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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNEA BUII,DEN DET-('ARA TIOIT <br />I hs.ty arm u..Lr l).nnhy of !-jury th.' I m .r.nnr ar.m 'h. <br />( onr.doR' LiccM L.q ntr rh. lollo$i.r (S6 70i1.5. <br />Ilurin6! aftd PNI<ion Codc): Any C y or Coumy which r.qut6 , rtmir r. consttucr, rh6, nnprovc. dan.liih or i+& dy' <br />ntudu4 Fior io irr isom., &. r.q!ir6 !h. !ppli.M' ntr ru.h tEmi to 6lc r siB.al3r.hd rhd tE or rh. ii licosl puMd <br />to rh. ForilioN ot rtr Cork&roli l-i..tu d ljr (Ch.ird 9, Co@d.rg unh sdio. 7000 nf DsisFD I or rh. thrina ed <br />Prof*io.s Co&) or rh{ lE o.:lr ir (mF rhd.fton,nd rh. h6a for rh. dLld adnBnn Ai} rhbrionoasalin 70llJ byuL <br />4r,liclnl for . Fmn $bjRk rhc !r't i.&' io 5 civil p6!ht of .or mr. lhd li\. hu(d &llus (15(l()) <br />l. a om6 oflh. IroFdr. or ny.mplots wnh slB6 f,r rhct $1. compsMlion, will do rh. "o* Md lh. stru.1r. i, ml <br />inrdi.d or ofrad for sl. (Sa 7044, Bulind Dd PmfdioN Co&r TIE Conr.rtoi! Lic@ l,{ 6B .or .pply lo M 0$6 of <br />tlE FtrFiy wh. hil& o. oror6 irE6( ,n wh. &E tu.h s& him.ll or hdJlf or $m!Bh hir Dr hd o$n .mrhr6. <br />pio\ id.d thn sch @Fer6rd. ft mr idqd.d qotu tu sL tf. rn*6n- rlr hiktiig 6r iitr\Ed a $ld s iihin or )d <br />ofcorlPldb'l' E (rE Buitta *iI lE\! tlt hddr of Fo\rB tL lf, or 3lE dil d hrild o rmE lh. FDF} tu lli FrFt of <br />l. a ownq of rhc rropsty. m conrrerins with liGts d conrndoa ro consrrud r h. pi,i(l (56 704,1. llBincr <br />ird PiDlsih C.d. 'I'h. Conld.rol ! Li..ns Lrv d(E nor lrply to e ownd o r,,op.ny r h. buirdi or nnpb\ d rh6s..rd *h. co tur fo $ct F.j.<r $nh ! CoMo(r) lirdu.d p{B@ ro th. Con'dors l}re lis ) <br />I 0 .tmi un&r Sarnrn <br />Drl.:_ onn.r <br />woRxaRs' (nrvPENS^ iibii <br />UECLANAIIA! <br />I hs.ta .rm un& F.l', olFjlo oR of rh. lolh$ i,X d.{l-,rioB: <br />lhr\.adsillmint.inrCdincd.ofcoM'ros.ll-lNur.aortro.t6'.om!.Mion.a,r.\id.nforb56!nnr70Ooflh. <br />trhor ( oda aor rh. Ffolil@c of rh. $ o.r for shkh th. p6n i! Budl <br />I h!v. Md will h.intrin *ort6 conDaBltion iBurln.c, .r r.qun.n hy Sction :1700 o I lh. I rhtr ( od.. htr I h. pslomucc oI <br />rhc * ork for vhi.h rhi! p6nil t is.d M, u'orl6 snFsdion iEu,ucc cris dd ,Flty hudh6 dc: <br />,* $q.:11!_S!-triy 7dt. Co . <br />p.hc)Numba wlc cxgaf 8?1Q r,.tr6 ,lr |.ec <br />I c6li& rh,t in th. pdaorlmc. ollh. *o.t aor whi.h rhi3 Fmn is i!ru.d. I rhlll nor dDloy rnr_ F$. i. sn, mMn6 <br />r a lo b6ft ro <br />'lE <br />*0116 mmFEiion Ltr! of ( llilomil !d *E rhi ir I srauB lrroEc -ticr kr r h. <br />\oltd' odpdqrirn FoGiod of sdFn t7@ otrh. Iltq Cod.. Lutl, rn(h*(h comply * irh rr$i Forih6 <br />llARl{lNG: Fnlm ro k@ *0116 onFcri.n .n\d,{c a unl,utul, !d !n.ll $bjd x mtL}r ro aimid FEnis arl <br />civil 6n6 up ro oR hoftn.d 'hound doll6 (lloo,tDo). d.dd ion r..oi of <omD.M'rn..Lmn6 a nro\i'j.{ for th. <br />Salion 1076 oflh.lihr (-ode inrd.n and drlom., sz-12.t1 <br />DT,CIASAI]OT <br />I lmm und6 F$lry oaFjur) lnr I m licqsj unl6 For6ion of d glco'n,6. ! q(h Scrnn llxrJr.fl)'\Bon ! <br />of <br />'h. <br />Busin6!and Pnrf*ioNCod., i.d mr licd.6 in i,' ll rorc. dd.fffrr <br />?to@ ?q'l <br />'t.1 <br />c(2lilillcrall.lirDlxri-dcl,lrr <br />I hdb, affm und6 !.n.lrt 6f p-jury thn <br />'h6. <br />i! r colrntuclion l.ndin8 .{6.t lor rh. FfonnM.. ol rh. sort for \ hi.n thL Fmi b <br />isu.d (s6 1097. civ c) <br />ADPI I('ANT DTCLAIiA TIO]I <br />I hEq, !trm u.d6 ,,air, of pdjlrt on. or rh. aollo*inr dchnr iod: <br />D.nDlnion Pmh$A3ti3o! Nolificdio. t.dGll Rcsubrnn I InL {. Pfi 6) <br />R.quircd ttrr6 ot f,rolificlrFn <br />I ccnity rhal rh. r.3adir8 abrslN rdno'01&e nor epLi.rhl.lo rhis pr.i(r <br />I cd,b rhd l h.\. r.!d rhi rrpk,'i.n dn r.t. !h! rh..Is\. infolBrk.6 cotrd I '8ra r. rorrl) snh all ( rr! ind ( ounry <br />ord,NR6 ind srsr( lrq di 'Its 'o <br />hrld'ns coqt ,(rn. ,n h(cb lulrra. qrqtnn 6 .r rtu (ill ind Counrr k' 6rd up., LIi <br />rlrn. lmrbn.d F.Fn! fG ft.Elnnlltra\g <br />^pprhnr <br />or As6r shn.rur Au - ,r.,. 'L?LLt t1 <br />PmrRdn.rpnno: D+' g Olq- €w <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor l- t trt ?',rt-', <br />SubfloorNenUln sulattoi ,,7 6[.nt t ,/''"rv_!) <br />BqofSheathing 7 I I .1/4f (/9 ) <br />Shear Wall I <br />Framin s )LE t tLdrr0T) <br />I n s u la t io n/ E n e_1gy-/1 tc t1 .,n&rrtv) <br />o:vwa*==-( +6 I tLlrt a4ilD <br />({x(ttnt. Ldrh)7 €tf6'1t7.-a<tr7l) <br />EroDireeat-6i 7,/,4/4?'DMasonry *...k41 .L(?,A ) <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />En gineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />FINAL o 4trq(/q/ <br />Certificate of occupan-y 7- <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.