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ELECTBICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS ID/SIG.COMMENTS O}YNER BTIILDDR DU,(-ARA'IIoN <br />IlErebyrfrn,u.rp.nrkyofp.rrr-vthar I m.r.nlpr IrutrrrlE Conh(u6'Lic.s. tiv ior rhc lolloring r $n lS{.7011.5 <br />Bu\in*s ind Pdassi.n G{c) Any Ciry n C.oDry which .cqtrncs a p.nnir to c.nnrud, ,hd. irpi.v.. d.n ish oi dpan y <br />ntodm. Otur ro irs issu €. !h. Eqtr,Es rlE apdi.,nr hr *u.I Fmnr b 6l.a sis'rd nai.ftnr rlN lEDt sh. N lt rEd pur$anr <br />ro rn 0ovi\ionr oi rh. Cnnradois l.ic.ns.d Ir* (Ch.flrr L Cobmcncins wnh Sccrion r(XD ol Divhhn I ol rhc Borincs md <br />Proie$Nn1 Co&, or rlBI fu or nE is ere,U rlu.fro , tr'rl rlE br*B for (lE ullqed erenprinr Any vrl ion of S{r D. 703 1 .t by any <br />arpli.rnr for r !.nnir subj.c(rh. npnllcrtrtbiovilpchrhyofnor,mr.lhunlivei! r.Jdolln(r50o) <br />l.$ ouns ol rh ,)nrpcny. or nry . Ilo}tcs wnh wds.s is rh.n v)[ ..'n].Enr.rion. $ do rh. w.rt and rhc stur@ i mr <br />iDl.trd.J or olT.r.d ntr srl. I S.r 7ol,l. Busifts ind Plsf.\$N C{d.: nr.{\ Lic.n\. b* dcs nor appll ru 3n ormr oI <br />tlE |nllny wl$ ldlds or rt,ov.r rlrEnl ud wb {nrs such s,fi him.llor lE6.llor rhrclF[ hi\ orhsto!trenDk,ytd.. <br />pr.lidcd rhar luch irn[norqEDh . rn inknd.rl r(nturl ltr$L.,li lrucvci rlf, t{iunE.r irrpmvcrmd shklenhinorc }!r <br />ofcon{bin\ [E O*rcr Build.r will hry. rh. bu,dln oI pnx rs rhd h. or $. <br />'lLd <br />nor h!i! or nr{,mE lh. pmpdry Id i ourp]*or <br />_1.{so*n.rofrhernDeny,rhcrclurirel}conkr.ri!-!sirhlictredcont*b6n,lan{rucirlEpmjcctls.c?{l,l4.Buiim$ <br />uxl Pluf.ilbtr Cod. The Conr(ktr r Lr.n\. Lls &Ei not alll)ly b rn o*ftr of lfoltd, who hilds or inDhves thueDn. <br />atu] rho .ontds Ltr ruch prDirls with a 6dmclo(n lkcnsd puruMr 1o rh. contacdk Law). <br />-l <br />krr.rnfl tr u Sedn, <br />r.oB[!a gullNr iu! <br />IEII4.BAII9NIlrnh!rlli'Dru o I]lDhv.f N,turyonc.rrh.ri'll,iringdrrl alnnN <br />.2:llEv.anJtr,lln'r'nrurC.nrfi!.o,C'tr.nrn,s.ltlrluEfo.$ur*6s.otr{EMion,asltuviJ.dtorbySah,n3700ofrlE <br />6ho!culc, rorrhcnslry'tuRc,ti\crlrk lo, ! nJI a h.u.J <br />-I hav. .nJ *ill trri, rin wo,k.^ .onf.nsarnD nsuru]le, as ralu,ftd hy S.crur lr0o ot rh. ljl'or CL'd€. Io lE F fomuru. of <br />rlE $.!k for which rlis If,r tr,ir E i*u.d My worklas' q'Irusri,,n nnurd.c cda drl li,licy nunh{ {c: <br />-l..nilyrl'd <br />iDrlr tf,rionnDcc olrlr work n wh'!hrhhr)c,nri 'rsurn.l n'illtror cr oyrtrylf,isor n rny manrr <br />s as h subjccl ro thc wo&.h ohp.nsdiotr llwr or C{lrroiri( .n'i {gree thd ir I \buld &cotu sblcd r. rL <br />sorlqJ .onDcnsdlou lx)rnons o, S..rion l7U0 ol $c tjlx, Cotl., I $Ell. lodhwirh llolply wirh lhos pmvisio,s. <br />WAIaNING Fa'luft ro sur. *orl.s !u'np.n$Lom!.tu3c rs uol.vlul. ind shlll suhjdt m ffplortr ro fiminulp.@hlvnd <br />!'v'l tuk\ un r' i,tr. hutrdr.J rlurusdil Jollan (!lm,oibl. in rddnir ro E con of uonf.rErion, d u8.s a provid.d for rlt <br />sruon :lo7o or lhc Lahor Ccl.. 'ntrcn a.d .hmv(l(s \:::2taluLT,M <br />-.. DCENSEI'CONTRACTOR <br />DUcLananoN <br />I h.Eby alIrD und.' p.nah, of p.rju, rhat I atu licaMJ und.r pruvnFn ofch.pis 9 (conuENitrg *ith S(tion ,000) of DivNiotr 3 <br />or rhc BusiEs and lmfcsiiom Cod., and my lice6. is in lull lore nd .ff*r. <br />c-zo / <br />w., Z- 2 </. ?aZ ocdt <br />laNnl3.Uerulll.INplNc-6lilNr} <br />I alllrm undcr Fnaxy oI0.rju, r- rhd thc.c i\ acon{ructi,n knding.8.rcy nr thc p.ironnamc orthe rork hr *hichrhi pd'nir i\ <br />n$.d(Se. ll)r7. Cn ( ) <br />inF islrsrN romvd u. nor u,iicablc lo $n pni{L <br />rl rfu lhtrc itrnxn'do, n.onc.r I {[rlcr'({U)l!wil,trll( [rrod ()utrr] <br />this Ciry ard G)unry b ents upor tlr <br />,n ", Z'2?2oza.borc trEnriotrcJ popd! ntr <br />,lrpli.anr nr,lr0tSipnl( <br />Site-Work <br />Underoround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm i Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Ivleter Release <br />Rough <br />Service fvleter I <br />FINAL 3/V/z D zN4 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />DATE <br />aEEL!C4BUES!484.!A! <br />I h*hy .ntur undcr pcnalty of pei(, onc of rtc ftnlo*in8 d.(lsarn,nr: <br />DenElirion Pcm t-A!b.io6 Ndinc{bn Rd.rd Rc3uld|n'NGirlc40. Pd6) <br />-R.quir.d <br />lrtcr.iNori6orbo <br />--+- <br />= <br />Rev.08 07.2015