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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS tD/stG.COMMENTS OYnd-Buildd Dccldrion <br />I hcrby a,nm un.L, pc.alty of Fju.y that I m .x.mpr lom rhc Cont_&los Lierec L!* aor thc followin! r6on Gd 7031 5 Buin6 <br />&d Prcfc$io. Codc): Aiy City o, Cou.ty vhich aqui,B a pmn lo coislrlct allf. ieprov.. danolirh or cp.i. dy srructwc. Fd ro irs <br />issu-c., .ko r.qut6 $. appliol ftr such ro fiI. a sign.d rimai fial h. m sh. is licds.d p{Ruur to th. Fovisions of thc <br />CmEElor's Licdsd Llw {Chrplc, 9, Cmn.rcins Mrh S.crion ?000 of Dvidoi 3 of $c B6ii6 ud Prof6sios Cod.) o fiar h. d <br />sh. is dmF fi@from md tn. bais ar rh. :ll.8.d d.mpti@ Any viol{im of Scc d 7O3l J by ey .pplicet for . Fmit iubjeB $c <br />alplimt io. civil p.mlty oand mm dd fiv. huidrcd dolla (1500) <br />l, a o*nr or thc Fopc(r, or my cmplores wilh was6 6 thct solc @hpdsrtion, *ill do $c vorl ed $c slrucru. is no( inradcd <br />or olrdd ftr ialc ( s.c 70a4, BBines d Pioaeions Codc Thc Co.lelor's LicBs. Llw d6 nor apply lo u own.r of$.pror.ny <br />qho buil& or improvB $a6n, ed who dG s@h work hiGclf or h6clf or drcugh hir orh6 o*. dploy.cs. provid.d rhit such <br />improvm.nrs e noi int..dcd or of.rcd for srl. Ia, howcva. ltl. building or improycnor h sold widin onc yc, of conpl.Lo.. l|c <br />O*nd-auildcr will hav. rhc blrda of provi.g tMr hc or sh. not build or improv. lor thc purDcc of sd.) <br />_1, a Nn.r of d. prop.ty, n 6.teti.g uith licm.d @.d.cto6 lo cqstruci thc Fojer ( S@. ?044, B6i.q. &d <br />Prcasim Codq Th. Csrra.ld'e Lic.M Llw .loB nor .ppl, to d oMa ol propfiy ,ho buildr o inFo!6 lhe@ , ed who <br />con&B fd ruch pdojccb *irh r cdr'&ro(, li6s.d pr6@r ro fic coE!.rd , Li@3c Law.) <br />_t m d@pt und.r setio ,B &PC fd lhk rc6on <br />y9BXEBS_eO!4IENSAf!AN-0EC!dMM! <br />I h.rcby afimundcrpaalty olpdjury onc or tu lollowins <br />_I hav. Md pill m.inLin . C.ni6et of C@at 10 Sclljtuw for *01l.6' @nF.sario., a providcd for by S6rion 3700 oa dc <br />Labo, Cod., for $c p.rfmde of rh. edt fd which rhc p.frit k issucd <br />_l h!v. od will maincjn vd*6 mp.ncaiion iBu6cq d cquircd hy Scdon l70o of th. kbor Cod., for thc pcrfmo.c of rh. <br />wotk ftr which lhh pmil is issu.d My wortm' @nlpc.sati@ ihru. c. cffii.r ad poliq, numba ft <br />Poli€yNumbcr: Expic <br />(This @lion .ed no! b. compld.d ia th. is ad Onc nond dollm It l0ol or 16, <br />_l c.nifr lhat in tl'c Fao{r@c oadc wori f{ which lhis pmil n isucd,I shdlrot 6ploy uy in ey ms.o io s 10 <br />bc.dc tubj*t to fi. worlcu ' cffp.nsri@ l.w! of cdlifmil e.l a8@ thlt ir I should b.@m subjet lo rh. wokc6' <br />conpasarim trovirions of Sedo 3700 ol thc Lalu Co<lc, I shall, fonhwid conply virt rhe F@isi@s.. <br />WARNING F.ilE to s6!r. work.6' .mFhsiim @sa8. ir uih*ful, &d shall subjet mployd ro oiaioal !.Mhi6 md ciril <br />fin6 up lo 6c hund,.d doBdd .loUffi ([ 100,00o),in additio (o 6. c6t ofcomFnsdjon, drm.g6 6 !rcvid.d for $c S6tion ]076 of <br />thc Labor Codc. inr.Bt ed atloncy! frs <br />LICENSED CONT&{CTORS DECLAIIATION <br />I hd.!y amm udd p.nslry of Fjlry tnar I e lim.d u&r prcvisi& of Ch.rtd 9 (ommmcing wnh S@rio 70@) of Division 3 of <br />$. B6in6s md Prof6io! C<d., d oy lttuc b ii luu fdc. &d cfler <br />CONSTRUCT'ION LENDINIG AGENCY <br />I hdby amm undcr paElty of pcrury thal the is . cdd.Iion lmdinS .86.y aor $. pdlmde of thc wdk id which rhi3 n <br />isucd (Scc. 3097, Civ. C) <br />a!!ttc4rliDEc!a.84r!0N <br />Dcmolnion Pcmill Arbqtos Noificati@ F.dc6lR.8ulalions (Tirl.40, Pan 6) <br />R.quncd Len.r of Notifi qtion <br />_l eniay thar rh. f.ddal rcgolali@s rcgddin8 abGtos rcmv.l dc nor appliqble lo lhis projet <br />_ I cdify rhal I havc r.zd lhis applistion dd sEr. thar inc abolc infom.non i! I sgrc to comply *nh .ll City d Couory <br />trdinec6 dd Slal. ljws r.lalin3 to building qshcrion, md h@by aurho.iz. Ep.cs6lr1iv6 of $is Ciry dd Couiry lo .nt.r upor lllc <br />abovc ncntin.d p,op.ny to, insp€tio plrpos6 <br />,/e d <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />E\rrtr b r <br />Rough <br />Service Meter FFRNI )0.l9 <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc SAMU rr-{.r, Zy(I 556-. 6 <br />DATE <br />c.nd <br />- <br />Transformers <br />Meter Release