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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Ovn6-Buildo Dccldadon <br />I hftb, .16ft und.r p..ahy of p.rjury dd I m *cofl lffi lh. Con! &loa Lictuc Lav for $. follo*ing r6on {s€c.7031 5 BNin6 <br />d Protsion Codc): Any City G Cou.ry which Equi6 e to conshcl, al6, ifrprcv., dmoliih d r.pai ey $ruclw, p.ior ro its <br />i$@cc, also Equts O'. appli@l ld such pdhn lo fi|. . si8rcd slalm..l lhar hc tr sh. is li..nsd puBuat b tn. prcvi3ioN ot fic <br />Contdror's Ltdld l:* (Ch+i.r 9, Conm@dog will Sccron 7000 ol Divisiotr 3 of $c A6ind ad Profeioru C.d.) or rhat hc or <br />shc L cxcfrpr rhdclrom &d th. bdis tq thc 6ll.s.d .xdption Any viohtion ol Sccrion 703 I 5 by my .pplicet ao, a s!bj.c!s th. <br />apgli@l to a civil p.nahy ot nor noc fiu fivc hundr.d dollm (1500) <br />l. 6 ow.d of rh. propcny, or ny .mployG qnh *.36 a th.t sol. @mposarion, will do fi. vork md {h. 3hcruc is no! inr6.lcj <br />or of.r.d fd s.l. ( SE 70,qr, Buin4 ed Proa6ions Cod., Tnc Cont lctor's Licdsc Law dcr not a9ply to e ownd oa $c propcrry <br />sho build. or inprov6 th.rcd, dd qho d.d s@h worl( hiN€lfor h6df or lhrNgh his or hd wn .mploy.6, prcvidcd $.r such <br />improvncnG dc nor int <br />"dcd <br />or oficrcd ftr srl. Ia, how.vd. ihc building q is iold * ii ocy@of compla'@.lhc <br />Ownd-Buildd will hav. ln. burdo ol provi.8 tut hc or .hc iot build or imptuyc ld thc purpGc of sal.). <br />_1,6 ownd oirhc prcpdy, M conlacring with conr6cro6 ro construct lhc roj*r ( Scc ?044, B6i.6s ud <br />Prorssion Codc Th. Conlrocrut Lie.r tiw dB not apply to a oM.r ofprop.ny who build! * improvA thBcon , md who <br />.oitacl' for sucb projccb *ih o Coi!&lo(r liqscd pusu r ro rhc Conrroc.or's Licds. L,w ) <br />-l <br />d .rnF rda Sccde _,8 & P.C is dris rc6on <br />WORIGRS COMAENSATION DECLARATTON <br />I hdby amm undd Fnalty of pdjury on. of ih. aollosios dela.xionr: <br />I havc ad vill maintlin a C€nifiBlc olcoNot to Sclf lnrE for work4' cmposarion, a provid.d for by Scctio l?00 oftc <br />tabor Cod.. for th. p.rf@dc. of tl'. wod. for *hich thc Fmil is hsucd <br />_I h.v. ad ,ill mai.iain wdl6 cmp.nsation insImG, s Equtcd by Scdie 3?00 of ln! hbor Cod.. aor th. psfollMc. of rh. <br />wo* fd whicn $it pqnn i! iltucd My v{t6' @mFnsalion insumc. 6i.r ed poliry .umbd m <br />PolicyNumb.r: Expi6l <br />lThis s.ction n..d nor b.complct d rtth.pcmn is ftrOn. hundrcddollaB 1!1001 or <br />A'o,n*^thc pdfomdc. oa thc wok f6 which this n i$ucd,I <br />ihc wdlm cdp.isation laps ofcalifomir, ed a8E.tnrr <br />oa Sction 3700 oa th. Labor Codc, I shall <br />WAxN['iG: Fajle to sc@ wortc6' .ep.nsaris cov.Eg. k unhwtul, <br />finB np lo @c bund,cd tioBdd doll6 (S l0O,00O),in ddidoD to d. .cl of <br />thl L.bu Codc, inrctBl 0d .tom.y'r fc <br />d cmployd ro cnninal p.nal .s ed crlil <br />dm!36 6 pEvid.d for lhc Seri@ 3076 of <br />LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION <br />, hcrcb, anim undd p.r.lty of pqjury thd I m licoscd !.dd provision of Ch.rtd 9 <br />rhc Bsin6 d Prcfdim Cod., dd my is an full f@c dd cfr..l <br />7000) <br />(/- o <br />CONSTRUCIION L[]!PtN(i <br />^QIiNCYI hcrcby !fim und.. poahy of Frju'y 0'rl fiqc is a cmaucdoi l..din8 l8ocy fd rh. <br />hsu.d (S.c. 3097, Civ C) <br />ollhcwdk ftr *nich ttis n <br />APPLICANT'S DECI-ARATION <br />Dcrnolilid PmiE Asbdlos Notificdion Fcdoal R.sllands (Tnl. 40, Pln 6) <br />_ RcquiEd L.ddofNo liqtion <br />y with all City &d County <br />tht Ciiy Md Couniy tocnl.r upon fi. <br />abovc mcntion.d prop.i, aor in.petio. <br />l7 <br />6 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Bu ilding <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />EXPIF IED <br />Rough <br />Service Meter FEB I 2019 <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.