th. Lnbor Codc. inrcrAt d rnomcyt f.6 <br />cct d cmploycr to riminal pcnahi.s dd civil <br />damas6 a providcd for $. Scdion 3076 of <br />LICENSf, D CONTR CTORS Df, CL R TION <br />I amm und.r p.naliy of pdjury rh.l I o lic.nscd !.d6 povisio of Chaflr , Gon <br />thc Busioss d Plofssiois Codc, dd my licc.r is in fullforc. and c(ccr <br />I hdcby afiim uidc. poalty of p.rlury $.1 lhd is s coslructio lodi.g !8.n.y lor tic pafmu.c ol thc wdi fd shich this i! <br />is!.d (Scc lO9?, Civ C.). <br />A}PLICANT'S DECLAR,{TION <br />D.nolnion l.mir5'Aib6tor N.tiii.,tion r.d.ral R.guldrons (Tirl.40, Pan 6) <br />_ Rcquircd Lcucr of Nofi fi @tid <br />,"y rhal fic Ldcral rcsllations rcg{dmg 6bql6 rcmD}.I d. lot <br />,.t I hav. thls applic,rion andsllrc <br />ordiie.6 dd Sutc La$ rla ne to building ad County ro at6 upon lh. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />:ATI]l(EIJ <br />Rough ! <br />Service Meter I 'ED U | .ur <br />FINAL SAM() 843, 290, 5t e67 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />DATE <br />ab.v. n.ntion.d ,ropd, for inrperid <br />Sub-Panels