<br />I h6.try amrm undd pdahy of Fjory rhd I o crmtl fmd thi Co ,-106 l,i.BL,$ torrn lou.s,lg ra$n (Sd?0!l5
<br />Irusr6r rd Profal'on (-dL, Any Cil) or Coudy shih r.9016 ! IEnn r. c.trsItud s!(. iEFov. &trlith or rqd trv
<br />(tudnE rior ro trs itu4.. a!$ Grnn6 rlE .lplter for sh Fhn ro 6L . ,isn d tltl@r rhd lr or shc s lictu.n lluruanl
<br />ro rh. Ii.\66G .l rlE (-ontrslo.! L(dr.d tiw ((tutxq o. Com.ncin| {dh Sdrcn 7(xm or Divilnrd :r ol lh. Busrd and
<br />Pn,l61i.E C.d.t or lh.i L or it ir cr6fl lhs.lioh tnd rh. hdL for rh. dl.r.d .x6np.on Anv riolalFnols.drn 70r15 b) int
<br />.Folic! ro, r Fnn subr..1s lh. lpplrcel ro . civ il p.Mn v of not mor. rro liv. hun&.d doils I $ml
<br />l. s ownd oi rh. ForEly- or n, drployG B trh *5sB s lh.n $k compdsnren. *nl & Es[I,nllElutftirmr
<br />rnr icj or ofl6.d fq sk (se 7(x4. Aut6t ed R.lsi.N ( od. 1lE(tdrrr.rr Lk.Mlis ds ntpglvlouo\noof
<br />rh. FnFny wlrr turl& or trrsror6 rrE6.. ,i u ho dc u h *!rt hnMlf or h.*lf or rtmush hB .r lE oq 4plov.d
<br />Fo\ iLi rlEi !u.h mF\trB e fl{ nrsxt d or orq.d ror $l. ll hor.E.lh. tu'ldd8 or inprorml 6 erld wnh'n orc }a
<br />ot coil{'ll hr llE ()trc Blilld will haE rlE ttrdo ofFovn{ lhn h. dr rh. dd dn tuld or ImFov. th. FDrd, fo rh. F,ibr of
<br />I.f,iorffiolrfi.ForEny.m.r(hrn.!co tsltru $1lh lit.B.d cod.r-loEto r.nrtud th. ! )jet(s( 7044.lr6nN
<br />,d Pmksin Co& Ti. (b mroD I-,..c 1.,\'do6 mr qT,lt lo u ou'ns of ,iopdy trho burldr o. mpr.vd th(<rn,
<br />rnd $no codr&1! ln lucn Foj{<! wilh a Gntmclo(n hc Ld puuud b lhc Coilri.ror'3 l.k.G L.$ )
<br />1,trtr.rcn,l, tr ( sltfo
<br />I)rl. OinF
<br />\roR(rias'aontPa SAnoN
<br />I hq.hy d lfinn und( o f pqJur) oN o f lh. follo{ m3 dtlrr.rhN
<br />Iha..!qillminlrinr(dtifr.r.ofcolsolrosclf'l6ur.Lrworl6 comFMr'on s F.!i.Ld ln hy s.dkrn 1700o,rh.
<br />L.t r ( oda for lt rEfolrMc. of lh. {od( lor tnth lt. pGF ir isu.d
<br />I h.Lc ird srll nri.rdi. *0116 conr6llirn icutft.. s Glor.d I't sdn. iTlxr oa r L.hor C6&. ior th. pdtollMcc of
<br />rh. N,l tq whrh rhi Fmh i isr.d Mysorld' conp.rqion iMlm..!fu nd Flic, nuhb6 d.:
<br />l.diD rh.l in lh. pgaolmft. oIlh. \o.l lor uhich rhB Fmn i! isu.J. I rhlll nor mpkJr'tnv F$r h.nv f,dM
<br />$ s b h..trm. rbjdl lo lh. wkd con{nsr io. hB of Calitumii. ed asc $d if I srruld tE<oc rubca o rtr
<br />$odd .onpdstion p(ivsio of sdtn :l70o.ari. bbor Co&.l sh.ll, fndh$ ilfi mndy trnhrbkFo\isi1B
<br />waRNtNC Fdluc kr sG mrt6' Nmpdlaid. ordrs. ir unLutul. tld lhdl sbi{ x dtloF r(t dimtrl Ftrhi: ud
<br />$rl lir6 up lo o( hu.dt.i tlrund dolkd (tlo{,om}, in tddnion ro rh...i of comFaeslion, d,nB{d B prov'd'd ror rh'
<br />Sdnn 1076 ol rh. liDr cod.. i.r6d ud nt!B.* . fd
<br />D,", q+a112&tr-
<br />[(l.\t l(o\I&!(jaA
<br />uf,(LLE,llMr
<br />I un& FulD oaFilrr lha Iu li.Es.d undE Flnion ofchaptq 9 (.!nn6.in8 \r hS61n.70{x)]'rl)nilion I
<br />ot rh. BsilB lld Pmf6F6 Cod., dd my li.@ ii h tull f.rcc !.d.ffer
<br />I '.rrsc('lss,,," \Llarl?oG (on,r.c,o
<br />CllltIAtlcIANj.IdDTJGACET(I
<br />I 'iq* 6IIm und6 Fu,ly of Fjur,! lh, th@ L . connruclFn L.dins rgtry fo, th. pofomm. of th. *nrl (rr
<br />"tkh rhi! Fni E
<br />Bu.d(sd 1097,ci! (' )
<br />I ho+^ atrm udld Fnrh) oa Fjury otu nf I h. fo lhq in! &.l,rit iod
<br />l).fto 1'l irn Pm i Aibdoi Nolirical k{ l .d.ral R.BUhr irns { I ilL ,r0. Pd6 )
<br />Rcqurcd L.rrd oaNox6crlbn
<br />I cdri& thd rh. t dsn Gsuhrios r.sndi.s m\.r @ d +pli.$L lo lha FoF
<br />I csrili rhn I h6. @d fin .pt'lk.rion !i rrJ. th! lhc ih.r. i.f.rndhn ! ..nd I lne to coftpl) *ilh tll Cnv nd Counry
<br />o.din46 Dd Sr.r. Ll$ Ehult io buiHhB cdncrudiot an !dlr@. rcF*r dn6 of lhit Citv !d Coul} lo ana uFn rlE
<br />trlxncnu orqlflopol\ li),'nrp.trhnptrrlirsts
<br />\ppllcr or \pmt Shn.tu.. n
<br />,,erm,krn.n.,pr,n,,: t€qJALgO
<br />e {'?-" ^- slzllzttl
<br />VAZaAS l(l.ttua*+S
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall I
<br />Framing //,(1,8 ffi
<br />lns u lation/Energ y
<br />Drywall //rf /r I -1*';
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath -M:
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />FINAL 3b//.7 4 wqn7Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Note R marks Etc
<br />1^I N t (-..
<br />I
<br />I I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />ISubfloor/VenUl nsulation
<br />I
<br />I
<br />II
<br />I
<br />l
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />IEngineer Final Report
<br />I