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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTSSITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.O$NER ATJIT-DET DELCARATION <br />I h€.hy.mrn und.r Fnrh!_ of pqju,r_ thd I m.r6F from lh. ConlrdoB l.aG Lstr Lr lh. tououinr IKn lvr 70.11.5 <br />IturinBi ad Prcldiotr ( odc): Any Cil, o, Counly qhich r.!ur6 ! rEm'l r. coturtocr, ,xd, r,rnva dsmlnh or qqt My <br />rtuctc, prior6 irs arue€, also rqn6 rh. appli.d nn ru.h tBhn to fi|. ! rtn.d sialdal rhd h€ or shc b licod ,uBuonl <br />ro !h. Fornioa orrh. (bdmtor's trs (Chr$6 9. comftins wih Sclion 7(xJ0 or l)ivirio.I of rh. ltrins .nd <br />Pn,fdoN Co&).r rhd lE.r 5[. ir .rdli rlE from .nd th. tE6 for th. .lLs.d .raprion Any rbltlin ofs.d(n 71)rl 56t u) <br />!rrl,c. for r p.rn shtrlr llE .pplrcMl lo ! oril FEh y of ml oor.lh& fi\. hnnd.d dol!6 ( l5m) <br />L B owH ofrh. FnFny. or ny oployc with wa!6 & yn. ..mFMrit.. sill (t) tlE s I .d tlE slntl@ ir n{ <br />inrddd or ofiB.d aor el. (Sa 7Oa4. Burhd dd Pmfsi.m ('od.r Th.'! r-ictu. Iiw d.6 nor rpplt lo .n ownd of <br />rh. FnFry *lb b & or inipr.\€ tlE6.. .rl 1eh. &a uh Nll or h.*lf or ltmugh hi. or h6 o*, .mp!i'y€, <br />Fovital rhi o.h 'nlF.\dEd! e mr idqr&l nolE d ltf, $L l( hos6r, tlE bliljitB or if,golsEll i! sld *irhit oN )d <br />ol oq&in tlE OnE thitla sill IEE r,E hr&! of FllrrB rhr lr d sh. dd Fr b{ild n n F6r. ttE FlFg 6r lh. F,Fe or <br />l, e\ otrr6 olthc l,otEry, @ rrcturn cl) c d'!crin! \rih hc-ad] .ontado6 h Nnstud rh. F.iel (S( 704!. llun.6 <br />Md Pn,tssirn coJ.: I h. ('onlr.ctoi. l-ir..s. I rs do6 nor dppl, lo s o$fl6 of poDqly sho bu,ld! or idpr.\ 6 rhd.on. <br />lnd sho cornELls ror {.h Foj€lr wirh . ( o.b&ro(el l(-n ri ptruMr ro rh. (! l.i<6r I itr , <br />I m.wF un&r ..qh. <br />D.r. onmr <br />\r'oRr(rRs, ComPEI{sa'ito N <br />DICIAAAIIAd <br />I hd.h).mmu.d.r Fn lr! oaprju,r_ on. of rh. foll,o*ins rk<le.iioB <br />I h*. dld *ill dd6. Cdiarnc otCoMr ro S.lf-l@E for $ort6 (.n{Edion. ! rm\ ir.d ,or b.r SdFr !1([ of th. <br />l.hrr (.(xlc tor lh. Fr(ru. of lh. *!rl fd triEh lh. rEnn ! is.d <br />I ha\ . and will hrn din lor 16' comn N.l nn insur.ncc. as r.qoncd b! sd krr 1700 of th. I itxr ( td.. 4.. rh. Fld .l <br />thc $orl to! f,hich lhn pdnir is irsu.d Myso.k6s comp.ndion iBurffi.catrs mlaal'cynumbs uc <br />,,,,", -SrAT<- <br />,.,.,-,,,* ?lE-1L, ?4,/ar1 <br />I (orily thar rn rh. Fformrn.. orrh. w.rk Lr shich rhis td'nir is iist.d, I.hill nol mDlot an, l'cnon in any m.trns <br />sr s t' h.$m. uhr(l b rn. *0*6 conFlsxon latr s or( rlili'mia- dd .s@ rhd ra I sh.uld t*d'n. subter ro rlE <br />trrtrkd.ompqsiionpro$irNofS.nmn1r0Oofrh.lrtlr(iil..IelBll,frfhs h smplt $irh rlFr Inov6io6 <br />lotq !o oiniMl Fst6 ,i <br />ddseB a Ford.d aor rh.cNrl nn6 up ro om nu.&.d rhoN.d (hlldr (tl00. nl. h.dinnn ro rh. corl <br />\drrn\'1.-rrhcri5, <br />--,tl-, f t <br />Cdq [lscr ud dk nE) <br />)"r---r- <br />I *a( rmm udo Fun, of FiuD rhd I n&. F\6h. ol(1uF6 9lcoffirnrr tr(t SalFn 7000) orIhii.'n 1 <br />ol rh.llunn6srnd llof6nrNCrd.- uil n, <br />r,(.i*rri$ S*-''F/ <br />.L fo <br />I <br />C:i <br />? <br />'1 <br />I lBrhr afinn umln rEnlr,olFrjuryil[ r <br />rnRlls( 1097. (iv al <br />ion lmdinB 6ry n! rhc rEaomMCG of lhc sork fir*hich rhirrtni n <br />AITLIIAXLIECIASAIIA! <br />l ,lrylJ !fi m und6 pa.h y o( pqjury on o l l hc aollo* ins deluat ions: <br />Dnnoh hn P.m i A!tEx'. Noiifi.dio. lGtorl R.Suhrio6 I I nk 40, Pd6 ) <br />R.qur.d t rrE ol l'ldifrdnn <br />I cd ify r har rhc Ltld.l r.*ulalions EAudrnr ab.sros ,dno\ al d c hor h rhis prorcd <br />l.dr6"ihd Ihx\.rodih's.rpli.aton nnJ nar. rhar rh.alrtr tuion is.oncr I 4re to c.mnlv*irfi all Ciry.nd(i.un\ <br />('i'r a*l Countylo 616 uFn ltEfrdnan.c i.d Starc I r$\ r.Ln rn.r.Flddn6 of rhir <br />.lF\. ,6r$n.d FoFnr lor <br />Applicrnl orA!Hl Sitnr <br />L)g,> <7\*Lpl,t) <br />-4,/, t <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq ,/4-f/./,bl-Lt,?r,) <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />Insulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />IUqsgnry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />/r\ <br />FINAL 10.1'17 vN"lu)o-t \_/Certificate of Occu pancy <br />Notes Remarks, Etc <br />Set Backs <br />I <br />I <br />SLAB Floor <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I