<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNti lt !!,DEI rxl{xr T(rn
<br />t ha!A, rrEu !& Fnt, o{ Fduy lhr I 6 .&n$ SDri th. Cdri$d l-b!e t p aor tlE iolbrig t!&n lS6.7allJ
<br />B6i,K dd Mli, Cod.,: AI, Cly dl Cody r|tkn ,.ryi6 . Fnn ro @r!l 1Er. .16, inI.lE &@lbi q ry.t -,rtldG Fbto i. l@c. tlo r.$nBrlt elt ! lb. EtFEI b lil. ritEd rigFn dr lnd rlE h IcDd FE
<br />r,th. FoiiGorrt cod-r6'r tleni.d l, (Clrl.c 9. Cletbryit S6lih ,@ ol Oivllbn 3 or |tr Bdb! !n
<br />Pt!ftsiB C.d.r a dr lr d iE L.En+ 0Edlulrd {r tGi lor tlr.lh!a.6!rin /tn, rr'Lrbi orsdlir roll t b, -,.r?lt n fDr.Fd ouFrrh Alorl..& Flryoabr nmrbr fic hnH4 rllt (I),
<br />-t.
<br />B @orrtrFoFry.s,crpbF.,ilr.adldri-l.6F6dbtr*U<L,l'tktrnft rrlalft irDr
<br />ird q oiirrd fr rl. (Sa.taa. l6IE- rn ?tDG6iB Th C..rdr.rt Li.tu tf &B odl ??lt to n orG of
<br />Epwiy lho h,&t d isE rlEq !n rt. rh idr kl nirrq I'cilfa ttmri lir d llr lm cinbys.
<br />FoviH rb Ei iryoGlld G d irErH d.6drd f.. -L. lt lwE tlE Lrldit d hFGEr !D! ritn d rcofdilbit! d! O?d Ar& ti! lrE dE hnb of Fvt tt lE -.h..ti.l ri lt iE d irlteE tu FqEi, tr tlE F lo-of
<br />lr\o*ncrrfrtup'o|{ny.rtr,.r.htrnrlr(onrr.rns$iIl'..n!(ncofir.rtr\r,.,tr^rnrdnrrn!lrdrS( ](ul. lnxs.\\
<br />trnd rho cotrtrcr\r,nn'.hrn,|..r\( hr(itr rnrt,r\,li..ns.d ru^lrnr t,rhr(irnrr(kn'\ l.'.cn\c ln\)
<br />I d'n.icmpr uftlcr S(ri,i
<br />lroSf,ExsSqurEtarllaDgqJlallla
<br />I hdrby drm !..t FolyorFinyoEor r folrl*or &<br{i,i.:
<br />-l
<br />bE !n 'i[ oi .b. CstihL o,CoEd !! Scfie! lhr 10*6 odFd.lor ! Forildi lb. b, s.dbn J7ll)of dr
<br />t dr e&, ftr tb Ffnffi oltlE rdt tu 6it rlr Fni a isar
<br />-l llr rnd $ll6inrb srla onFrlih im. s i.qoid bys.rlin lrm otdr t-&r tu .lor rtE Fli.llre of
<br />dE Et fE rt&h fiir lght b lrrd M, rEtd 6rp.ndir iffi aLr .n ad4 on$.r e
<br />-lccnntlhrr
<br />nrh.Il(.lornBB.olrnr*o,t,u rhrhrhi\pr!.n is i\\unt.I \[!r,\ tr!tr'!r, trtrt hntr
<br />q, aiio h.rotrr \uhrd k,rh.$D*.h $i)n nqrknr L,q\nf(rlrfin.'i, dklr!rcr rhrrlfI rh kltr(nnr {lhE.rnrrlI
<br />r.rtd{ conrF.sdrotr fnr Nnr( "t S&r tr6 l rl,l r l rh.lilr{ (iiL.l lhrll. nhtr,l\ q,rhrlx'{p'o\ntrntr
<br />1.!ru rif.,ir rrL. I. rr,
<br />I ffi, irm ur&r Fan, of Ftry llrl Ie lan d'eF ilirolcn d 9 (offiirt *lt S.dbn 7(lD, otDivi.i,. ]
<br />of d! BBiB.rd fto&ri.u C.rd.. rn o, |iff i i lill 6G
<br />c
<br />(aN Br](Itu rllur(;ltql:l.(l
<br />r\u.(lrsr l{D7 (-rt cr
<br />I H, dtm un&t Fory or pdi[y ,E of tll. 6lr wina d..Lnriotrr:
<br />O.DUir! Prionl^r!.{d t{oliltlrbr tu r.l R.tlhbnr (Titl ao. ft6,
<br />-R.q[ed
<br />tara ol tadiltnb.
<br />-l
<br />.diry Ind rlt r.n r.l EnrLrhd Etrdlr lrEro! EmEl E Bn lql'lirbL 16 i$k FnFr
<br />E,-,"-,*,-**iiI atur6 -d $.E l.s cli. l. t
<br />bn rd d.l. t,r llt &c htrtdin k ffi. I ..G io.d!rl, eth .ll Cl, t ta Coirry
<br />in .n h.cty d,Dria EFE:lriiB ol rti! Cht rd C@!rt lo dr6 r{M dE
<br />.bor oErdi,Ed FoF.ry fu
<br />Arpllonl o. AEml slSElrF: F @4Mw , rr ' ty''f /?
<br />Waste & Vent (6/l/tz *kb
<br />Water-Under floor I ,- t(,
<br />Gas-Underfloor (-./
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area./Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Pipinq
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Rool Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rouoh Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbinq y//,,{/tl rtb Mt)
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL VF .lk c\W Ubt4[
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />j
<br />I
<br />,**ar., . E-/-','r/qi-
<br />f------r-----
<br />I
<br />I