<br />o\r t\ti autLDER ofiL(Afi I()r\
<br />I aiim undd pcaollv oa nsiuIv lhal I u cr.nDl tun. th. (irntrado* l-ic@ liw for rhc follorin! ,a$n (Se 701
<br />1
<br />BBrnd Id frclorn Co<L) A,t Cnr or hunr s'hah r.9un6 r Fmn io odtud, .116, tlrmlisn or ErE
<br />rltudtrr., pftr $ nr isum... .b. ra+r6 th. .lplicsl aor ruch pdinn ro fi|.. sisn.d slllmdl thar lE or $. n li.tu.d luis
<br />ro rh. Fora{'B ol tlE Co dr6r'r L'.d..d L.r' (cturG 9. Com.wins r hh sn.lio. 7000 .t Dil nion I of ln lllrin*
<br />Prcf6'o ( od.) orrh,l,Eor3lE i!.rmF rh<cfiom !d rh.ts6 f.r rlE dl.$cd c\dplion Any viohlio. of S<.lion 70r l 5 q(
<br />+pli(d lor . Fnh sbjRlr lh. .pplkel lo ! .i!il FEI! of.ot RnG lh.n lir. hundr.d &llr. ( lt00)
<br />L a oms of th. FlrEry. or n, dplo)G wirh q rs6 a rh.i, $1. comroBdidn, rill & tlE so* erl LIE i lr. mr
<br />Ilnqr&l dotrqrd fd eL(s< 7o{a, BcilB sd Prof<n)N ('.d. rlE Codr-or'r LtcE L!tr &6 nol +rl} rd m otrm.a
<br />lhc F.'rcty who hilh or inpro!6 thsoa ul qho dB sh wdr himlcltnr hdlf orrtuouEh hit orhd oM.mIloy6.
<br />t,or llal rhd ruch ihFo\61EB e Dl ddi.l.rof,ml 6r nL l[ rb*qs.
<br />'lE
<br />trildi{r or trqmrsrr, ! $B *rbD.E \r
<br />ot@nipLrioa rL O*c ac0k *r! h&. th. hdn oaF,vlg rnd h. dr slE dd mt b{iE m nF..E
<br />'h.
<br />pi'Fiy in ttE plI4B ol
<br />L is ow.d oilh. rropdy. dn.r( conrdiqr $nh licft.d co.t&1oalo $Nnl(l llE (S( 7cr,r{. Bc'ns
<br />&d lbEsrn Co& lllc(onlalois L'c.G1.!* &,6 Nl.,{,1} ro dorns oaFoFdyNho bu'l&or impro\6lhdon-
<br />..d sho lodtu1! ldr 3u.h F.j.{s snh r nnrfronn ltdr.n pu6Mr k! rnc (
<br />I !n.imr* od.r Sdrirn
<br />ur.LlJtstlt(2!
<br />I hd.b .rm un&r tEun! of Fjur) om .f
<br />'h.
<br />nnh$ 6{ <!a h.dioB
<br />I h!r. rri tr rU Mll M i Cdif(d. of Col6l r. lerc lor $ork6 ..mFshn, a F\ llai fd b, s.drn r?m orrh.
<br />t b.r ( ode ror rt€ pqfotrffic orth. *od for whth lh. p6nr i isu.d.
<br />I h,!c dd tr'llm'nr&n *o 6' .onFMi'n '6urd.e, d riqur.{ b! sdion u00 oarh. lih.r Co&. for lh. F6r]1e. na
<br />rh. quk for wh'ch rhi! pdflir i! Lrsu.d My {orkd comlc.l.! ion idtrrN..6i( d p.lic,nu,Dtq6.
<br />I (di&rhli in lh. Ddfrrffi of rlEuo for $hi.h this lxrnn 't irs!.n.I sr',I mr sqih! eypm.i.synuG
<br />yr 6 ro td6h. lulr<r to rh. *6lrd .onFM6n L$r oa( rlihmia, ed r*Erhd if I should tE omc lubjdl lo lh.
<br />Lort6 6'nFMbn F!\ irioB ols.(! io. l?00 of th. L.bor ( ode I tEll. tqlhu',lh codrly tr ilh lhoe
<br />'nx
<br />i.ioN
<br />$ARNINC l'ailur. lo suc ro.k6' (omFadion $\@s. n urhntul, d lhall mpht6 b ominsl rEEhK and
<br />n)n. dlmg.s I prorkicd ror lhc.nil fin.s uD ro on. hundr.d thoMnd dollas (X)1. lddilfn lt\ ihc c.( rc
<br />sd.n r(176 .r rh. I itnr crxL
<br />r)r ( r.\R \,1[.1]
<br />I h6.ID altrh lols Fri) of F,uD rhd I m lrqel uet r F ilFi of(n Os
<br />of rhe alsins Md ProfdioE (irdc, d my lirffi 6 in tull lor.. Md crd
<br />e {omffiins f,nh S.d iotr ',0001 or
<br />colsIaucul,}xLENDlNi-dcDlrY
<br />I @ lllm undd Funy oaFiur-' lhr lrE. i r.odndirn l6dins.!tr] lor rh. Ff(ffi. oftlE $rI irr \h(h rh. Fmn 6
<br />isu.d(s( r0s7.(!v c)
<br />L.nid ! Nm.
<br />I nsdl'! .trrm un&r lloally o f Frury o( orlhc t lhu ra d<Ldl irnt
<br />D.molition Pdmits-Asb6to. Nolificdnrn [.ds!l Rqubions ('lilkr(l. P!n6)
<br />R.quir.J ldr6 of Ndifi cd0n
<br />I.6iifyrh rnc f.ddrl r.subt (,6 Esrd'na 6tEn\ rs..\ al dc to,1 arpl'..Uc () rhn proJd!
<br />!I hr\. rad ihi! rprliario. ri in. rh, !h. !b(,r. in i cotrd I rsre lo c,mpb * ilh all (- t rd ( ou.r,
<br />srar.l:\schrinttuboildinNconstudiotr,ddhd.byotrl
<br />i.Ej p.oFn! li, tq.d
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing 17 ntr, }\a c
<br />Shear Wall T <_)I
<br />Framing
<br />ln sulation/E nerg y
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />FINAL ?/rt/tt ,MJ Y/
<br />Certificate of Occupancy '7
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />ea)4 aY 'I,
<br />I
<br />I
<br />k*g