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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />/1Rough i/(s 5.w1,.,2.1+* <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL ,/lct s\Yn lrfl!% <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />O\l1\IER BUTLDER DEITCAN TION <br />I tE.t,y lllm urid p@.Iy oa Fjlrr 0l, I d dqrF tri llr Co'r'*i6 Ltc& L!* tor 0r tollowiir .asa lse ?011 5. <br />BBi,l6 md Protsir Cod.) Ary Ciy or Coudy *r!th ..qu-B . Fni ro @rEtud. .16, i'r,roE &mlirt or qin.qr <br />,ruclue Fir ro n! iw.. .Lo r.qoi6 tb. +pliml for Mh Fmn b 6L..i8i.d rroEr rhr lE or Jr i! licdE d plMI <br />to $c ForisioB of rlE Conr*roa3 Lic.r!.d tiw (Ci6prE 9, ( omftins *nh Setion 7000 ot Divilio, 1 ot thc B@i.a rn( <br />Pmrsba Co&) o. fia lt c iE ir aaId rfidt'on.n 0E b..i ror rlE.[r.d oalpliotr <br />^ny <br />lioldioi orsGrio. ?0] I t 4 oy <br />.gpl'.er tu r FEh $ti$r rlr lo . dril pair, 6f mr mE rhr liE hurd.d &,116 (iJ@) <br />,.1,aowoarh.FoFly.ormymplolcwithw.t6arhcnst&nFNrion.will6ltE*sLaitlEdrEietml <br />idsd.d or olrd.d hr 5lc (Sd 7044. BlliB &d Prolb.ioG ( o&: Tl'. r lide Liw &E nn @ly ro , o$E of <br />llE FsFry *t tuil&d itFors{E@ rd *'lb.lE !d! *ut hi@lf or hd*lfor tlmlgi tir d lE o$r srplorG <br />Fovd.d rhc sh dFlrdcrr e @i ircn d qo,rud ftri]..lf, h6E. dE tlddla r rslvqlEr i$ldwihDo()a <br />ofcohpldiotr llE (]*16 Builds wil hlw tlt tuda ofF]Mng $n lE or rh. did ml hrild or irproE tn. Frpaly tor lh. Fspo€ of <br />l. 6 o*c of rh FDFry. h cortsrrn* wirh lic-!.d .otnrrr6lo cor*u<r rlE FDj<r (56. 704.1. BratrB <br />arn PrDtosihCo.L: Tb. ConlrEtol3l,icru kw do6.ol lptlyro owns ofFoFly who blildr ot *'t!o o'trt! fs sh Foi.(r! wirh r lid!.d potud ro rh. Conrrrolr Li!* lr*) <br />I @.rfrpr un& Sdrhn <br />Ori6: <br />roaaEai(Q^tllttarlo!Dlcl4tArlq! <br />I lffm un& FEX, otp6juyoe ot$. folkr*ms dxls.rioB: <br />I h.E !d uill diln.i! r CsiifElrc otcoen lo f* rst6 s@@rh( B EoriLd 6. b, Serioi l70O !f rlE <br />lrln Codc for ln. Ffrllft. ol$. Elt fd *ni[ rlE Fni a i&!n ? <br />I h!v. a.d sill mintain wort@ .o'np.Brlion iNrricc, 6 r.qun.d bt s<r io. 3700 .f $. t hor (id., lor th. <br />rh. *ml for whrh ih! Fmn ir isld My *uld .on{i@ran i6uJtr. ffir !n Fla, nmtE r.,I I <br />Cffi: <br />I .dit rh.l u rlr Ffntuc oalh. Erl fo, shrh rh! Fb'r G istd. I rhlll mr dploy oy Fen in sy nldlE <br />s a lo be!ft r!bJ..l io <br />'h. <br />worl6'6np.Mion Lw, of Crlifr)mr& ed.Cc lh,l itl JFlld beom. rubjdl lo llE*!rt6' 6nFurio, p,ivirhB of Sd i.n !700 of rh. trbor Cod.. I 3lEIL adh* nn (nply rnh tr poviio6.. <br />wAlNlNC F tur. ro suc *sr6' .odpor!.ren ov6as. s urhr tu1, od itdl tlbjer d dploF t6 diaind pdtrlb Md <br />cilil fin.t up ro oG hund(d rhoMd <br />Selion i076 oa rh. l-tor (-o&. inr.d <br />in itld'rtun t, rh..osr .l.orfcrerr)n. dnfraln dr ptufiddl li)r rh. <br />!.lflt-r r3-!1t! <br />I rd!t! llrm urr6 Fn ltyof FjuryI F.vanD of cl[FE 9 Goffiir3 *ilh Sal-! 7000) of Dv lior l <br />of tn EGiIK! .nd PrcfeE Co&. il my licru s s tull ittr.. & <br />,z <br />I h@b, !rr- u'lda Frn, of Fiury $r E! ir r @lutudbn lading !ac,6r U. Fftlrl:"@ or$. mrt ftrr stth lhi! Fann a <br />nru.d (S+ 1097, Cie C.).L.o(b.N@.-_ <br />AIEUCANL|IICIdAAIIjI! <br />I had, .ftr un& Fuhy ol Frr),oft of lh. folloeh! &.l,nrioB: <br />D.mlnion Pmil}Alb6lo! Noriicllion F.d.r.l Rcgulatnr6 Onl. 40, Pfi6) <br />Rdtui.ql I-ar6 of Ndiftdir lo7tl h <br />.sr* '. onply $nh .!l (-iry .rd Codv <br />N6 oaoj3 cr, od Counry ro ar6 qFn llE <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />6/, <br />'- <br />Jo<e