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ELECTRIGAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Owna-Build.r Ddl&.iq <br />I h.rcby ainm undd pdalty oi p.rjury lhat t m .xcEpt fom th€ Conradd' Li@nsc Lsw for thc follovins 160r (s*.?or 1.5 Busin6s <br />and Prof6sid Codc) Any City s Canty which rcquiG . pcmn lo .onsEud, alld. imp,oy.. ddolth or rcpan ey slrlcrurc. priq ro ic <br />issudc., also r.quir6 lhc apgli@t for luch Fni! lo filc a signcd ialmat dat hc 6 rn. b li@i.d p6udl to thc Fovisions of th. <br />Conlrlclols Lic6s.d Llw (ChapLr 9, Cmndcin8 *ith Setion ?0oo ofDivision I ofthc B6ins &d Proldiom Cod4 d rhal hc c <br />sh. is d.npr ft.r.frcn ed dr bais ftr in. dLgcd qcnptioi An, violation of S-iio. 703 I 5 by dy applicdt for a 3ubjea $. <br />applidr to a civil p6r1, of .d norc th& fiv. hundrcd doll6 (ltoo) <br />l, 6 omd of th. For.rty, q my mploy@ vilh *a8d s rh.t solc cmp€nsalion, will do fi. wo* ad tn. slrucruc ir not inlddcd <br />or ofid.d fe sal. ( S.c 70rr4, B8ine md Por$iqs C!d.: Th. Conhcror'r Licd. kq do6 nd .pply ro u ow.6 ollnc propqry <br />*ho buildr or inFov6 rhd@n, dd who dG s@h worl hitulf or h6cli u rhroush hir q hcr owr dployas, prcvidd 6.r suct <br />ihprov@nls E trol inLndcd q offdtd for Il th. buildi,gor improvdol is eldwnhin oc ycs of compl.{ion. lh. <br />Owna-auilda will hav. fi. blrda of prcvin8 ihar h. or sbc ,or build or impDvc for 6. purpGc of <br />_1, 6 owr ol th. prcp.ity, M @nturin8 wnh lic..i.d conhcrou ro .olrrud ln. lejat ( S.c 7044, B6i"6s d <br />Profssion Codc Thc Conlrels's Liens. kw d.6 not apply to m om6 ofpmpdy who buil& 6 imprcvE U6con . ed who <br /> for strch pbj4E vnh a cnr@ro(r li6s.d puEuut ro thc conrlclo' e Lic.ns. kw ) <br />_l M dml mdlr S4d@ _,8 & P C fd lfiii Bon <br />Darc Oma <br />WORI(ERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION <br />I hftby .IEm sd.r p.nalty oa psjury m. oflh. follo*ine dc.ldio... <br />_l h6vc ad willmaintain !Cc,tifianc ofcons€nl b S.lflnsu!. forwo*6 6mFn$tion,6 povid.d fs by Serio l7O0 oflh. <br />Lahe Cod., ftr lhc pcrfmc. of $. wdk ad wl .h th. pmit is iisu.d <br />I havc dd *illnrinnin dk6 conF.s.rion insumcc, a Equtcd by S@tion l70O ol thc Llbor Codc, for $c Frlmdc. of thc <br />*ort aor which $is pcnn ii issu.d M, id[6' compsalion insuru@ 6i., dd policy nunbcr uc <br />PolicyNumb.r_ Exptcs <br />(This s.cton not bc cofrplcr.d irthc pmir is for Onc hundrcd doll6 l3lo0l or l6s) <br />_l c.rlify inar in ih. p.rfomMc. of th. wo,k ad *hich tis lmil is i$u.d, I shall not .nploy dy p6on in uy m n.r so s to <br /> subj@t to th. wodcR ' l6E of Califomi4 od lgE lhat ia I sholld bcom subj.ct !o Ih. wnt6' <br />mp.ns.rion Fovisims of Setio. 3700 of rh. t boCodc,I sholl, fonhvirh @oply sith rh6c p@nions <br />WARNING FailuE 10 scut *dtc6 @r'p.nerion covcES. is unl.wtul, ed shall subjccl m .mploycr ro dimin.l Fnahi6 ed civil <br />fi.6 up lo oc hundr.d thouMd doll6 (lloo,Ooo),in ldditjon ro th. c6l of mmp€nsation, &m!A6 s provid.d for $c S..dd 3076 of <br />$. kbtr Codc, inrcrd sd anon.y t f6 <br />LICEISELCONIXACIAAS.DECIAaA <br />I ailim undd p.nllry ofpsjury th6l, m licos.d und.r provirion ofCnrP.r 9 (commdci.8 wirh S.ctioo 7000) ofDivhion I of <br />fic Busin.s &d Prof6im Cod.. Md m, li.mBc i5 i. aull foe dd clfet <br />caxsralJcrouE[Dscro&lcY <br />I h@by !fim undd poalry of Frlury $al 1116 is r MsEuctiq lddins saacy lor rh. Frf(,M@ of thc eqt fd which thi! pmit i5 <br />i$rcd (Sd. 3097, Civ. C.). <br />_l c.nify thai lb. f.d6al rcgolrrions rcgddhg 6bdc rcmoval dc nol appli@blc ro rhis proj{t <br />_ I c.dfy $al I havc Ead fiis .pplicalio ud srd. thd lh. abor. infomarion b co@d. I agr( ro conply *irh all Cny Md County <br />ordinec6 dd Srarc ElarinS to buildiD8 cosdcrion, dd auinoria EpBotu riv6 of $is City dd Counry ro o.o upoi $. <br />abov. acntion.d plop.fiy for insp.clion puDc6. <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />lVleter Release trYDIE ,E11 <br />Rough FFHNI 2ntq <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL J, 556,667 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Li;&r AddB._ <br />AIITICATI]iDECIJ.B4IIO! <br />D.moltion P.mi6-Asb6t6 No ficaiion F.dcr, Rcgulalions (Tnb 40, Psn 6) <br />Rcquird Lcnn of Notifi c.lion