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20163203 - Permit (2)
Sixth St
1520 W Sixth St
20163203 - Permit (2)
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Last modified
11/16/2022 2:43:42 PM
Creation date
11/16/2022 2:43:40 PM
Permit Number
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1520 W Sixth St
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Miscellaneous Counter1 Permit
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Resid-1 unit
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Description of Work
Install pv solar panels. Per Expedited Permit Process For PV Systems Micro-Inverter. Fees paid on 10193017.
Nature of Work
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EXPEDITED PERMIT PROCESS FOR SMALL-SCALE PV SYSTEMS <br />MICRo-INVERTER <br />The informarion in this guideline is intended to help local jurisdictions and conrracrors idenrify when Pv sysrem insrallarions <br />are simple, needing only a basic review and when an insmllaion is more complex. lr is likely rhar 50% -75% of all residenrial <br />systenis will comply wirh these simple criteria. For projects lhat fail to meet rhe simple criteria, resolution steps have been <br />su8lgested to provide as a parh ro permit approval. <br />Reqrbed Information fot Pennit: <br />1. Site plan showing location of major components on the properry This drawing need not be exacrly ro scale. but ir <br />should represent relative location of components at site (see supplied example site plan). PV arrays on dwellrngs <br />with a 3'perimeter space at ridge and sides may not need separate frre service review <br />2. Electrical diagram showing PV array configuration, wiring system, overcurrenr protection, inverrer, disconnects. <br />required signs. and ac connecrion ro building (see supplied srandard elecrrical diagram). <br />3. Speci6carion sheets and installation manuals (if available) for all manufactured components including, bur nor <br />limired to, PV modules, inve er(s), combiner box, disconnects. and mounting system. <br />Step 1 : Structural Review o[ PV Array Mounting System <br />Is the aray to be mounted on a defrned, permitted .oof structurer E yes lno <br />l,[ No due to non-compliant rool ot a grcund mount. submit compteted worhsheet.for the structure WKS t . <br />Roof lrfonnation: <br />l. ls the roohng type lightweight (Yes = composirion. lighrweighr masonry meral. erc...)Yes <br />f No, submit completed worksheet Jot rooJ structure WXS, fNo = heavy masonry, slate, etc...) <br />2 Does the roof have a single roof covering? Elyes EUo <br />IJ No, submit completed worhsheetJot rooJ structure WNSI. <br />3. Provide merhod and type of weatherproohng roof penerrarions (e.g flashing, caulk)Flashing <br />M offi ting Sy s t ern InJoffi ati on : <br />1. Is the mounting strucrure an <br />benearh rhe module frames? <br />en neered product designed to mount PV modules with no more than an I 8" gap <br />Yes ! r,to <br />IJ No, provid.e details oj structural attachment certifed bl a design proJessionaL <br />2. For manufactured mounting systems, 6ll out information on the mounting sysrem below <br />a. Mounting system Manufacturer SWH product Name and Mo6.lgSolar Mount <br />b. Total weight of PV Modules and x2;15 693 165 <br />c. Total Number of Attachment Points 26 <br />d. weighr per AtEchment Point (b + c) 26.65 lbs (if grearer rhan 45 lbs, see wKS I ) <br />e. Maximum Spacing Berween Attachment Poinrs on a Rail 64 tnches (see product manual for <br />maximum spacing allowed based on maximum design wind speed) <br />f. Total Surface Area of PV Modules (square feeo 264.27 fr? <br />g. Distributed Weight of PV Module on RooF (b + 0 2.62 Ibs/fr'z <br />IJ distributed w€ight oj the PV system ts greater than 5 lbsfts, see WKSI . <br />Step 2: Electrical Review o[ PV System (Calculations for Electrical Diagram) <br />In order for a PV s!6tem to be considercd for an expedited permit process, tlle fouowing mtrst apply: <br />l. PV modules, ulility-interactive inverters. and combiner boxes are identified for use in PV systems. <br />2. The PV array is composed of 4 series strings or less per rnverrer. <br />3. The total inverrer capacity has a continuous ac power ourput 13.440 Watts or less <br />4. The ac interconnection point is on the load side oF service disconnecting means (690.64(8)). <br />5. One of the standard electrical diagrams (El I , E l I a. E l. I b. or E l I c) can be used ro accurarely represenr rhe PV <br />system. Interactive PDF diagrams are available at <br />Fill out the stand.ard. electrtcal diagrum completely. A guide to the electrlcal diagam is protided to help the arylicant <br />und.erstand eoth bla^k to lll in. IJ the electrical system is more complex than the standard electrical dio.gram can elfectiyely <br />communicdte, provide an dlternatiye diagtam with awropr{ate detaiL <br />2 ExpEDrrED PERMIT PRocEss FoR Pv sysrEMs - MIcRo-INVERTER
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