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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE rD/srG.Ow.4-B!ild.r on <br />I t.rcby af6m undd pcnalty ofp.rjury lhat I m lrdpr fon rh. Cmtr.ctors Li@ns. rjw for rhc followin8 r.aon Ga.703 I s B6io6s <br />ed Po&$ioi Cod.): Any Ciiy or County which r.qut6 a pmit lo construct, altc., improvc, dcmolish o! rcpat ay structuE. rio. to it! <br />i6suec., also rcquirc, th. applicel for such pcmt lo fiI. s si8rcd slalcn.or 6d h. o! sh. i! licascd pu.sudllo lh. provieions ofrhc <br />Coir&lor,s Ljcci$d tr* (CtaF.r 9, CommocinS wid S€ciio.7000 ofDivision I olthc Businds od ftofCsios Codd orrh.t hc d <br />sh. t cr.mpt thclclroh dd rhc b6is fd rhc al lcg.d .xcmption An, violaion of Selion ?031.5 b, dy.pplicdt for a rcmnsubj.cls thr <br />applicmr to acivil pcnally oinot norc lhu 6vc hundrcd doll61S50O) <br />_L a ownd of rhc prcpcny, or ny dploy€ wi$ wag6 a th.n solc comp..r.tio., will do iha *ork Md th. structurc is not irtcnd.d <br />or of.,cd lq salc ( Sd 7044. Busii4 dd Prof4sion! Co{t., Thc Conrr&tork Licds. ks do6 nor apply lo ao 6w..r of lhc propcny <br />who builds or inprovcs thd.on, -d who do.s such rort hi@.lf or hs.lf or lhrough 6is o. h.. own .mploy.cs, prcvidcd thar such <br />inprov@.nG r. nor inicndcd o! ofcr.d fm Bl.. It how.vcr, !h. building or imprcvcm.nt n sold vnhin on. y.s of compl.xon, lh. <br />ow.d'Boildcr will hav. rh. blrdo of proving thai hc or shc not build or iDprcv. for l]lc pu,T6c of$l.). <br />_li d owndof!h. p'opcrty, conrracrins with licenr.dco ractors lo consruct thc prcj ccl ( S.c. 704 a, Bsin6s Md <br />Profssion Crdq Thc Cont&tort Liccns. La* docs not apply to d owncr of propdty who builds or improve thd.o, , dd eho <br />conlGcs for such prcj.cre virh a Conr.cto(, liccnscd puBuer lo thc Contradols L'ccnsc Law ) <br />_l d .rcmpt udr Scction _,8 & P.C. lor lhis Edon. <br />IAAKEIIEAUEEISAIIAIDECLAIAfIO! <br />I affim nnd.r p.,alt, ol p.r!ry on. oa thc lolloeiig dccldaio.i: <br />_l havc &d wiil mainhin a C.nifiqlc ot Conscnt to Sclf-lnsur for wo*6 conpchlanon, a prcvld.d for by Scction 3700 of thc <br />Labor Cod., for th. pqfolruE oidc wo.k fo which $. is i$ <br />_l havE ud qill maintain wskclsi conp.nsaiion insur&cc,6 r.qutcd by Sation r?00 oflh. Labor Cod., aor thr p.rfomdcc ofrhc <br />worl for *hich lhis is issucd My work6' comp.nialion insuran@ cui.r ud Folicy numb.r arc <br />Policy NunbeJExpiB: <br />th.pmn is aor On.hun&.ddollm {tlO0)orl6s) <br />thc Labor Codc, I shall, lonhwirh <br />dddoll6 (1100,000),in addnion damagB 6 povidcd for lh. S.ctioi 1076 of <br />rhc Lrb.r C.d.. lnr6.n &d f..s <br />LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECL^RATION <br />I hdcby atfim undd pc.alty of pc'l ury lnat I m licenr.d und.r provisioi ofChapr.r9 Gonm <br /> d Proa6sio.s Cod., aidmy lic.i$ is in lullforc. aid cff.ct <br />olrhcwo,k for which this pcmit is <br />097, Civ. C) <br />I lsrcc rocomply witn all <br />abov. morioned prop.dy for insD.clion <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release E)tPii lErl <br />Rough FEB _r 20t9 <br />Service Meter <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />COMMENTS <br />Transformers <br />FINAL Lcr.dd \ Addtss <br />APPLICANT'S DECLATTATION <br />D.molirion Pcmiis-Asbcsr6 Nodllcadon Fcd.rsl R.sulations (Tnla 40, Prn 6) <br />_ Rcquircd Lcft.r of Noli66lion <br />I <br />I <br />f------T------