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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR HECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS ()wN0R Irt ll,DER DUr,(,1R,\r'tON <br />nftil'rxirrdrN'nnr\!hidcrrrlrxtrli.xtrrr)rrlrilNflrvolrortrr!crhrln.Iun(lr.ndollrr!($5rx)] <br />-1. <br />I owt, oalhc phrEdy. or nry .mpb)r.s wilh wr8.s as lh.t 5lc oml.nsdion. will & ltx rdt ,rd rhc srEi@ is mr <br />inlcnd.n or of.r.d lor slc (Se.7044. Busires od Prote$iotrr Cdq Th. Cnnlrrrois Ltcns L{* dfts flor lpply ro d o*mr of <br />rh. lmFny who lnild\ or nqlos dtmn. sd who d<Es s$h *o* timsclfor hcmlf or lhmu8h hh orhcro*, cmnloyccs. <br />pmlidcd lhll such in{rohns s N mi int.i.lcd or otu tor $le. lf. t B(. tlt tdiuao8 tr ir{)fieftnl t eld sithin oft Far <br />of.oopLriorl rtE Oser BuitLr qill h.w tte burdcn oflmvine rh6r h. or dE dA mr hiB or inprD* dE |,re,Ei! hr tlE l,ulb$ c,{ <br />_1. &{ o,rcr of rhe px,F.r!. .m conid in8 wirh li.en*d .oorr&to^ lo snmct tlE pDj6l (Sec, 7X4. B!$*s <br />r.d Rrlc.ion Codcr The Conrrerois Licco$ k* docs nor orplyro anorncr ofproFny who blilds or imirrcvcs rh.r.on.rid *h. snlncls for s$h lroi{k wirh a C.nmco(st ltcnrc! p!^u lo the ConrBcrols Liens L!w). <br />-lNcxcryru <br /> .1, &P( aitrrhi\ru{,n <br />O$m.: <br />.uaatr[&Si0utENtAll09 <br />DICI.A.8A.IIQN <br />I hrvcrtrd *illnu rinr(.niltlrcoi(on\cnrr.Scll.ltr.urclartroAch.on{cr\rrtr .r\ tlnJlnlcd nr by Sc(rim l?ln o r rhr <br />I:tr, (-odc.lor lhc pcrlnnnrncc oarhc work lirr !h'.I rhc |tnnii ir i$n.rl <br />I hal. ,nd {ill minl,ii workos .onBnsal ion in\!ram.. as rcqlircd by Sel ion -l7m of lhc t ihor Codc, for th. pcnbmmcc of <br />rhe w.rk ror whkn thir Frtoil is tntn. My worlcs' con{Ensllion insllec.Micr orn polky nudt r &c: <br />in rh. p.rformikc of ih. *ork rr*httltisrrdir h issucd.l sholl nor .mploy lny F^on inonymnner <br />h*s orc0lifomi!, and aBe. rhd itl slbuld hdoft slbj.rl ro ltr <br />lh. lltff Codc, I rh,ll. ronhwnh $mdy *nh rh.* pmviiions . <br />subjcct to lhc wortcs compctrslion <br />w.tkcB' co'nrcneln'n rrovhions of Scclion 1700of <br />WARNING: F,ilur. ro scur. workcs .onl,.nsrioi .ora6sc h unlawliil-ma *rDp<flo m-mfi,ytr ro aiminar ltBhir !d <br />tr cfi't 4nv,<!t'^ d'tus$ f,i{lovidcd ro' rhc1-Zi c-z'O <br />.iril fitrcs up to om huMrud rholrlnd dolltrs (Sl{D.m(). in r dir <br />t n,|'l thc lilrrc{ie inrcrc{ lnd .r.r21.2,t <br />^ <br />l2[lLlSrIIIO! <br />.l rhc llr^i'rrs\ rn,lP^nc$n'ns Co,fu. trtrd trly liccn\c i\ in ln!lknrc rn(l.ll..r <br />Cbto u <br />-/.2?.ZO ..,",...'.'. !A Lz <br />d <br />I hcrcl'y ifir"r u olEnolryofp.rjuryth th.rch.snrrrucrinrkdinanlcnc,[nrhcFrfornunccorih!ro.kritrshthrhtpranrilh <br />issucd (Scc.1097, Civ. C.) <br />ASIIIIANI.DECLAAAII}N <br />I ltEny {lm und., Fnolr, ollcrju,y om ofrh. fdlowinC dRladb.\: <br />Dcmlirion Pcrn s^sbcsros Nollic.rion rtd.r,l R.solr'bns (Tnt {{).l,rn6r <br />-RL!!tua <br />bncr ol Norincirion <br />:( Nruurrr^z 11 L U <br />c, <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />WaterUnder floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />I nterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />€ough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />l\,4ain Drain/Pool Pipinq a2 <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Servrce <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanita Sewer/Cap <br />Rough Plumbinq <br />Final Gas Test <br />t)I <br />il4/trs ',tWitl <br />Notes , Remarks, Etc.''l , --I: W <br />) <br />(./ <br />I h.rcby tmm undcr pcmlty of psjury om of thc followin! delmlions: <br />Water Service <br />Back Flow Device <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL