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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS (,WNEf, BUII-DFI DELCAT Tl()N <br />I lE.chy .mrn lnds lxulrt ol Flory rtd I dm .t.r{, fnrm tlr (...rrron' l-i.h! tr* lor !h. lQlk'wiry rcrq,n l*.. 7l,.ll 5. <br />Bu\incs\ rl Pior.\{on C(r!.)r Any Ciry oi O'unly which r.qrn.t r Fmn ro mn(rucr. !lls, imtrorc, d.n,li\h ot knxtr dny <br />(rudrur, prior ki ns ii\rlrrr..lw, rcq!t.\rhc lpDlidnr rir su.h tinnirro filc. siamd (llcnEni Ihd snc is lic.ncd nu^unnr, <br />n, rh. ln eti'n! ofrt G)nk*ttr \ Licnen liu (Cha/q 9. (i,mGtinE snh S..ri,n 7fin ol l)'vnh..! nrrh. aunk(.nd <br />Phfc$x,.i Cod.) o. thrt lErr (lE rh.Efnndrl rlE tf,{t ld rlt rlk8.d cr.q{i.n An} riol hnotS.<hnro:tl \6ylny <br />.mlf,rd lor.tEmn \uhFkrlr lprlr rrorci!'lFMhyof n,r mtr.rlEnfi\. hudlrcd iolldr r!5(l)1 <br />I. rr o*Ni ot rh. pn,Fd y. d f,y cq'lolsl rirh !.s.s 0r lh.t 5k comrnq' k'n. wrll <br />'hr <br />rh. srk hl rlr {urm i< rn <br />id.,xh orofi.rcdforal.(S(70,14.Bu:incsrndPtufc\ri('nrC(d.Th.C.dr..xtrrl,ic.nrLjwd..!not.ntlyro0n(rNrof <br />rhc InlEny *h) hiLh r ini6B rhcErn..^l *h. dfts sEh k'n hnnr.lfDr tErclfor lhmu8n his or hq, <br />I,n'lrLd rhd {Kn iryn,EEat m mr oltald ntr sL tt lx,wr6. ih. tlillinS r u{mknrd F $ld rnnih om FU <br />or$nnldr,n.llE {nw lu'ri.r $ill lEkrlthd.iolfdin8rh,lrd{rdd mr tx rr i,Itmk 0E,n{dy ftr E I'{iFE.l <br />_1. a\ormrof rh. pn'p. y. trncr.hrnrly(rnt rnS {irh hc..a{.rnhcrn\nr.on{d rh. n.or.,lSLt 7(}l.l. nosi'rc$ <br />rn,l lhkr\inr(i)dc:lhc(i,tr,\.1r$,nr\norrt,tlln,rtrosncr It'r'l yrMl]tril,kor, tn,ivc\rhcr.on <br />rn(l sl$ .ontu.(1,tr !'.h tn,rrr(! htr(_({n'r.rin l({tr(l tr,!'r tr,rh.(i' <br />IoneNnpt utr.i., sr.rr <br />I li.r.hvrlrtr , un,l.r l{trrlrrnl <br />D}:IIJTA.III]N <br />tirluryoncol rh. lnlk)qir3d.eln r F <br />-I <br />nrE.,rd sill Binrsi.. C.nirri. of Grrn! r' ImE rd w,rl63 orFn{br. s Fo{d.J ft h, S.<rion.lnr}.r rtt <br />trhx Cnn.. an rlr FnnmBr o, rlE *st aor *htn rlE Fhir it !ru<n <br />lhr\cartl*illnkdai'ruortcri.oqrn\orntrirFtr(rtr..i\r.ltutrrtlhySrrn'nl7(xrofrh.ljhtr(ixl..lirih.I)dntrr'r. l <br />thr *o, k tu' which rhi\ trnn{ il i\ui M y q or [cB conui.n\lri,tn nnn'nrc .rrYtr r l F)li(y nu mhrr m' <br />I r.nil,! rhar i'r rh.l.rlumum.oflh. *ort ntr shicnrht nc ni n i\\xcn,I shrllo r cmlloyany P{ron 'n <br />riym na <br />{) Nr tr(nrc suht ( r,, rtf, sorler\ rstrrtrtr\ n,n hu( ol ( rlinmr trfr1a8rcc ihri 'fI \hruld ttartrE suhjrtl lo rhc <br />rn*as.otrqEneriotrF,rni,n\orSdi( l7lX)ofrh.ljtsr Ciric.lrhall. ionhrirh mni,ly wirh rhr( tBnitnnc <br />!lAllNlN(; Fa'lut r' {-curr troit.i\ <br />cr'l tur1rti k) oE huhl.ol rhousnl <br />s..rr :r(J76df rhcl]htr(ixlL.. i .rrn <br />crnhFr h rmirl FntF inl <br />N,k'n. d,m3.i rr lmvilsl t,r rh. <br />DECIIAAIIIId <br />I lmby r,lrn ud.r Foh, or FFry rn I.n liued und., P.trvirnorchttrd tl(,trmrins Iirh Sdiotr ?finr or Dirrhn t <br />ol tlf, Bu.iFs .rn F ofc.rhB Co&. xrl ny lt.nt it in tull irnt ai .lTcl <br />Arlllcalr.lElLa8allQx <br />I tmtr rllm utrd.r rnulty o, l].rjury o'* ol rh. fi'll,uin8 deld.lkrtr <br />Dcn,l bn Pc,mc.A$cnor Ndific.'i.rn Inbr.l R.3t!,iri,n\ r'Iiik,{r. Pd6, <br />Rqur.d t dol lrif*rion <br />l.uIlr-rhar rhc lil.,rlrgtrhrifn\ rr!xftl' rr\tuno(iir^rl . r n snplilhk n, rhi\ nR,F'.r <br />3 rl nrr( rh.i rln rrtr. trii irn i\ r.IN*r I rlE r. $nrlly Inh.I Cirynnd (-',unry <br />rri,. Et'.rdrhB o his ( iry.,xj (-ounr!t'mld uF,i <br />'h.rklrnE con{tu1rrn. .il trrht <br />l.cniry'hr' lrunr ru.rrhF ildf,Jl <br />nnhturfqid Sr c ljtrs fthr'nr i t{ <br />Jh*c nrnri,ft,l pn,Fd! r.{ 'n.d(rr,n/ <br />Applk. .r <br />^E <br />nr slsqJrr/z <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monumenl) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER /)..'l <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino I <br />Sub-Panels /'t1)|bllti =ffl lfut-rlh) j <br />Air Conditioners II V\lL-/ <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh VhA//e)=p^ar\,bdl <br />Service lvleter -U <br />FINAL /o /i//, ,DJrh -?t)Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />I <br />I <br />( (rNsTRt-lcT(lN t 1\pIN(: ACFNC\', <br />IhcrhyNmirnuncrp.nnlryoItcrrrryrhrirh.r.nronnrudi, k rnS 03cmy lor rhc pcrfortum. of th. soll fo! rhich rhi\ Fnnir i\ <br />nlu.d (sR. 1097. civ c I <br />lrrth,'. NJm <br />T-------r-----