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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS o$l{lx DUll,EI oErrAR TtoN <br />I nady.Irm ulda Frry or Frdy fir I a aqid nlo rlE cffi6 LiEE t^ ft, E rolr'wrr lm (se.r0]1.5 <br />&!ilo .d frcftnion Co&): Ary Cty d Codry *nth EquiE t FEi to @drud. .lta, nrr.oE &et or Ey <br />lrn rr!. Fbr lo ir i$rE . rL ,!q!ic th. @lic&r tor $t F6n ro fiL . iird rddmr rtr lE or tlr il li6E d pntu n <br />ro lh. FlvirioB of 0E Codtuldl Li.6!.d Lrw (Chtpr6 9. Conucing with Scrion 70m of Diirion ! of th. Bqils Ed <br />PDft!.hu Co&) o. $!l lE or !f. i amF rhaliom rd th. t-b rd th!.lh!d dqition. Af,y viouio. ors<rbn 70l I 5 ty &, <br />.p?ltrd er . FEn $ti6lr lt @lic.d ro. ciril Da.!, of er ercrh& n( hun t d.loU,B ($m). <br />l. - o{G oldr Ft crn d ny a!do,€ *iti riac - rlti -t 6dudb.. wil & rlErat.d rlEt^nrc i Er <br />iroiLd doftld 6. it (S-.7tX,1. &!iE Dd tDbbE Co& Tl'.Corincrc. LklE le &q ior @, to i ll{Eof <br />llE Firqry wto hili d iryo! rbE .ndD.boBt6n hnEl'o, td.ll.r ftlqi ti!' 6lE osr otpbtq <br />FDviddl thr Bt iryoEffi c or ndrd6d doft!.!t r.t l[ lDu6.. tlE hri!4 6 itslvqd L-ld wrhh *JC <br />ofo,pbior! llE Owiq &dlb eiu hE $. hr&! ofFovhr $r lt d 3lE dil bl tdld o! inlplDE Ur. FDFIy tu rll. F poror <br />-L <br />! ffi of rb FlFtt. h.rc[aiEly od,Erilt pii li.qlcd @fr*t6 ro odrrr rh. Foitr (Se 7OL. EltE <br />d &!,ti, Co&. TIE Co .Brql Litr tn dc Er Tply ro - osi(, orFoFrt *h. h,ild. or iiF!6 dE6o' <br />.rd st @E6 6. *6 Foj.!. *ih r Code(.) lilr.d FE- lo rlE r tj.c l-.e, <br />-l6.itllt <br />lllk S<tn-, a. /t ?.c- 6r rtL ta <br />Orn.r Itaf,f,riffalltlltaraxutg.atalto! <br />I tfthy tflim un& porlry of Frlry om ofd. folln* 08 <br />I h.\. id sill mhhin i Cd it .r. of ( oen ro Sdf-lEu. ror *ortd onsdlldan. 6 Foli.Ld tor b S<iio. !7lro otr| <br />trh, C.<le fG $( Ffolm otlrE rolt for rtth tlE Fnn . &.d <br />Zfb'r Dd *rll m{,irdn *o a.nmFM6n'Bud..,6.4unqlbys6xo.l7flr.ttn Ld,orco&. rorrlE Ffolrll,eof <br />lh. ert Lr wti(h fin Fmir ir rsEd Vy "!rk6 comFn!,lhn ierec. ced d Fn'(, nunho d.,* LorJt^ A.r^atJ , ,/ <br />"o,.,*,^,- Li*4 33i91 ' *.on ^ / tt/l /t i <br />I cfiit rha in tlE Fnrffi. ol dr rort ft. rti{ ttir Fni ir i$.( I .ll.ll N .f,pbt r., Fsr ir ..! ltw <br />n rlot@mat*trrotlEs a'@,rd!lbi L{rotc.lroni.. ad *rlhr irl rhdd tr(ft tubcr rorli <br />w d'otrrFEnionFlvirio6ofs<lio.lTmofthcL.borCod..ldrllfonh*thonplr*irhrho.Flviriod.. <br />l,t tNlNG Flitur. to sd. *ortd' .oftFsalion covs!|. n u.Lstul. md rh,ll !!bj$ M orploF ro oinrind FEti. ed <br />civil in6 up ro oE huidr.d rtDu'd &lL! (t1m.000). in.ddni.n ro rlE cdr 6l conp.6.rioi. &,nr6 c Fo\id.d tu rh. <br />DE(IIAAUA! <br />I h.r.ny !fl'rn undd pdrh, ofr..j$y lhd I otr li.6s.d undr rrortion oa( hdFr6 e (co,nm6.inB $irh sBri,,n 70m)orDivtion l <br />ot rhc l,6in* &d ttofdhB ( o.L, .,rl m!- li.@ 6 in ltrll f.rc.<r <br />t@ <br />SNEIAICIAII.ENDTN <br />I H, .mm u.d.r Fully of lajury lhd rhsc L . conrrudio. hftlins lsdcy ro. lh. tEf.lmE. of rh. $ t fo.shichrhirFDi iris.{ (sr 1097. cir. c.). <br />ATTTTCAULDESASAIIO! <br />I H, .lEn !i& porrlry of Fjuiy o* of 0E folloeina d..brlb.r: <br />D.mhb, P@ill^rlrnG Nolif'c.lbi F.dqrl i.guhiom {TirL a{,. Pa6) <br />_R.q!i!d L.rr6of Nodftrion <br />t .qliry $r E 6(b.l reul.lia Gr.nnB tbd6 ,6mtl e mi +ltrbL ro rlt FDi( <br />_l.qiitfir t lh.iadlhi+ltrbirn In dE tt lt.E i!6m.iD i' ccrEr l.scro oEply *it ltlCitr.rxl Co!r, <br />odiMc6 &d Srd. rrs EIrinB huildiiq codDoi'lr !d n r.b, <br />.bovr 6drion.d Imp.ny for <br />\l <br />'ur'I,,.,.F.sdn6rrrhtrcd, y ' ,r? r. db ,rnn"r <br />*,.r/g/// <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL $/lt/tt 9. D€fw x\ %g <br />Notes, Remarks Etc <br />n4 <br />I <br />I <br />I I