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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Ol{NER BUILDER DELCARAI'ION <br />I h@1, rlrm und6 pqalrr of Fru+ rhll I d .r.mpr nom rt CodracroB l-t.e Ii\ ,or rh. r(nb*ins @n (sd 70! l 5 <br />Bosin6s a"l Prof6io6 (it ) Ant ( irv o, ( ourr!_ *hih r.qun6 6,Ef,ir ro codtud, !lrd, 'mF.\r, &molsh or Epon M! <br />srrudue Fior ro ir3 isurk.. .l$ r.qun6 rhr q,dkd f.r su.h Fmn b fiL. si8ftd rd.ffir rhi lE or rh. ! licdsd poMr <br />ro rh. F.\i!hB olrtF (\nr..lori l.kd<d Ir* tch!'lrF 9- Coondi.t $irh sdrhn 7u ol lxnion r .fth. Blrtn6 and <br />PrcfshB Cod.).r rhd lE or nE ir crmpt rhd.nom Md <br />'h. <br />b66 for thc.lh.d.roFrn r) lkrhtFrols<.lFr 70ll ! tD U) <br />4'pl(el for,p6n stdtrh. rrtil'.r r. roilD.Mh!oad mr.lha fir. fiund(d &Jll6 ( l5ul, <br />l. 6 o$E oa'h. F.Frt, or E) mpk !G $nh r.96 a tlEt sk onFsion. sil 6 llr sd *l llr rurc 6 rr <br />i,no'd.d tr ofiqd lm sk (S( 7Grl, BBiB od PlsftsbB Co&: TIE Codrslort l,t@ l$, (i,6 ml iiry ro d o{c of <br />rh. Fopdty *tb hrikhor inF.!6 E6.. dr, qh. &E sh w,I hielf or hd-lf or rhmurh ns o lE oE mpkrt6. <br />Foyit d tlul ruch utrnqEitr e d, iddrt d q olH atr sl ll ho*6s. rt! hlildnt or rgnrErEr ir sld snhin w ta <br />of mnpkior rlr Ow6 tllrtla will tlE hddr of Fomg ttr lE or CE dil ml hild or qrnr lhc FoFry tor llE plrrr& of <br />l. dorn6 ofrh. F.p.n), m crclurn.lyconrrlclrry nilh hcd*d contr.llrBr{, connnd rh. I'oJ(r tSR T(!1.1, UNmK <br />and Eolishn( odc lh.(i)nt..'or'3l.i..ns.l.aNdo6 ton amlyr...osn6 ofFropdly"ho brilds or tnpro16lh6sn, <br />(nd $h. conlrds nr slch p(ids q ir h 6 aodr&1o( s) licorcd puGrul ro th. (inkrcd I l.'cd* I rsl <br />I rn.\cn,tr r J.' sdr,tr' <br />D.l.: (rrr.r <br />lll2aliEalllutErsarq! <br />Df,(IAAAIIO! <br />I .mr m und( Fnah\ ot Frurr .k .l <br />'n. <br />lolk)s rnr dNl..a' i.B <br />I hlrc an q ill mdlin ! ('d! of (iMr io s.lf-lM. fo. not6 mnFMnn. 6 rmud.d ror bl sdion lr70o.f rh. <br /> Code fd rh. Flollffi. o, <br />',E <br />N rl for $ hkh rlE Fhn 6 is .d <br />x hr( rnd [ill sorld' (.mFGdhi ie6N.. 6 (quiEd t _y S<r b. 1700 .lrh. lrtnr (ixL. fo. rh. Faol]ffiC of <br />*.rh for *hih rh6 Fnt ir isal My u orto' NmFliion icllrdc ('lc dd F,lq numba r..-- (-1 7rt.1 Tns Lc <br />P,,,(, Numkr t L"ULIU\1"n I l-,8 <br />Icdilyrhdin'h.!.rf.rmn(cofrh."orkntruhirhrhtpdnitisisu.d.IlhallnormrlL,y.n!p6dnindny, ns <br />ar as ro t coru rlbjdl x' lhc s.dd comFrs, ior la$ s ol( rlifomia. ud arc rhn <br />'r <br />I lh'uld B.-..o ciuhler hrh. <br />&rkft comrBslion prN 'rN6 olsdn.I7lr0 oflh.l.ab.r Code I shall.lonhsnh comply $'rh rkre tmrBinl <br />wARNlNc: trailur. r. RUr. $oik6' .dmthdtun .ovd!. is unla$'lul, and $ill s'hldr tur drdos ro airni".l rEnohies and <br />.ivil fin6Wlootr hundErl <br />'hoNrnd 'l.lld ($lm,mo), in ddnion ro rh..oi ol(otrrF..sliti., is pro\id.d lor lhc <br />Sariof,:1076 otlh.liF. (id., nr6d md.tronFr'3 fc <br />Lt- (o- r-1 <br />DEIjJAAIPT <br />I hq.St .fm undd Fqht of FJUry rhr I m li.6E, u.dd FBio. of (1Epid e Gomtffiin! $ nn sd hn ',troo) ol Dr isF. ! <br />of rhc B.si6 ed (n&. in m) kdE i3 in tull lore &d clrd <br />,"*aO G <br />o.,", 5- to - , "1 <br />411 lu,-*+ <br />CAXSIBIJqIIQNIENDITC.A(iIA(IIhorbylrftuunddFlhlorFJurtrhdihq.!rsNrruaionLn<lrnsag.yforth.Ffotrl1ft.ofrh.rorlfn$hthlhirFmit <br />i$u.d{Sa.1097, Civ C.) <br />6IIIICAIfDfCLAAAIIO! <br />I hE!t? ,fl'm undr porl y oI pojury on. o I l,'c louowins d6l&ar ions <br />l)tnohion Pm'b'AstEros No[nc rn lj.daal R.*uhrF.s (InE rO. Pan6l <br />RcqurEd ltll6 of fd'lilicrFn <br />I .d'l) rh.r rh. lildlktuldxiB Egdd t 6|'!lN r@rde nor qlPlkrbk tr rh6 prord <br />I cqrili lhi I h.\. 6d fiB r!til{!r.i id (d. rtd rtE abor c intorDtirn ii .ond I rArc ro $nrlllv $ dh rll (-dy r.d (tontt <br />nrdil@6 ed srnc l.*! Eliins ro ltuiUns (onrn dnr rd hq+'lultFB. rrFed, n 6 ol rhk ('d r .nd ftrnrt ro 6rd upo. E <br />ab.Y. lmrFn<d p.olEnr tu hlr.t1Fn *c <br />,\pplicrnl or .tq6r siin.rur.I ,," I to'.1 <br />h"r ..("""! <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads v <br />UFER Ground $"\ <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathin s l l,,{i,il <br />Shear Wall 1 I ii t; <br />Framing \l],b't\,lY,7f <br />ln s u la tio n/Energ y t0 ) <br />Drywall I <br />G7./lnt. Lath tl)t tN <br />€rown Coat U y- I <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL /, <br />Certificate of Occu pancy <br />Npte$, Remarkg, Etc <br />,r'I I <br />,l <br />vnvt77