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EXPEDITED PERNIIT PROCESS FOR SIV(ALL.SCALE PV S\'\TEI!1S <br />S IANDARD StRIN\, J\SIEAt <br />The inForma(iDn in this guideline is Inlended ro help lDcal jrr risd i.taons and conrradors idenrify when PV s),srem insrallarions <br />are simple, needrng only a basic review, and when an insrallatiorl is nrore complex Ir is hkely rhat 50 % -75 % of all residential <br />systems will comply wifh these simple crireria. For projecG that fail to meet the simple criteria. resolurion sreps have been <br />su€lgested to provide as a parh to permir approval. <br />Requireil Infonndtion Ior Permit: <br />I Site plan showing location of major componenrs on the propeny This drawing need not be exacrly ro scale. bur ir <br />should represen( relative localion of components aL site (see supplied example sire plan). PV arrays on dwellings <br />with a J perimerer space at fldge and sides may nor need separate fire servlce review. <br />2 Elecrrical diagram showing Pv array configurarion, wiring system. overcurrent pft)rection, inverrer. disconnects. <br />requrred srgns. and ac connecrion ro buildrng (see supplied srandard electrical dtagram) <br />3 Specincalion sheets and installation nranuals (if available) lor all nranufactured conrponenrs including, but nor <br />Limited to. PV modules. inverrer(s). combiner box, disconnecls. and mounting svstem. <br />Step 1 . Structural Rariew of PV Array Mounting System <br />Is the array to be mounted on a defined, permitted roof structure? Eyes Eno <br />f No dLl. to non-complklnt roo.f or a ground mount. submit complete.t wo|ksheet Jot. (he structure ,u.1is <br />L <br />R@f hfoflnation: <br />I ts lhe roDhng tvpe lighrwei8hr (Yes = contposiliot]. lightweighr nlasorlry, nreral, etc )qomp stringle <br />f No. flbmit completeL worhsheet Jor roo.f structwe L/KSI (^/b = heav! masonry, slate, etc .) <br />2 Does (he roof have a single roof coveringr Elyes E uo <br />If No , submit completed worhsheet _for roof structure WKS 1 . <br />l. Providc merhod and type of wearherproofrng roof penerrarions (e g. flashing, carrlk)flashin <br />M oun ting S y st em W ornation : <br />I Is the rnounting srructure an elgineered product desrgned ro mounr PV nrodules wirh no nrore rhan an t8" gap <br />benearh rhe module frames? 14 yes Ll r,lo <br />U No. provide d.ctaih oJ st:rucaural attachment cotifed by u design prcIessional <br />2. For manufactured mounLing systems, hll out information on rhe moun(ing svstem below: <br />a Mounring Svsrem luanufacurer Eg9!9llglProducr \ame and l,,lode 1a Rock it <br />b Total Weig hr oF PV Modules 2n6 n1115 712.4 lbs <br />( Total Nurnbcr of Atracnmenr Pornrs22 <br />d \&'eighr per Arrachmenr Potnr (b - cl 32.4 bs (if grearer rhan 45 lbs. see WKS I ) <br />l,4aximum Spacing Belween Attachment Poinrs on a Rarl 48 rnches (sec product manual tbr <br />nraxinrum spacing allowed bas..d on maxrmunt desrgn wind speed) <br />f Total Surface Area ol PV [lodules (square feet)246.5 tu: <br />Disrributed Weighr ot PV Module on Rool (b: f)2.9 <br />U distributed weight oJ the PV system is greatsr than 5 lbs/ft , see WNSI . <br />Srep 2 Electri:ai Re,ie,,, of PV Syrte, (Caiculat,ons [o' E ect,ical Diag,am) <br />In order for a PV system to be considered for an expedited permit process, the following must apply: <br />I PV modules. utilirv- in te ractive inverters. and comUiner boxes are iden fied for us(r in PV sysrcms. <br />2 The PV arrav rs comFosed ol .{ series srnngs or less per inverrer <br />i The tutal rn\/erter capacity has a aon[rnuous aa power output lj.4.lO Watrs or lcss <br />.1 The ac rnrerconnecrion poinr is on rhe lr,ad side of service disconnecring means (hq0 64\B)) <br />5 One oi the standard electflcal diagrams(El l.El la.ET lb.orEl lc can be used to accurarel\ represenrrhePV <br />S\'Slern In:eraatLvr Pf)F dlagrams are avallable rr !vr.\$' solJr.lbcs ,irq/l)rrmltilng <br />',))ri'!,',,i;:ai','r,r.)r',rtr , t,i.r',rdrr'. ,,1r)r ,r,irr iprrol)rr ia.- i!'iiir <br />) ;\t'ta Tti, I'lLi,i r'i,'i( i\\ f( )tr l'\ .\\tt\tr