<br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS ()t+NER 8t1t_trER Dftd at{ lioN
<br />I hdor! rmnn und6 !.ulry .f Fiury rhd I en .rcmrr ft'm (h. ( .nr&1oE l.rcds I i( ao rh. follositrs rdrr ls( ]lr r l 5
<br />Busin6s dEl ltolstun (irtl.) Any(ityor (i{lnr lrhi(h r.qut6 a po rr lo cotuitud, dlrd, impro!., &rnolhh or int
<br />3lruclu., FN ro 'ls is@cc. .t$ r.qun6 lh. q'ilicdl tor luch lxrh lo 6lc r ris..n idmd rhd lE or sh. ir I'c6<il 0um..n
<br />ra rh. Fn 6F6 of rlE ( onr(k s L(6s.1 Ls ((lE!rd e. ( onmtrr! * trh s.nFn 700(r oa Dn ist. . ot rh. BNin* ind
<br />PFrsNns ( (lj.)orthar rEdrt s.rofl rh6.liom and th. harE rr rh. ilLs.n.rmFion Ail rioldirnofsRrhr T0!U b,nr
<br />.ff !i.a.r nn i tl@n suh)di rh. ltplicrnr ro i cn r I \ o I nor mr. rhd 6r r h!nd,.d d.lld. ( lt([))
<br />l.6 osn6 oflh.rr.Fny. u mv cmplo)B tr[h qas6 s a,lc conpoBanon. triU (h rh. \( sdlh.tlnk1scnm'
<br />ddrlnl orottd.d t rel.(S( 7or{, Bsf,d od Pr.aBi.N (i\l. In.Cont*l ! l-tN l!{ drd not 49ll 6mo{ffioI
<br />rt FTdr sh, hrlds or nqrorG rhdFn. ri sh, &E sfi {. timklf or helf or rhourh h,r or h( otrn 6rl'16-
<br />tmld.d thd ru.h mp(r.ffis e mr itaxt rl o, ofiaol for sk lt lFtrqq. rlE h,Ir'l{ or rqmo6r t $U I dhih.ft w
<br />.l Nmpkr i.n. rh. ( )qnq t\ild6 unl ha\ c rh. hntn of I'ouns rhn h. or \tu dit fr{ huild or in{m\. tfi. F!Fr, ln lhc ruF e ol
<br />I. 6 o$fr.f rlE FnFnt. m c.drdi.8 snh li..Ed.o Edm nr mrrrud rlE rnj.( (sd 7o{, &cr.6
<br />od hlLsr. ('od. TrE Conrr*r6i! Lr.* t !* &E ml !t,f lr ro a o*€ o, I'oFnr $ho burldr or hpro\6 rhdon.
<br />od $ho odd3fm su.h rhjds $nh t (hddo(r lk.tu.d pu8@ rorlE (nir-roir l-(.e Lel
<br />l.trn c\.n,d, tr cr S.rrrr ,B & l'( li)rrhis rcnn(
<br />D.t. oi.d
<br />r\oRI(EiLa' ( orrPEisATloi
<br />Dl;ona^uox
<br />I rmrh ond( Fn.hy.lrqnrr oncoflh. folloshx rl(l[i!'otrs
<br />I hay. srl tr ill . ( d ilicar. of (irtrhr t, l6ur. ntr $rt6 (omrEsl ion. R\ Foudnl lor by sdri,'n 1700 o f th.
<br />1..8,' coda. nr rh. rdt'llrln. nlrlE q.rl (r \hhh rh. Ff, ne.n
<br />/$€',,"d ",tt *'",'" "o,t6'comn uri,n 'srancc.6 ,qttrtr.rt b sdn. 17(tr orrh. llhfl (-ode r.r rh. Frollrm.or' rh.$n'l,,rsh(hrhEFn 'r au.d Vt qc'Id' (rmposr'cn 'Ed r.r E di F.lrl Funh6 s.'
<br />,*57-/9 ZZ Z?>'12 t t
<br />,.,,,*"^,n y'/52 /5 2 ,rptr6 y'ltlzg
<br />I c.niirhrl i. rhc ldfortu.c. of rh. *1trk Lr $hi.h rhis F'nn i! 'ssu.d,l sh.U nor mploy lny rE son in anr '.in.d$ N ro tEom. lubj6t ro rh. {orlss' comp.nsl n'n hss or (llitonir. aad a*rc rh{r ir I .hould }tl.m. lobjftl ro lh.
<br />tr ort6' orynsli.n prcvisroB of Sdnrn 17ur o I th. L.bor (\)d.. I CDll. fon htr h onply *nh rk'F Flltionr$ARlilNC li!'l@ ro !.q. $0116 NdFrdxr 6\onx. u unlr*fuL r.d sndl subdr M nl'hlE lo oi[iul FEIi. ind
<br />.r,l in6 u, io dt hundr.d rlrlus.d dolld tl00,0m), 'n ldJibn ro rlE con of compcNlmi. da,Es6 E l,ord.l ltu rh.
<br />ta/,z/l t
<br />Dtll.llt!ta:
<br />I H'y rrm und( F!h) of Frury lhn I @ l,GE d und6 F\6en of(-rEFd 9 tcoffimr rin SdhI ,llx,l of Div,en r
<br />oa tn€ lluind Md PmfsnrE Codc. !n 'ry lij.r is in tull t((. &td.lld
<br />oi7 Vzrg:77-T/?
<br />I hdtht allm nn td Furrf .l rEj!' r_ rhd t
<br />irqr.d (Sd !097. Civ C )
<br />kndrn!.!6c\ li,r rh. rdfom,M(. ffrh. \.rt f(t \hKh rh6 Bt ( h
<br />I h6d,y .rrn !.d( p6rh) ot Fojur) oE or llE folh\ ll's &clr 'onrI).nolition P(mi!.-Asb.sro! Notilicshon F.d.hl ic3uldi.ns t lnlc.l0. Pan6l
<br />R.qun.d l.cll6 of Noriliurtun
<br />f'd\ \{h al ( \ in(l ( 1rtr \
<br />(ir) nnd (iunrr kr rir. ult{ rhc
<br />rulz/z >
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar (.
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif .
<br />lLv.,.t^t.t /tl iU tt 5Yt-t-121t t 11
<br />I
<br />FINAL t14 l* 1-, -Dfi tJi./1L<1
<br />Certificate of Occu -r-pancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />a
<br />I I
<br />I
<br />-+
<br />I
<br />,2-4
<br />rc8ubrnE caa{'nt atsror rffi\ nl r. mr ,Ilrl(lhk r, rh6 FoFl
<br />\ppli(rnr 6r rr r \iSnruri /o /z.as4zz5