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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Olr1{II IUILDET DI.LC'AIAIK'N <br />I lElly .eD !'dq Frny of Firy rlr I h a6!fl run dr c6cs6 Li(EE t * for lt folb"ts .ql. (qf.?ollj <br />eline .!rd Profcli@ cod.): An, ch, o. C&!ily $trth rcqriE . Fni ro o,ro<r. .hq. inFDw' .btulitt or qri i, <br />dud!.. Firlo i. i.llde & rtqi-lt ndLn eradFErto turiirn.dfidE thillort a liqd rrd <br />ro iE F tb6 of rlE Coircrort Li€!.d rre (CluFa e, C@i.r wii S<rbn ,mo of Diriibn t of rr. &ri6 ed <br />PEGrioD Co&l or tnd h 6 rlE i qsl9l ll'altDn .'d llE bGir br dE rlLinl da$bn. Aiy lbldb. ofs6ii'n 70115 b, Ey <br />.Fltd 5.. FDi rljctt tt ?ptod ro..ivilp@t, of 6l ocu- nv. biH &[rt (1500) <br />-1.!. <br />o*Eoflll.FoFty.diy6ploy6wirhw...rtLi-l.6hpdrbl!uiU&d.!di.drlEharEbml <br />i ad.d doftld ft..L(s6.7lxa. Bl.iE.lrl ?toli.i co& nEcqrrxrd-r lk.G u*do6tEi +plyr.dngEof <br />rh. FlFry wtE hil d hiso€ dEbn rn wb &E Mi 6l hnndf q i.rllor ll@{ai l ! d lE om 6ntlot€, <br />Flvid.d lta *t hF!E!.d E 6i irr!.Ld Eo,b.d ft. !L l! hos€, $. htildir 6 hpsaEr i-U *lhi' @ F <br />ofot?hi'.. $.o9E Boilb '{ bc dE ffir ofFet 0: lEd lE (b Dr hild q i4.!c t FlFty 6.0. FrI..of <br />l.-orEofrt FoFry, hd.lriBlto'rririg rh li(Ea.d <rfr-r ro oirnar tlE Foj<r (Se ,oaa. &!iE <br />ri hDtdn Co&: Th. Cofltrrd . Li(tG L.r do6 ml .!?ly to 5 omc .l FrFly wt6 h{ikl o. ihp.ovr lhd6t! <br />rnd who onrxii ftr e[ Fot(t vth. ao!, li.!,..d runld to iE Coil.aid t Lt.@ Lta) <br />I m.rmp und6 SdFn <br />!i,r(\r x\ r i,\r.r \ \ro)r)t(t\l\ r,\ <br />-l <br />h.v. !d will tu.h t cdrifror. of co66r ro SdllE@ tu srta 6nF!.bo..r FlviLd tu by scrioi lr0o of tt <br /> Cod.. &illt Ft trc oft 6t ft. *tit llE Fii a -r{ <br />_l will srla coaFrnb! intqGc. . cqu!.d by s..rir !?00 of rh. !.hor cod.. for rh. Ffottlt.G of <br />lh. wr b. wtkh 0& Fhi i' iIGd. lfy wro o.Fdin iturEc.tb id Fli] nmh- G <br />c.n C-r ?t.rr 1n5 l0 <br />,"*rn,-*, {rl cuJ 0fiqtnt ar;o l- l- l9 - <br />-l <br />€rry dt. h 0E Fb.nrc of th. wdt fo. riLr in! FDr a i..d. I drl mr .qb, &, aE b -t .tl.G <br />- !!o bon.ri*t lo dE 6trl b*r ofc.lifonn. .d irEll lrl,lorld t6tu rl*d lorh <br />mrtar'@nlqrrionF!vi.io6orscli@!!dl.fonlhlhonplyeltto.Flvijou <br />L mL*tuI. dd ,Lll .n oploF ro 6ni l Frlb rd <br />6r of oaFEdbt! &r!.s6 r FoviLd ft{ th. <br />scrbr 1016 otr|l t [.. irst rn rldrr'r <br />Lt- Ll_ t1 <br />D!CI'8AIIO! <br />I hq*r rrEE undd ot Frl', thr I e [.rd urd!. Fovib! olct+la e (onlBiis qih S!db! 7000) of Diviri,n ! <br />of lt lr.liE-.t Froli.dECode d ryltoE ir i! 6rl ft.E-.1clE r. <br />rl 4lqrro <br />L( - Ll- r ''t rU2q''a'9 <br />co! ai.(:llalfl Dllc-acEx(I <br />Itd.b).mrm undcr F.!lr, of Fjun lhi lhq. t r coldrudn. tn!'ns.s(r forrkFn\nllft.of rh.trdl fin uhi.h rhir Fni i! <br />!t$€d (ra* !0e7. Civ (-) <br />aPPr lcl f Df-tl {tlrlar,l <br />I h.*y .trm uid6 Frhy of Fjury oft of lh. follo$in8 dcbr ntu: <br />D.mlhion Pd[itr-A*ard t{orili.d br Ldc.] Rqutll ha (ThL tlr. P 6} <br />i.qun.d l,lr6 of Ndiiicdion <br />I .ctift thd rh. f.d6.l ,tssh|66 ,!3rding d.dd r6trl e d {? l. lti' FlFl <br />I cnliry rhd I h.,c lqd rhb 4da.rion rd trrI. rhr $. .to$ inlornri'n a ffiEr I lsc ro ddpl, *nh . ( irt rid Co6ty <br />ordi@ rd Stn. tri! t li'! ro huildug lE6r .rbri4 r.F&rric of rhir Cir, lrd Co!.r, ro qnq t4.G rb <br />.boE ctio!.d prlpdry fd iBF.rion <br />^rr*, - ^t-, ,Xo,.* \ <br />Pmltcro.(prlnu: '!|]}6rrL*t <br />L/_lt-,t <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />P{raplDrain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing I I <br />Final Gas Test ilv|M u <br />Meter Release .d-z?) __--.,, <br />FINAL z-2/4 ,2a ') <br />I <br />I <br />4.,m; <br />Notes, Remarks, Elc. <br />I