<br />I ha!t, dfm 'n'dd
<br />pa.ry of Fiw, Ul. I n a.4( 6@ rt codr.co6 Li!4 Lo 6r lh 6lb*iir tu (sETollJ
<br />DcitE !n lDf..*n Co&): Any Cily d Cqlly {ttlt EqoiE . Fhi lo @dnd. .tr. itFolq damlirt or tqd -,tfriEc rtrto it! isdsc..lo EqsiErlE ipli.d t'.ut FEi lo tu..istt d rraEr rllr hr!t b li.d.d Fn+
<br />b rlE prDvi.iE of . co rIldr Lta.Gd hq (chqra 9. comtrilt wili SB,rior 70m of Divirioi ! of rh. Bdlr.. @d
<br />Profc.iou Codc) ordd h.@tt! i a6p h6!ftonud tlr loi t rh..lLt.d ddplioi. Aiy vaoLlion ots.(rbi 7011J by&,
<br />+plicd tu. Fnn lubjdr rL .p?li6r ro ..ivilFdry of rcl ie rln 6v. hon&ld &llar (1500)
<br />-1.
<br />own- of ti. FDFry. a Ey.qbld wilh *.86 ! rf,.i -L oopd.b!. ei!& lt rst d lh. ll!d@ i Er
<br />ira.ld , othld &..L (S6.?0aa. BuiE rd ftDftli6 C.& Th. Cortlq r liu- Lr* (lE od qly to e oqG of
<br />ri.loF rb hrb d iry!€rbe. na tto rhd r,.t6t liE{d tdslf u &qd ti q lE os qbr6.
<br />FlvUlL ut irFltd Gd ba&d qofrld b. rL. lt E.a.r d iryNd a -E eilt! c rt
<br />of Eqkioq dro*c 8'& r lt€ dr! brdc! of F&t tl: h.6lE (E Dl h,! a ilPw ItE FlFry 5. dt Fro..of
<br />- l, Bownsn(rh. tiopdry. m.r.! *irh li.dkd (ontreloN to.onnrud lh. Foid (Sa 7(!14, fn$.4
<br />rd Fmtu in(od. rhc(onlGlorr l,icd. l-!q'do6 ml lr'rlylo !nosns.fpmrcny$ho huilJr.. improvdlhson.
<br />ed *ho.oit.d!lorru.hrhj..lrsnh.(*lA)
<br />I 6 crdF uirb Sdri,a l, \,
<br />lra8f,ta$-coutElsaraN
<br />I hart, .trm ulda pady ofFjlry oE ofrh. follosi.s dc,-nioB:
<br />I h!\. m, \'ill minuin a C.nil'rc(. of('.rM.r kr s.lf'lNurc n,r \ orlds' conrFMriotr. tr! I' r kl.J lnr bv sdrn,n 1r0(r otlh.
<br />ljhrr (itl., fornE D.rfomec. oflh. tro rorNhthlh.Fri a isNil
<br />I l$. .!d *ill minub $o,la @q,.Dri.! iElll.r.. s Eqrnld b sarh r70o oiilE cod.. f., t p6ror!.c! ot
<br />tlr rdt ft. {tth thir Fni ir irr.d M, wrt6 orpa!.i, ilrl,l.E -ia rd pol.y lMhd G
<br />n* C-11ryt, i15. LO
<br />11nC\tJ I ot1 r\p,B l-l-19
<br />I cdili rhd in !M oflh. s o'k for \nich rhir rcrmir tr ir$El. I shall nol ontloy nnr Fi..n in dn! flnnnkr
<br />$ 6kr kcom. ul'jal ro lhc trrl*sr $rseroi l.$. orclllr hir. lnd dsre rnd ilI rh\ntl trrdnr l'r.rl r{,lhc
<br />Nrk6 co'np.rur ioh por i5ioB or s.dn)n 17lnulrn. Ldhr( od.,Iihll, n h$iihcond! n'rhrrrr$r.rsrB
<br />I halby rllm uflla FrXy of Fjuy $n I e [.6!r.d uida F.vib! of Chlcra 9 (coffiilg wirh Sdlbn ?000) oI DivLid ]
<br />of $. A6i6 rn Proftsb6 co&. id ny lkE ir t tuU for -d .rtrd.
<br />tl
<br />I 1..f.. \tr: t\l fh toc
<br />o,t, q 'Ll ' t1 ,..,.*" \ o/t-, u,tn 11c-*,
<br />(arfla!(Iul-lr:rDlrili-acfa(J
<br />lhcr.b+ 6fln'nundr lBahlofp.rjurlrhd thd.taconiru.ri\h knd'nS.!6c) ,or lhGtdnlnuu( ol lh.(o'k fix\h'chrh(tEnn n
<br />i3sud,tss 10e7. (,\ c)
<br />AlzUCi tlI.ItCLSAIlq!
<br />I b.rt.ith uril6 p. xy ofFju, orc of UE 6llo*i.g (blerbBl
<br />Damtnio. P@nlA.bdrd NorifEdion F.ddl R.gubriod (Tirl.40. P.n6)
<br />-R.qutrd
<br />t rt6 of
<br />-l
<br />.qlify lh. llE ftda.l E|!!lir Errdi'E &6 '!mvd N ror +rlirbL ro rhil
<br />I Git rhr I hnr qd rht +plitri' tn r.. Ihr rt a cdid. I {E !o ond, $ah Ciy D<l Cord,
<br />ordiltlB lld 9d. t s r.LtrB b hil,6f rhi! Cn, ad Cod! r. dra '+o! d!
<br />$or. @rirrxd FDFi, frr
<br />Appltonl or Atdi sLn.lue:
<br />Bt.\ c.,.r[
<br />1-'t-tl
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Pipinq
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Tesl
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />,t L/.2--\
<br />Rough Plumbing lrltslt?
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release't8 '?. fz'l\z 're) a-9=r8
<br />FINAL / z--c,.14.Z?.,'..\'r,G.'O-'7 )
<br />DATE
<br />ro or hridtd tuu,rd &lbt t!l0t).0001. an .dd(ion ro rlE .oi or.onEd
<br />Sdr6n !076 olrh. lltxr Codc inlgsi.nd fidEr't fG
<br />4- 4-,-t
<br />I
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />I