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ELECTRICALNNSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.OwnB-Buildq D.dditi@ <br />i aalm und.r pfrdty olpqjury th.r I m cropt fom 6c Conr&ros' Lic.nsc L!* for rhc follo*'ns Bd (r*.701 1.5 acind <br />&d P.ofBri6 Cod.): Any City or Coury which EqliB . p.dn lo conitrct, .1l4, imprcv., doolish tr rcpai. &, sLucruE. Fiq ro ils <br />iisua.c, aho r.qui.6 fi. +pliml for s!.h ro fik . sigo.d rLt@ot rhlr hc or sh. is liccn-d pusuMr rc d. provilios of rhq <br />Contudols LicBi.d Law (Ch.prd 9, Chncncins wirh S.clis 70OO of Divhion 3 of rh. Buines ed P,oi6iion5 Cod.) o, rhat h. q <br />sh. is cxmpl l]].r.fM ed d. bais f@ lh. .U.8.d cxoprio! Any violarioo of S.clio. 7011 5 by ey applic&r lq . pcmn subj6B rh. <br />applicet to a civil pdalty ofnd morc the fiv. hundrcddolld (1500). <br />_1, d oBa of thc p.oFn , or n, nployc widr vagB a rhctr rolc cohp.nraion, will do lh. wort dd lh. shcr& is not iotcnd.d <br />6r otrord 16 3,1. ( s& 70a.1. Buin$ dd Prof*io Cod. Th. Contrrort Li€trc kq doB not apply ro M own.r of thc piop.rg <br />who b l& or iop.ov6 dr*on, Dd who dB such work himclfor h6clf or through his d h.r wn .mployc6, provid.<l rld sch <br />improvchqE a. nol intcrtLd q olfcEd fq sd. ll how.v.r, $. buildinS or is sold wnhin on. yd of conpl.trd, lhc <br />Ownd-Builda will h.r. lh. burdd of proving lhar hc o. rh. no! build or imprcv. fo. th. pu,?6c of sl.). <br />_1, a ownd ofrh. p.oP.tty. m .ont0crine witll conEa.ta to co.ctruct lh. ( SE 704,{, B6inB dd <br />Prcasie Codcr Ttc ConFaclor'! Licdsc L.w doq nor at'ply to e oma oi prcpety *ho buil& 6 ioprcv6 $6.0 . &d who <br />conrac$ for such prcjcts *irh 6 Cmrr&lo(r) licos.d puRuMr ro rfic conrracrort Licot. L.w ) <br />_l m cxdfl und.r Sccdon _,8 & P C. fe rhir Eson <br />WORKERS COMP[NSATION DECLARATION <br />I h.rcby aifi m und., p.nalty of p.rjury onr of th. aollowi.S dcclerlionr: <br />_l havc ed wiu hainldn a C.nificarc of Cons.nt to S.lfinsw. for workos' comporaio., a povidcd for by S.ction 1700 ofrn. <br />Labor Codc, for lhc Frfme@ of lh. wqt tr whth llt. is i$u.d <br />_lhalcddwillmoi rin *dkd comp.netion insu6e, s rcqut.d by Scction l?0o oarhc Labo. Cod.. forhc pstmMc. ofth.*orl loNhich rhis p.mir i! isu.d M, vork6 @mp.nstion irsuBn@ coiB ud policy numbo dc <br />of rh. L.bor Cod., I shall, <br />(> <br />WARNING Failwc to sccuE worlcrs compcnslrion an ciploycr to cnmin.l p.nahie &d civil <br />fin6 up ro ooc hundrcd thouldd doll6 (l100,000),in addnion <br />thc Lrbor Cod., int rBl ed .tlon?y'! 4.6. <br />. d.mag6 6 prcvid.d for th. S4rion 1076 of <br />LICENSf D CONTRACTORS DECLAIIATION <br />I hcrcby .fim und.. paalty of pqjury $al i M lichs.d urdd prcvisid of ChaFa 9 ( <br />d. Busin$s dd Profdionr Cod., ed my licos. is in lull for€ and cff6t. <br />I fi@by .mm un&r F.alry ofpaju., th.l 6@ ir r Enlnudion lodjn8 ! for ilc <br />issucd (Scc. 1017, Civ. C) <br />ofth.Ddk for which thii pcmil i! <br />ATPLICANT'S DECI AIiATION <br />Dmolilion Pmils-Ait6t6 No ficalid F.ddl Rcgul.tos (Tit& a0, ?.n 6) <br />_ Rcquircd Ldr.r of Norificlrj@ <br />rocomply wilh allciry Dd counry <br />,bov. Eolio.d prop.ny lq inrp.crio. <br />of lhit City od County to ar.. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />trxPtRt D <br />Rough <br />Service Meter rEtr u | 1 ul5 <br />FINAL SA N4C 843. 290. <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />COMMENTS <br />nccd no! b. compldcd if lh. p,mn k for Onc hundr.d doll-s 1l I0o ) or <br />knd4t Ad&6s