<br />I rEEl,y .tl"m und.t F.rlty 6r pdjlr, rh.l I m .rm{'t 6!n rlr G,ddr6 Litn< Lls rd rli fDlL*uB E bn (Sd Tol l 5
<br />Burimr( .d Ptoralnn Coi.) Any Cn, or C6udy rnah Enuns . Fni ro (llfu. .lr(, hipfth, .lmlirh or r.Fr uy
<br />(nrrw- tnr ro nr i$ure..ko EqliEs E {'oliur lor (h ttfu ro nk r ri8r.d ir.l..Et rlIr lE n llE ir lin(d poNnr
<br />'o
<br />rlE FrvnaoB of dE CodBrd r Lirn*d hw (Ct pr( 9. Colftrina wirh Scdion 7m0 or Oirirbn I or 'h 8!iE( .in
<br />Phr.$iri Cdt ) or fir rr d rlE ir.r.np' lnntton.rn ii h..it ro, rlr .tL!c<t crotprb.. Ary vi,hri of sdi,n 701My sy
<br />.ItlE. fo, r IEmn uhFk tlE t,plid ro . .iv'l p.Mty or mt @E ihr fiv. nudEd &l!$ itynr
<br />-1.
<br />.r owr or rh. ImFny, m my .rpk Fr w{h M8$ rr lrFi sL Nnp..ub.. *iI do rrE wrt !d rlE dtu ( tr,
<br />ii,cthl (.fi.Ed lG rL (56 104,1. BuiiE$ rnl Pr.f*rini Cd. Th. Coddd s LirN t w &Er ml qrly ro.n owF ol
<br />rlE ImFdy *ln hojld! ft inFo6 rh.lu. rrn {tb dx sh fr'd him.lt or h.mlf o. rhmulh hk 6. lE. oM..mldtr(.
<br />pn,rils! rhl surh inF,mB @ r{ hr.rd.n qotu fc qL l( h,Ew. rlr hiBiry or inFknEin ii s*t }irho,ft ,d
<br />oforrLrin llE owE Buitb *ill h.E llE hln$n ofEovi.8 'tu lE or rtE did ml t ld or irpEE dE FDIsry rot l,r [UF):of
<br />l.r\otrNruirh.rn'p.nt.rtr,cirlu\ncly.onrr.ri',tuirhlner\il.orrr.rtr\n,.onirucrrhcpn,rc.rlSr.7('1J.hA \\
<br />drl hnls\! (-''(l. IhcC.ttrclois t-iccn\c l-r* (h).\ rmlyn, t osrd of oN ywho bu'ld\or nnt',rt\ thcr.ur.
<br />nhl sho $nr'x.( ktr \urhF,rLc(\'irhr(,nr'!.t)(\rlrctr\.(lptr^trd n'rh. Li)ntr.rois Lr.n{ lr*)
<br />Irrl. OYFr
<br />tlll4f,lSr-Loulltta.Ilx
<br />I lir.hr rrrnr undcr FMlr! of FJUD- or olih. i'll'rmI dNhr r$
<br />-l
<br />h.E rn rillf,iddn ! CcniaEnc olciM b S.lf.huE tu {,t6 mnFdbG a FlviLd lor by S(li{ -l'rlD.f llx
<br />t,nr c(n , tu ltE FrfltrllN ol tlE *rrt rd *tah rlE Fni i. tred
<br />I hrt rnd *iU ruinhin *0.16 coqrnurion in$rrm.. I rcquiEd hy s(' ion l7(n of ihc ljhor Grl.. i, rlt Frfonemr ol
<br />rh. krr nr whth rhis Fmir ir iu{ My *0116r onqrnqtk'n in$ru. !ui- ud F,licy nur'}e. a
<br />l.cnily rh{r ih rhL pGturtutuc.f rhc *oIk f(r $hich rhn Frnii ii i\\ed, I rhrll frn ctr9hy any r.rw,n in lny nrnrrr
<br />$ bn$m unjd k' rlE *nrken' .o'qFner x,n 6wtorc.hn{nir. inl rrm rharifl rlnuld lEr.ft $hFcr lorh.
<br />*ods!, lrntrI{.{ri,n rm! hii,ns of S.rlhtr :l?(x) .r rlr bh, (iic. I \h l. tu.nsil h a'n{,ly * irh rtne pn,vnnn\
<br />WARNIN(; liilok n' (e *0*6 ompcndiD.ormtc 'r u.l,*lul. afll rhnl s!hj.{r 3. on0l)}ir tn (miMl trEtF lnd
<br />.n'l ritu\ op k, om hodr'd rlbnend d{,llB ISI(rr.uI,r. h .{ii,, tr, rn Lon of.oml,.nqhon. d,nEl.3 r! rntl.J fr, thc
<br />S(r r, .l 176 ol rh llhn (iiL. inrftn and rn'my r Ic{
<br />t.b: AppUdr:
<br />LrcF\srn a.orirri(]tr)i
<br />Dgct { filN
<br />I lEEby rrrm uidr Frfty ol F,'lry rhd I m licn:d uid.r tmvi.i,n of (1rpl6 9 (onmBin8 snh Se:iion 7(rI) of l)nttu l
<br />or rlt BuiE$ rnd Ptur.shtu Cod., rrn ny ltffi ir h tull tu1r ed.fld
<br />rali f,I]r.I10ltl.ldlllllinaDli(IIhL(h!nlftrurtldlrtul!!ofluuryrldrhcrui1r.o.{BlnnSnnn8[3.Nynntltlf,rfortuk.ofrlr$'dt,rqhf,hrh!FrnrF
<br />nrkd rsrt' .iR7. (i\ c,
<br />aPPl lc IYr nFd rlrfioN
<br />I hod, rrm udc, Fntll, ol Farry oE or lh anlhrin! &.le.l-,n(
<br />D.mnnion Pcrnn+Ashcr'd f&tliaEdhn tudl Rc8llxir. (Tnk {o, Pe6r
<br />11.,1trr.(l I.I.' Ll Nd'll.ri,n
<br />l.cn'lyr, rrh.l.,l.rrlrrEUhrtr,n\ rcgMli'13 i\t$r^onor l )rr r i ,'fl,1'Nhl. n, rhA IxrJ.(r
<br />-
<br />l sl ily rhur I huvc r.ad rhh untltalion uxl strrc lhd fi. uh,vc inltrft n'n t conNr I aFe to omply wirfi lll ( i' y utrd (iiunry
<br />odinrtuT$Bl Srlrc l,*r Ekriu ro nuiuir8 ronqMrx'G uftl rE,cby lurhtr,c rcIr.€d.riv.s orrtu Ciry and Couniyt, cnrcr trF,n rh.
<br />ah,ec trrnri'ncd pn)llcnylor inyKiion puqnes
<br />Appllonlor,\*ml SiBmlur
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Li ght Standards
<br />S pas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Sgns (monumenl)
<br />Life Salety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Translormers
<br />Torqueino
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Rool Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Sollit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh)
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter
<br />FINAL 1 1t\t9 ulrfiq )
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Meter Release
<br />I