<br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS o$Ntt BU[,t,t:R r,]:!_cAf, ATI()
<br />Ih lt,)arllrou.rlrulrt,npcrrur)rh{Imcrcn{inonrhL(,)nris(E-Lrnrlr{ntrrtuflllo{Egrcry,nlK(lrll5
<br />Au!k\ rnl Polcsrn C,xlcr Any (' y or Cou y uh.h rquml I lrrnii b sn{fr1. rlrd. mpR .. d.m,lnh or qrtr ut
<br />{R1ur.. l'.r t' [r rsua .. !lv, Fqrn.\ rh{ rpnltur fi, {!(h Fan[ r, ih. skE{ {!r.nrnr rtu h.or rlE i\ lrM{d n!^xDni
<br />ki rh. tln,lNi,nR ot rhc Conrr&n, { l,i$nrrl tr* (Chr[., 9. (in ktu'ng sirh S.dnon 7(XX) ol Diriin,n .l ur rh. l]u\inc$ lnd
<br />Itolt\\tritrlCodc)orrhar h.or \hr il .rcnrpr rhcrcliom un,l ih. hrns lnr th.rllc8cdcrcnlPrktr ty viotdridrolSari Tlr:lt lihy{.y
<br />rpfliuDrntru Itrnnlt suhlL\h rh. pflr I k, rcivili.ntrhyor tror unc rhrn fivc nuuiEd dolhr($5o0)
<br />l. r\ trrkr otrht lrrp.nv,,, mv.q,k,N! unh *r3cs !\ lhtr trk.onvEnsrion. srll&, rh. *rd rni itr nME ! 'xddrl.rl or nlTcrctl fm slc tS( IO.U. A!!fta! anil Pn'lc\!r'nr (irn Ox O,d.sroi\ l.iTnr |rr dts mt lprly to u o*ftr of
<br />rh.F{6y *h) f.'[s r inFtrs.lhsn. rr1f,h. rrE Bt *r'.1 hmr{|f .. h.rclf rh^r8h hr d h.r o*n .iinl)}.c\.
<br />Dx,sxkd rtur lhh rmF,\rnd! m rn d.d.d ( oli...d n, qE Il h,krr. rh. t{illiq ., 'qn*!ft.r a ou r .hn oft }w
<br />oarorrLri,n. rlE Otrmr Burli( vil rEn rrr h{d.n orF,h8 rhl h.or1rr.Jil tur t iBornqnErt rnF,fmrlIpulF,cor
<br />l.nto*nrr,'rrhcnn,pcny.rn,!rrly.otn.!r!slrl'!rtr\.,1(otrkr.(rbronnn'.rrhtn)r{t(Scc7OlJ,tltrs'k\\
<br />!fr| l\nlsir(i cThcCutr.rtr\l.ic.n\.1-r*dor\trorir)plyr,,trtr,,sncr.lp()Iltnvwh hurhl\or ifi)rovcs rhscon,
<br />nn,l $ho rotrlri.h lr {.h tno}{r\ snh ! (i o.t{(r lxflA.d I'n^uDr r, rhr cl,nrrhn \ I f,.n\.1trtr)
<br />lr"'.(nrrn u.dcrSdnn
<br />Irrrc ()rmr
<br />I\rlRx[f,(' ( ottPl\s,\T!oN
<br />DI:UJ&IIIQIi
<br />I rlrnDtrDd.r pcnallyrlIirrurt'(c I rhr n,lk,s'n! ,l(lnrrrRn^
<br />rh, ((ilr, turrhr |{rfornB .c,,f rtu $orl ntr uhEh rlE pcn ( N tr{4rl
<br />I h^r lnd r ill Bnr.r sod.ra .nn{r.{r n. inruBtuc. or Eqrnlrd h:- S(r bn .l7rn ol rhc , rh, (irrc- ,u ihc pcrfnrmrc of
<br />rh. $,,I nn*hahrhirlf,mir il rrd Myr..tnr. dn{f,nqri)n i.oEnr.-trir rrn Fl.!nun,tf,rE
<br />_r u.nrlirh,r,nrhc p.rrornuN.orrhc *trrt ntrqhichrhis n!nnir is i\sucn.l (holl nor .mpL'y troy |Er\on in ony unnrry' t' h..o F {uhFl lo lh. qoltr\ $nt'.nsrrn lrw\ or(nl'tnh's, snd olrc rhar ifl \h,uld lBoN $1,j$! t, rlr
<br />sorl.^ d,nl'cnq ion pmvshtr( .r sd rm l7(D of rh. Lllrtr (ixL- I !sll. fonh*irha,rylyl hrh,s nDini'n\ll RNlN(; ,-rilur k, Rm r.'t.A' .otr{Ensrhn drvccBc ir utrL*ful. rd sh.ll ruhJNr ,n otlh}s ro mnitul Frlrs (n
<br />.nrl fitu\ ut ro nr hrndrd rhru{hd ilolls (slr)o.rxxr. In ddnrr h rh. cosr oa coqEn{rkrn. rfte.s 11 J,nxrldl tur .lr
<br />se'i)n J,76.tihc lihr an.. inr(.\r. dtjmv'(ls
<br />trr(.i ,tDpllenl:
<br />uljjxs.uu_(urir&r(IaalrEgJtaua!
<br />.l tu lln!n.*lrxl l,nrc(inN(inlc. rR, nrvli.ctrr i1 r iulll,trLr
<br />ta$ltrucrrrxt}j DrNli-dtirlLl
<br />I &-rhy rl1lr r und$ Jriahy o I IxrJUr, rhnr rhcc i\ tr ondrudi,n lcndDS 4cncy r ihcp.rloilun.roirhcsukli,rwhir[rhi\Fnnil n
<br />i\\urd rSN ll)rr7 Civ C )
<br />l.nhr \ dr.$
<br />artutAlir.lluJalro!
<br />I lBiry ill'mr und.. rcnaX, nlrE4uiy oN nlrlE tullo*rng dsl,fu!irni
<br />Dcnr,l(rr P.rnir* Aib.{os Norirl.rrion l,c.tBl Rcsuhtn,n\ fl l.4).lan6)
<br />Rqutrcd Irircr of Norill.lknl
<br />l (cnn v rhJr rh. tcdcml rc8lLr tr,n\ N!*dint r\\ rr riul l r ftn ,Iplf,rhk b rhn pm}tr
<br />I .orfy rhxr I h*c Ed rhtr .pllurpn rn ntlc rnd llt !h)r. rtrnn nsrr,n F .old I .Are t' (nril, r{h rll Ct} !d (irnry
<br />oiliE .l rni sr!r. Lr*r EhiuE nr h{illm3 .onrrMrFn. ,n h...h, rurh{uc rcF.s nrrqofrhtrcny.rncoudyrn.nrduFnrll
<br />lhr. nrnlr,rd pn'F-ny ntr inll'cLriulurF'e\
<br />Applnur.r,\rcfll Siloslurr
<br />I(rnrifu(mnt(Dri l:
<br />Set Backs
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation a\
<br />Roof Sheathing 2-g4N v\41C\Yatn x\Y XCt&
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsu lation/Enerqy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handica R
<br />De puty Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certil
<br />FINAL 2-t5-tv k.l4lrl)'
<br />Certif icate ol Occu nc
<br />Notes, Flemarks, Etc
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns