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EXPEDITED I'ERMIT I'ROCESs FOR SMALL-SCALE PV SYSTEMS <br />The informarion in rhis guideline ,, ,",."0":n:o:ll jr:l <br />are simple. needing only a basic review and when an installarion <br />ident ify lonS <br />mo p lex is li ly en t ial <br />systems will comply wirh rhese simple criteria. For projec(s rhat fail <br />suggested ro provide as a path ro permir approval. <br />Required Information Jot Pennit: <br />ee e e <br />occ, <br />Srte plan showing locarion of malor componenrs on (he <br />should represent relarive locar,on of components at site <br />rt Thrs rawln n iI <br />with a i perimerer space ar ridge and sides may nor n <br />Electrical diagram showing PV array coniguration. wiri <br />required signs. and ac connecrion ro building (see supp <br />Specification sheets and installarion manuals (if availab) <br />limited ro. PV modules. inverrer(s). combiner box. dis <br />Step 1 : Structural Review o[ PV Array Mounting Syste <br />ls the array to be mounted on a defined, permitted roof <br />IJ No due to non-comphant rcoJ or a ground mount. submtt compl d-ry4,iq:.Pat+.ur?H6u6.1 yFs |to, <br />Roof InJonrution: <br />l. ls (he roonng rype lighrweighr (Yes = composirion. lighrweighr masonry, meral, erc <br />'' l.l a) <br />Yes-Compositioh- <br />IJ No, submit completed worksheet for roo.f structure WKSl = heavy mq.sonry, slate, etc...) <br />2. Does the roof have a single rooi covering? Eyes E no <br />U No, submit completed worksheet Jor roof stucture WKSI. <br />l. Provide method and type of weatherproohng roof penerrarions (e.g. nashing, caulk)Everest Flashing, M-1 Sealant <br />M ounfing Sy st em Informtti on : <br />l. ls the mounting structure an elgrneered producr designed ro mounr PV modules wirh noJnore rhan an l8" gap <br />benearh rhe module frames? 14 yes lJ no <br />If No, provide d.etails oJ stuctural attachment certiled by a design prokssional. <br />2. For manufactured mounting systems, hll out information on the mounring system below: <br />a. Mounting Sysrem Manufacrure . Everest producr Name and yo6g13 Crossrail 48-S, Mill <br />b. Total Weight of PV Modules and Rails 1652 bs <br />c. Toral Number of Attachment Poinrs65 <br />d <br />e <br />Weight per Artachmenr Polnr (b - c)25.4 bs (if greater than 45 lbs. see WKS I ) <br />Maximum Spacing Berween Arrachmenr Poinrs on a Rail 48 nches (see product manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design wind speed) <br />f. <br />g <br />Total SurFace Area of PV Modules (square [eet)628 fr' <br />Disrributed Weighr oF PV Module on Roof (b - D 2.63 lbsi ft' <br />II distributed weight o! the Pv system is greatet than 5 lbs/ff , see wKSl . <br />Step 2: Electrical Review o[ PV System (Calculations lor Electrical Diasram) <br />In order for a PV system to be considered for an expedited permit process, the following must apply: <br />1. PV modules, ulility-interactive inverters, and combiner boxes are idenrihed tor use in PV systems. <br />2. The PV array is composed of 4 series srrings or less per inverter. <br />3. The toral inverter capacity has a continuous ac power outpur 1f.440 Watrs or less <br />4. The ac interconnecrion point is on the load side of service disconnecting means (690.64(8)). <br />5. qle ofthe standard electrical diagrams (E I . t , E I . I a. E L I b. or E L I c) can be used ro accurarely represenr rhe PV <br />sysrem. Interactive PDF diagrams are available at <br />Fill out the standard electrical diagram completeb,. A guide to the electrical diagram is provided to help the applicant <br />understand each blank tolll in. lf the electical system is more complex than the standard electrical diagram can elfectivell <br />communicate, provide an a|ernotive diagram with appropriate detail <br />2 EXNEDITED I)TRMIT IROCTSS TOR PV SYSTEMS <br />em. overcur <br />Y6S re <br />vG3 to <br />ffiffi