<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ran ge
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />fype I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.q n h tl
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release rl
<br />FINAL M +
<br />Notes, Remarks,Etc.
<br />I hott, .rm utda F[!, ot Fj!., rtd I e sald io6 rh. con'-rd Lke L$. tu rlE 6lbsini 16)! (sa.?0!l-5
<br />&!inn .!.1 Prcft.b. Cod.): An, Cl} o, Cddry etan ,qoii . Fir b ortrru.( .tr. hlFlva &blifi or ltFi -y .
<br />rEdE!. Fbr lo irt i!.u'G. .lo rlq(iB rlE epltrn fd Mh Fnn m f!. . lign d ,iaEn $n lE or rh. a tic6r.d F!$.r .
<br />lo lt. FDlbioF of tlE ConlGroli LiM3.{ Lw (ah.prs L Comding wilt S..iior ?0o0 of Divlriotr ! of rh. BNir@ ord
<br />PEfdiod Co&) or ihd la c rlr i d!tr$ rtdctoE .d rlF h-ir fo, fi. .lkg.d n@Fbn. Any rirldir of S.<rbn ?0! 1.5 L, ot
<br />qpli! b. . Fna obrdn llE ?pli:nl ro . .ivil Frr, otd DE rh- fivc tutrd.d &1L.. ($m)
<br />-1.
<br />a o*iq of rll. Ftrpaly. or ny sDpbrE whh w.36 e rlEir blc o6pa!.tbr! wiu do llE qot lrd tlF rn6E b mrira&d 6 ofia.d 6r .l (S6.70a,1 86i6 ri P.!fGi.E C.dc ah. Corr'trq . Li.G u$ &€,Dr rdy ro d ohE of
<br />0E F!?€r, *lD h,iLl a i!Fs- rlE4 r'd *lD rba rst $rt tbslf d tasllor tLourn hi. r h. or! aerot ...
<br />FoviLdlir un iBF.€Er' G or ircd.d d ofirld 6. d. lt h.rrE. $. bildiB d alselEr ir Dld rrhi d lE
<br />of@r4ldhi. dr O*c Au b will he tlE hda ofFnvi't th, lE { dlc did 'Il tril't tr imFlE tic FDFty lir ilr Frporc of
<br />l. a ffi of tlE FlFry. n adBirrly olrr*riir s'hh li.sE d cod.-rm to (.r*nEr rlr Frin (S< ro44. &4E
<br />in Eoiiir! Cod.r TIE Corrrxlolt Lk.8 I's do6 ror .r'ply lo & o*M of,lop.ny wh. boild! or iiproB rhdoi.
<br />ud lts @e*r for lucb FDicrr wih. co!!) ltq!.d p4u.d to llE Co,r.-tol! Licd. Lr)
<br />-l
<br />@ .imF s!.k scriE-
<br />-.
<br />B. & PC fdrhiron
<br />l).re {)nn(r
<br />\ra$;Btr!ut[:-s,lu):!l(I 8,UQ]
<br />I lid.h\ rlln'n unilr Il<nih\ .ilElurl nnc ol rh{ n,1lo\[r \k(ltrii(!s
<br />_l h.E d sitl C.liit r.of CoEI ro Sdf-ld{E for m d o,lFlrbtr. Fori&d tu bt Sdbn 17@ olth.
<br />Lt .Cod.6rrh.Ffdlfu.f drs!.t 6r*nit{'.Frit bisld
<br />Iha\.^ld($orld co'nl.e ion iBoran... &r r.qund br Sdnrn :r 7(xJ o I lh. l..t$. Cod.. lLn r h. rs tuflnec. ol
<br />thc $ ort aor shkh rh! Fmir i3 ie.d My q or 16 conp.d.lio. iBu e. cei1 drd rslic) nlrnbd e.
<br />Pul'c) \u tE_, l.rnn.l
<br />d.ft.*ii*-.,*E.nflh.\.,\l,Ilh(hlh'rFon'rsu.d-IrrLrllforTlol
<br />r,btot-oftsrhjduth.$0116icomp.ndn,.h{!of(,li(rmia.dnd!{drhd'IIrthuldh.(]r,th.
<br />*o d' conDc.el inn pNjsi{rN oa Sdiotr :r 7cU of rnc I .lrtr (id.. I rMll, fodh$ irh .. d\ sirr rtx,c tR\ i3i,,nr
<br />Sctirn ltr76 ofrh.l$..Cod., inr6..l ed 4*Z 4r'22-z <,/-dcrA/tl-,1.-'v
<br />.,."*ii..,J7*lCQ P
<br />!g:ra8a!@
<br />I la6re!o.& pol,of Firyth I6 t .!.d'.d6FDvii'rofci.ri9(o@i{ lltSdir.70001otDnni..I
<br />of tt &.iE d Prek E Col|.. nd oy lia@ i b tull hr d.ft.l.
<br />,U**rr-,3.a42t7E
<br />-7/- >/ t1 tu#4gllllarclu!.rElDllcAc[!(r
<br />I ffit llIm t.<Lr Fulry olpdjury $, rhd. ir ! ol'lrudio. Ldin8 ryc) r.r rn Ffolm. olrh. $nrl 6r snih rhir FEh b
<br />ciucd (se 1097. civ c).
<br />tfijs J Ad.ld:
<br />arru(Atfl,i(tatalto!
<br />I hott'J ,nim und6 rE !!) of Fju,! oE ot rnc folL\ inS rkrlsarhns
<br />l}rmldr. Pohr-ArtEto! Nnr 'n.!r Fn F.rl.tilR. uhnr.r( InE.r0. Pd6l
<br />R.qur.d
<br />I .dih lhd lh. t rLr.l tlgulahB Esrdin* 6tdG |!mr.i e. d qrPlirbk ro r h. Fnrd
<br />I cdifrlh.l t h.v.rddlhLaptli..lionErdll.l.rhdrh..htr. infomdn,n ncod*l l6!rct).onrFl!$irhdll( it! itrtl( ou ,
<br />ordidnG ..d sl!r. bu: Eldry ro hrild td harlry -rtoiz Epa. rir6 or0ir ciy !d cody ro .da $oa$.
<br />.bot. rErirn d FFr, frr
<br />Apd(et or Bd sia ^i,r.
<br />Panic '|G tFim):E3r,ro."l
<br />c-
<br />Ca.rorz.__,.o/r,,f /7
<br />ItD/stG.
<br />I
<br />l I
<br />l