<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountatns
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Facto ry Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />Rough
<br />FINAL L lq/l\,{.^.Kl
<br />Notes , Remarks, Etc t1
<br />or NtR BU rt:R DEl,(nfl Tt()N
<br />I hs.b, .mnn uidd p.r.!y of !oju,,. rhd I m .\.$r fhd rh. ( .n'6.l.E t-ir6e lr$ ltn 't. tolln\ric (Br. (Sd 7011.5
<br />nu'nd dd ftof*Fn ( o<Lr An! (' , {, (ird! uhdr r.qun6. tEhi n'6'd41, !1t., trnFo\.. .hr.lih., (F 6}
<br />!rto(u.. rnr lo ilr i.!ffi.. lbo Equt6 rh. .ppli(d fo, !!.h Fnn r. fik ! sitnRl ndl6n.nl rh.l h. or rnt n licflscd puMer
<br />lolh.p.!ri!bNollh.('onlrrlmrLic.ntdl,\l(nFsc.(onndinssnhsdri.r'l(rDdDnisnniolIh.BBi!6.d
<br />Ptut*icN Co<!G) nr rhd rE d {E n cidli rhd.6oo rnd rh. t .i! tor rh< rlk!.Ic\6nt'l io. A.! ri.larh.ols.(rnr r0!1.5 b}ey
<br />.$li.ad f a Fflnn luhjdrs lh. qrrli..nr ro . civ il p.nrll t. f frn frr. th.n fi\. hunrlr.d d.lhB ( lJm)
<br />-,t.so*ndofth.prcrdly,orh,Bnphrdtrilh$i[6srh.ir$1..ooFMion.sill&llE\ t M!] thc fiMrruc ir tur
<br />i drLd d ofld.d lor rk ISa 7or4, t}lliB..d Pmadn ( od.: lLC.lrrilo'r l.t.r t,s &-dt'tllll.on.\Eof
<br />rh.Fopcly $l$ tl dr in+.or€ rlEaa,t $h dEarn $flt h!relf or h<*lf or rltougthi! d h.r o\naqthrs.
<br />provid.d rh.t 3uch 6FDr dEll! e 6l h!6r:lrJ ( ofird tol 5lc l[ h]*6r, ih. hrildinr or n'{re\ 6'Etr it ell s hhin o.. ya
<br />oroipbir E o$G ooi& $ill h^! llE h!d6 otFriry lhr lE or JE dij ml bill s iqt6! fi. Ftt{! tf, r ,[lFEof
<br />l, 6 orE of rlE F!Fr]. m.r.U!n.l) condrin* rnh lt6s.d (onrr.tdro n'dM rtr Fi< tS( r(tr-l.ltxilr
<br />and Elt{bn Codc: Th.Conkrtoar l-ic.m.l-rw6G mr lpplyto.nornn ofprotEnysho build!nr nnlrtrrvdih.rdn,
<br />.nd who oir-i for wh FoFl] q irh ! ( onn.(rl lkq!.d pt R!.rr l. rh. ( odrarn ! Lld t^ )
<br />I er.r.nrp{ 0 16 Sdi,'n
<br />l)rrc (rtrr.r
<br />lroBf,r;ar1l,llltrsaUt
<br />url.La&ula!
<br />I I'd.hy allnr 0ido I'.trilrr olrEr !okolrl[ hln\rr d([rirk,trs
<br />l h^r. el Nll 'n.,nr.'n . ( d 'iirarr ol (ir.sr k\ Srllr lnntrr irn \ fr l6s cfnlFlqn ur. i\ tro\ ti fin h\S.ritrq, r1(!ofrh.
<br />Iitxtr Cod.. t,lhc p<fon.!ac..l lh. \ro,l lnr \hich lfu pnn,r ! i\3!d
<br />lhar.6ndsilln.inl.in\orto!conrlltlldnninsu'.trcc.sr.,.tun.nbySalnrnl7lx)ofrhcltrhtr(b,k,nrrh.lxrn!1n{c.ot
<br />lh. u rt lor u hi.h ltis Fflnil i isEd I'ly tr o' \d c'mFEdion iBuruc cMi' ti F Ir) nufltq e.
<br />lcdri6 rl8r h ih.FnrtuN.of rh.rorl fty sh(hrhirFmit 'r 6ru.rl.lrh.llnoi df'k\! ar) tE$.6nn] n,itr'H
<br />$ d!
<br />'o
<br />tE .n'. ubiar k' rh. $rr k6' comp.n$lnrn htr i of( ilituni.. ind 0a'.. lh iIlsrx{ld }Ero,Dc$h,.d k, rrr
<br />uorl6 comFMlhnrno!LirNotSalir 1'7(l(,of lht l,n)r (iy.lc I itr irnhenhamor) u i'h rlr& Fi\ iri,c
<br />i! lnlA fol. d!] .ldl ruhrrr .n Gnrltrs h onnirrr FEli. !d
<br />.n'l lin6 rt k' oR hu.d,.n rhousnd.lo r r(61frEnFmri+&ure.s I \d.d for lh!
<br />I hscbr lmm und6 p.n.llr otpcrjury rhll I m licoi.d untF llorLrii'n otChlprc 9 ($hnBlcior $irh Sdinr Tu)tr).lDnnion I
<br />oa
<br />'lE
<br />ar.iB ltd PrcldbB ('o&. rn mr k.M i in aoll tuc an dTF
<br />,..*.,"* (zo.C
<br />D.'. -> brlil >2 Y,
<br />I dt rtlm unrLr ltnlhy.f paiuD rhd !hn. n ! sdtudirn krnin! +tr) ror rh. tErfm'rft. oarlE q.* tu \firhlh6 pd'nl .is.d{s< 1097.('iv. C.)
<br />atB.l(Auul[ctatAua!
<br />I hrrb, .,fm unld p6thr ol Fr- r- oF nf rh. f.lh* ins d.rlrrion3
<br />D.oolhbn Pamni-Albcro! N.rilicnion i.&,.1RquLrions (l irl. Jo. trn6l
<br />.R.qun.d Ldrd of Nor'lririoi
<br />\X#-*
<br />r.no\rla'. norrylnihkn. r[6 n(rd
<br />h. !d i.l. rhd lh..b.r ( inronnion i! Md I qlrc n! $'q,l) { i h .ll ( ir ) t.d Cod,
<br />i, hiilJ,nx cotr(rrd!u. 'd hd.l
<br />4 lwJ, i.lr.k!.--7;;E
<br />DATE I rD/SrG.
<br />Site-Work I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />Meler Release I
<br />Service Meter
<br />2