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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNTX EUIIDER DELCA{ANON <br />I h.rby .lIm ur& o, FiB] lhr I m aa!6 tm 6. Coc-6 Li@ L& 6. fi. blbrla c!o! (!l.J <br />&siE .i tiobirn co<t ): Ai, Ci, or cody lttt FqtB . Foi lo ol.Ncr. .rq. iEFDv.. .btbla! d ttFir n, <br />d.xiuc ,.b. ro ilr irlEq &o Equns r +lirr for Nt Fdn lo fib . rilrcd nr€t6r thr h. or rrE it licd!.d Fr$d <br />ro dE FovLbG ollh. conl.*rol Li..n d t w (ct Pl6 o. coffiia8 whh s.crb. 7000 or DivirioD I of E Boi.6 6d <br />Ptoldiou C.&) or fta lE o. rhc i qopt ltdd!6 rld rh. blb fo. rlE.lksc.l q@plioi. A.y violxio, of sdbi ?011.5 b e, <br />.lpliq for. FDn Dtiet tt ?plicd 16.civilFllyof ml mEtte 6v. hlrxH&u&r(3100). <br />-1, <br />! orE ortlt FFty. d dr 6pbJ6 dh wry. r dEt -l. oq6rir!. siu.b tlEEl-drEntEa dr <br />ilad.d cotuld h..L (sc.?oaa. &!iE -d ?tobiEco& It C.d.oo. t Lrg! t*.rE 6r At lo - ooE or <br />tt FlFry *lD hib 6 isD€rb6( -d stD.lErd Ei hnddf d U-!td lLqd ht d ta 06.qrot6' <br />Fvid.d lh. sh nry$sdcd i.ad6o&rd t .t t( lDw. rt $t d i,FD\{!d i nu sitn! c }c <br />of oqlaid ll! olre B'ilda *i0 h.E tlE hdd.r of r.nil d'r h. d th. dd d brilil6 irylc iE FoFry 6r lh. F Po..of <br />_L ! ffi ofdE F!?sry. eeLiElr 6e-liE wib li.o.d..trd6 ro odrld rlE Fid (se. ,lxa. hliB <br />rd EDtir Co&: Tt Con xiql LiE. tn &6 @r rrply lo & orE ofFDFry ,bo tuild. or i69.oE rha6c <br />.!d *b 6dEr ft. ut Fojcr. *it t coGdo(r) lid F rd lo rlE Codr-rrl tj€! tn). <br />!6dd'&Sdlh <br />D.*.QA-/4 -Pr,/7 <br />I lEdry rrm un& F dt, of Fjury oE otlh. fo <br />I hc.ilwill lri.irclrifi.r.otcoid lo SdI-l E6rwtd @Epdb6. r Ftvil6d hr b,Sctr lr@ ofdE <br />t t . Cod., ft, lt. Fiitt. of6. rqt b *ti(t tlE p6ui i ht 4 <br />I bE .d eill oi .i! wt6 .olqdrir idra.. . .!qui!d l, S.cb. 1700 01tt. tnor co{t 6r tb. F6.ta. of <br />tt srt for*li.i Ui.FEt t irld MyF.t6 oq.dbi id'rc nir.d poliy r@tq fr <br />I .€dt tll. ia lh. FforG! ortlE wo* li. *ttt ttb FDi ir iE ( I lhrll Nr d?by Ey Fs b d, 6nF <br />! alo b..od lurct r. $. mta 6dpdi lM of c.lit6i.. rn ryE th. if I rtodd blc eticr to dr <br />solt6'orfrrb.Flviti(aofs<,[fo.ll*il@dd,eirhrbrFoviio6.. <br />.ivil fld up ro oR hutdnd rhoulnd d.llr. (1100.000). <br />ScriD 1076 ol lh. Lrho. Coda illqa .d rroit] , f66. <br />ii .ddiriri to lh. o! of coopodio[ <br />I hortry lfr@ uldd F.Iy of Fjury Or I d lisB.d F!viri,. of ct$d 9 G{olE.iry vii kiotr ?000) of Divnion ! <br />of ri. Bui.* rd holdioN Cod., id m, lic@ h i. tull foE..d cmn. <br />crr llxl,lulotrtl;llllllc-acli!(r <br />I h6.hy.mrn u.d6 Fnalryofpoluryrhd rlE isacodtudbn kndinr dSdct tttr rh. Finf,tEm. of lnc Nrl r,tr trh'chrh"Fmn i <br />'!sud <br />(S( :rlD7, ( iv C ). <br />atfLlca&[DlcLldlo <br />t idd?.er !r& p@ry orFiry c olrlE blbriry dalrir: <br />D.@hbn Pmig^lt rd NolifErb! r.d6.l ltsubtE (Iih 40, Pil6) <br />-Rquid <br />r.ala of N6dn rbi <br />-l <br />6iit fi. dr &&d nslldia Errdilr8 ! @\rl c rbl ?plirDL ro rtl' Fqd <br />,l €rify rhr I li. E d rhi +plidior .!d n.r. thr dE .hoE inloinrm ir MEt I .t E ro @,p1, eit .ll Cny rd Coory <br />ordiGB &d Srd. L.s nlil$ to hildinr d'a .rbc rd h.rt!, rllEri4 <br />r!.v. di,n d FlFry ffi i!D.db! <br />Arplis olSot SiS.nw-A <br />of dli Ciy -d Cord, ro dr <br />'+@ <br />tlr <br />-.,ah./? -i'4 <br />Appliances <br />lr,4etal Fire Place <br />Eva porative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallalion <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL g 't1ltg vr4(il <br />Notes, Rema rks, Etc. <br />-.,.^| <br />n*d6- /4-2nl7 /. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />l <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I