<br />! u'd! Frlry of Fjory rhr t m @6rr forh dE Co'nEroB Li! t * for dr folb*lt.&i (k 703 Lt Bci
<br />&d lto&rtbn Cod.): Aly Cly d Couny rti.t Eq!i6 . ,66i lo oirtud. rlr. iry.ovr. doEliA d ED.i 6, rfiE e, Fiinllf,!sl.c,.L,lquis $..rpla.d 6..u.n ldoir ro fiL..i3!..1rxcfl tb t a lt.o.d ,.,Mr io dr Fviriro oatt r
<br />Co'rndo. t L@D.d lts (ChFd c. Co|tl'l6nr *nl' S.don 7m olD'vEEn 3 ol$.8qnB.ri Protu 6B Co&) or d.t b. t
<br />dr. ir atu,l dlqltio Dd dE bdit for rlE .uc8.d afr,ibn .Ai, vbhbn of s<rbn 701L, tr &, eptiad for . pmn .ubj..n rlI
<br />.rDli6r lo r.ivil p. hyof ror eErh! fivG hu(Hd,ou.r (1500).
<br />_l. r oQG of lt. FoFn . qr, dpbt6 iirh *.r!. & rt i rcl. $dp.Mis riil
<br />'!o
<br />rtr wdr !d tt. {,ltr@ a 6t inad.d
<br />dolfr.d fo. rt t s- roaa. B6'G!.,n Pr6t ..E Cod. Tt ConfurLmt *.106 d.r?t.o...w ol.h. FlFty
<br />vno h{it& d iEFDG rlEEn. !n sh dod rui *o,l tilrlf o. tEdf o, rlrouan hn or lE 06 dpby€. Fovlld dlr rat
<br />i-prov@or| c rcl ioL!d6d n ofi@il fo. sL. ll hor.c. th. tuildus or ihFDwErI n mU *ithir oe F of @'trpl6bn. E
<br />ol"c.Aoddd *iI n v. rh. hrd.! ofprclitr8 lhrl h. o. rll mt hild or ieprcvc fo. dE Durpoe of {L),
<br />- _1. r orE of r|t F.Fry, o *brit l, @,r.-rrot ,in lt.!.{ dr*ld! ro .od.Bt rtE ( Se. t044. Aui6. .rn
<br />tto&nDn Cod. Ah. Co'L@t * i,o- Fr.rily ro u orE ofFoFry wl'o t{ Ld6For :d,.!i*,lD
<br />@lw*t for tudryor.ct wrl . Colral.rl, lta.d po!!l4 ro rrr Conrco.r LE@ t-t* )
<br />_l u .rcmfl ddd Serion U-^t
<br />laaf,E8[qirfElitArta!-DEclaMJ:lox
<br />I .lIm undc p.Ehy ol pGjury om oarh. 6lhe in8 dclurioN
<br />I t vc Ed will oid.b. Cdri6d. olconqi lo S.lf-lde 61 6,ld @nD..rlb|! s ,roviLd f.r b, S6tbi ]7m of i.lrtd Cod.. br rlt F6|rG of lIl rd &. rtth U. FDi ir iB.a.
<br />Ill4.rdw D"rxn h*6 ohFdrF. 'Nq.n .. s r.q!,.d b, s.6.. ]rco ollh. bb.r Co<l-. for $. r(6mie of tlEErt for *,if,h rh! Fnn 6 N!..1 M, Erl@ iBlrrm 6ir.!d policy tuhhd e:
<br />Polk, Numhn trp!.3
<br />lftR E lron B.d mt b. $mgld.d iarh. Fmh i. for ()lE hu.dEd dolhR lrl0Ol or kr:)
<br />I c.niay rh.l in dE Ffoda. oa rlE wo* fttr sl*t rhn t
<br />tc.m. ubjd lo llE wt6 6mp.d.D, l*r ofc.niomlr .d
<br />cone.6diro F@abd ots..lbr lr@ ofrt lrtd Cod!,I rhr[.
<br />W RNING Frilur. to Eu. wLf, @nEd.tb. @@8. E uih,f!|, !d .hll rubi.s o 6pbF lo aini!.I ,.ohi.. .r!d .i!illis 'r to @ i6rH lhoei &lhrr (ll @.ool.b ..,rlitb. lo tlE c.r of @.q@.rid|. .Lo$r a FoviLd b. rlE Sribn 1076 ol
<br />lll. ti6or C..h, drtd.d drdrr'r fG
<br />llc[lll;DlaNlaaslaSLotculallar
<br />I lF.b, itron utdd pdrhy of Fj!r, rh.r I 6 lirn*d odc' FDvitior ofchlrtd 9 ({moci,t qith SBrion 70@} of Divisio. I of
<br />llE B{ilB.!.1 Pr.f-rbB Cork. Ed hy li(!e i. i! tull br.. Dd crIBt
<br />c(,{srlrlcTlo{ Lrxnrnc acr((a
<br />I H,.ftd @dr ]Ely of Fjq rid rlrt b . codGt dt rEy &. tL Ft @ ofrt.,qt ft.,ri.l di Fri b
<br />i.!d (Sc. lo9r. Cn. C.).
<br />At?l rcllfrs DtcL{tlTlot
<br />D@Uio. P66i!-L!.iq No.iftrin F.darl La!!tb6 (T.l rO, P.r 6)
<br />_ R.quild Ln- otNorifi.ain
<br />_l €lify rh.l tL &d6.1 G$l.rbo F|,rdi.r !b..r6 ,fuEl d d rrplisbL b tnn FDtlr(
<br />_ I .oriry lbr I h.G Ed Ob od rlrc tlli rt .t E 6fo.rrr6 ir o.r..r. I .| e b orely rrn dl Ciy &r, Cou,ny
<br />odiDr6 rn Slr. lrBr r.L!ir{
<br />.hor. mtnrEd pmr.ny for
<br />.'dhorir ED.edrllvd ofrhi Cny Coudry lo drd upo! tL
<br />Waste & Vent 7-2t-tG h.w1a
<br />Water-Underfloor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Slorm Drain
<br />I nterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Piping
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Misc
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />,A\
<br />Rough Plumbing l_/1"t7 ft.u1,![t
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release .t\
<br />FINAL 7"lv4 /x,wt)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />MlWP51\P.mrt lnsp6cton Forms\Plu
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I